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Game of May 23, 2011 at 15:36, 10 players
1. cipka_616 -402
2. margalang -444
3. scrab21 -483

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einoorw   H4    24    24   wooer
 2. deiklrs   9H    77   101   skirled
 3. belnouy   5E    48   149   boloney
 4. befosuz   L1    65   214   zebus
 5. aenrsuv   M6    74   288   unreaves
 6. ?ddeipu   8A    89   377   spuddier
 7. aaeinor   1K    42   419   azine
 8. aefgint   C2    80   499   fantigue
 9. aalmqrt   1H    51   550   atrazine
10. ailmntw   6E    30   580   aw
11. aceemnu   D1    35   615   came
12. ?chiovx   B3    66   681   hoax
13. deinoot   B8    26   707   pointed
14. ailortu  11H    72   779   outrival
15. egimopr  A12    31   810   emir
16. fgijlos   I3    31   841   gonif
17. aejopsv   A1    71   912   jaspe
18. achioqt  12D    37   949   aitch
19. lnoqtvy  13A    24   973   meynt

Remaining tiles: gloqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6001 Filecipka_616   1 20:22  -402  571     1.7011 musdrive    0  2:00  -952   21 
  2.5634 Filemargalang   0 17:04  -444  529            Group: intermediate
  3.5575 Filescrab21     0 18:02  -483  490     1.6001 cipka_616   1 20:22  -402  571 
  4.6877 Fileceosickey   1 15:19  -562  411     2.6877 ceosickey   1 15:19  -562  411 
  5.4011 Fileluna1841    0 19:18  -708  265            Group: novice
  6.5594 Filern.roselle  0  8:12  -812  161     1.5634 margalang   0 17:04  -444  529 
  7.5507 Filesunshine12  0  8:34  -831  142     2.5575 scrab21     0 18:02  -483  490 
  8.  -  FileCrystal     0  3:17  -922   51     3.5594 rn.roselle  0  8:12  -812  161 
  9.7011 Filemusdrive    0  2:00  -952   21     4.5507 sunshine12  0  8:34  -831  142 
 10.3013 Filecennet77    0  1:16  -966    7            Group: not rated
                                             1.4011 luna1841    0 19:18  -708  265 
                                             2.  -  Crystal     0  3:17  -922   51 
                                             3.3013 cennet77    0  1:16  -966    7 

On 1st draw, WOOER H4 24 --- WOOER one that woos [n]
Other moves: OWNER H4 18, OWNER H8 18, OWRIE H4 18, OWRIE H8 18, REWIN H4 18
WOOER H4 24 ceosickey
ROWEN H8 18 luna1841
REWIN H7 16 sunshine12
WORN H5 14 margalang, cipka_616
WIRE H8 14 scrab21

On 2nd draw, SKIRLED 9H 77 --- SKIRL to produce a shrill sound [v]
Other moves: KELOIDS 5E 48, KIDELS G5 29, KIDEL G5 28, KEIRS I3 27, SKRIED 9H 27
SKIRLED 9H 27 ceosickey
KED I3 21 cipka_616, musdrive
DORKS 6G 20 scrab21
WILDER 4H 20 luna1841
WIDES 4H 18 margalang

On 3rd draw, BOLONEY 5E 48 --- BOLONEY a seasoned sausage [n]
Other moves: NOBLY G3 35, YOB 8M 32, BEY 8M 31, BOY 8M 31, EBON 8L 31
YOB 8M 32 cipka_616, margalang
BEY 8M 31 scrab21
BOLONEY 5G 24 ceosickey
BUNDLE N6 17 luna1841

On 4th draw, ZEBUS L1 65 --- ZEBU an Asian ox [n]
Other tops: ZOBUS L1 65
Other moves: FUZES L1 55, FEZ 8M 53, BEZ 8M 49, FUZES 6J 45, FUZES 4K 44
BOOZES F3 37 luna1841, ceosickey
BIZ J8 34 scrab21
SIZE J8 33 margalang, Crystal
ZONE I3 30 cipka_616

On 5th draw, UNREAVES M6 74 --- UNREAVE to unweave [v]
Other moves: UNREAVES 7B 67, UNREAVES 2F 65, UNREAVES 7E 63, AZURE 1K 42, AZURN 1K 42
AZURE 1K 42 ceosickey
ZEAS 1L 39 scrab21, cipka_616
VASE 6B 19 margalang
RAVERS K9 18 Crystal
RIVEN J8 16 luna1841

On 6th draw, (S)PUDDIER 8A 89 --- SPUDDY podgy [adj]
Other tops: PUDD(L)IER 8A 89
Other moves: UP(S)IZED 1H 54, UP(S)IZE 1H 48, ZEP(S) 1L 42, ZIP(S) 1L 42, ZUP(A) 1L 42
ZIP(S) 1L 42 margalang, cipka_616, scrab21
BUDDE(D) E5 9 luna1841

On 7th draw, AZINE 1K 42 --- AZINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZEIN 1L 39, ZERO 1L 39, ZINE 1L 39, ZOEA 1L 39, ZONA 1L 39
AZINE 1K 42 cipka_616
ZINE 1L 39 scrab21
ZERO 1L 39 luna1841
ZONE 1L 39 margalang
ZORI 1L 39 ceosickey

On 8th draw, FANTIGUE C2 80 --- FANTIGUE anxiety [n]
Other moves: FEA(S)TING A5 63, GANEF 6B 38, FANG L12 32, GIF 6D 32, IF 10I 32
FANG L12 32 cipka_616
FATE L12 28 margalang
FE 10J 28 scrab21
(S)EATING A8 8 luna1841

On 9th draw, ATRAZINE 1H 51 --- ATRAZINE a weedkiller [n]
Other moves: QI 6B 31, MALA D1 29, MARA D1 29, QAT D1 29, LAMA D1 27
QI 6B 31 ceosickey, margalang
QAT D1 29 cipka_616
DRAMA E8 16 luna1841
MALE 12J 12 scrab21

On 10th draw, AW 6E 30 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other tops: MAWN L12 30
Other moves: LIFTMAN 2A 28, LIMA B1 28, WAIL L12 28, WAIN L12 28, WAIT L12 28
WANT L12 28 margalang
MAW L12 26 cipka_616
MA 6J 25 scrab21
WIN B1 24 ceosickey
TWINE 12I 16 luna1841

On 11th draw, CAME D1 35 --- CAME a leaden window rod [n]
Other moves: EMEU B2 30, CANE D1 29, MANE D1 29, MENE D1 29, MENU D1 29
MANE D1 29 cipka_616
MACE L12 28 margalang
NEEM B3 28 ceosickey
AM B5 22 scrab21
CAUSE 13J 7 luna1841

On 12th draw, HO(A)X B3 66 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other moves: CO(A)X B3 64, HO(A)X L12 54, X(U) 6J 53, (A)X B5 50, (E)X B5 50
CO(A)X B3 64 cipka_616
(A)X B5 50 margalang, ceosickey
HEX J4 29 scrab21

On 13th draw, POINTED B8 26 --- POINT to indicate direction with the finger [v]
Other moves: DENET 2K 23, IDE 10I 23, ODE 10I 23, BANDIED E5 22, DOOBIE 3I 22
DOVEN 11K 18 cipka_616
ONE 10I 17 scrab21
ROD 8M 15 margalang, rn.roselle
DE A4 14 luna1841

On 14th draw, OUTRIVAL 11H 72 --- OUTRIVAL to outdo in a competition or rivalry [v]
Other moves: TUTORIAL 12B 68, ARIL A12 23, URAO A12 23, ARIL 8L 21, LOUVAR 11J 18
RIVAL 11K 16 rn.roselle
RAT A13 14 cipka_616, scrab21
RAT 8M 12 margalang
AT A14 9 luna1841
TRAILS 13H 7 cennet77
TONE 4A 5 sunshine12

On 15th draw, EMIR A12 31 --- EMIR an Arab chieftain or prince [n]
Other tops: EPROM 12D 31, PROEM 12D 31
Other moves: MOP A13 28, P*M A13 28, POMBE 3I 28, GENOM I3 27, MOPIER 12D 27
MOP A13 28 cipka_616
MOG A13 25 margalang
LOPER O11 24 rn.roselle
REP 8M 18 sunshine12
RIM 8M 18 luna1841
TRIPE J11 13 scrab21

On 16th draw, GONIF I3 31 --- GONIF a thief [n]
Other moves: DIALOGS N9 30, JIG 2F 30, JOG 2F 30, MEJLIS 13A 30, OOF 6H 29
JIG 2F 30 scrab21
FEG 12L 27 cipka_616
JOBS 3J 26 sunshine12, rn.roselle, margalang
OF 12G 18 ceosickey
JIGS 13J 12 luna1841

On 17th draw, JASPE A1 71 --- JASPE rayon cloth with a shaded effect [n]
Other moves: JASP A1 66, LAPJE O11 45, JAPES 12D 33, JASPE 12D 33, RAJ 8M 33
RAJ 8M 33 margalang, scrab21
JAPES 12D 33 ceosickey
JOE 2F 28 cipka_616
LOVES O11 27 rn.roselle
JAPES 13I 22 sunshine12
TAPES J11 9 luna1841

On 18th draw, AITCH 12D 37 --- AITCH the letter H [n]
Other moves: QAT 2F 34, LAICH O11 33, LATCH O11 33, LICHT O11 33, LOACH O11 33
QAT 2F 34 scrab21, margalang, cipka_616, ceosickey
LATCH O11 33 sunshine12
CHA N5 31 rn.roselle

On 19th draw, MEYNT 13A 24 --- MING to mix [v]
Other moves: GLOBY 3I 22, QI E11 22, VINYL E11 22, VLY 2F 22, ATONY N11 20
QI E11 22 sunshine12, rn.roselle, margalang, cipka_616
VINT E11 14 scrab21

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