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Game sheet of space (file), Game of May 23, 2011 at 10:22

Word find
Word played
1 BCIOORW             BORIC H8 24 24  
2 DELORVY LORRY 10F 18 -38 18 3/3 DEVILRY 11E 56 80 3/3
3 ?BDELNY DEL(A)Y F10 20 -57 38 3/3 BYL(I)NED I3 77 157 3/3
4 AGORTVW             AVOW 10C 34 191 3/3
5 CEELMSX M(I)XES 6H 29 -23 67 6/7 XYLEMS 4H 52 243 3/7
6 ?DEFPTW             (U)PWAFTED C7 90 333 3/7
7 AJMNRTU JAMS M1 26 -13 93 5/8 UNJAM 12K 39 372 4/8
8 AFINRTT             INDRAFT 14A 38 410 6/8
9 EILORST STORM O8 21 -55 114 4/7 ESTRIOL 15G 76 486 5/8
10 DEGINOR DESIGN M2 18 -56 132 5/8 REDOING B1 74 560 5/9
11 EHIOOPR PRIOR 1A 24 -27 156 4/8 POOH 13K 51 611 5/9
12 AAEEKOT KIT A13 21 -40 177 3/8 ATOK A1 61 672 5/9
13 AEIINQT             NIQAB 3E 35 707 5/9
14 AEIOSTU             BEAUTIES 8H 33 740 5/9
15 AEGGHUZ             GHAZEL 5D 48 788 6/9
16 AEGIOST             EGO 6E 31 819 6/9
17 AACEINR CAIN A12 27 -56 204 2/8 ACARINES O1 83 902 6/9
18 EEISTUU             TEES C1 29 931 6/9

Total: 204/931 or -727 for 21.91%
Rank: 3849

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