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Game of May 24, 2011 at 02:26, 9 players
1. TwoFold -461
2. Faeythe -503
3. slebbarc -693

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deillnw   H2    76    76   indwell
 2. ?degmrv   9D    23    99   dervs
 3. einstuz   2F    71   170   unitizes
 4. ?aaahhi   4H    86   256   dahabiah
 5. agkostu   O4    36   292   hakus
 6. eemmopv   1L    45   337   move
 7. denotuy   K4    98   435   autodyne
 8. anopqtu  10B    38   473   quat
 9. eegprrs  A10    41   514   sperre
10. egnorst  15A    80   594   estrogen
11. aaefnnt   5E    24   618   fetwa
12. abeinoy   8A    35   653   yebo
13. agijnot   4A    47   700   jingo
14. abgoort   1A    88   788   botargo
15. efilmnw   2B    35   823   few
16. ceillnp   D7    24   847   podalic
17. adiimnx  L11    48   895   admix
18. aeiilno  15K    36   931   axion

Remaining tiles: ceiilr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5815 FileTwoFold     1 18:21  -461  470     1.6439 jgbuzz      0 12:34  -702  229 
  2.5381 FileFaeythe     3 19:18  -503  428            Group: novice
  3.4371 Fileslebbarc    1 15:07  -693  238     1.5815 TwoFold     1 18:21  -461  470 
  4.6439 Filejgbuzz      0 12:34  -702  229     2.5381 Faeythe     3 19:18  -503  428 
  5.4113 FileBayouBev    0 19:08  -705  226     3.5154 jonb5       1  0:33  -895   36 
  6.3631 Filetonikay     0 24:35  -722  209            Group: not rated
  7.4226 FileYogiB143    0 21:13  -765  166     1.4371 slebbarc    1 15:07  -693  238 
  8.  -  FileNokomis129  0 14:59  -865   66     2.4113 BayouBev    0 19:08  -705  226 
  9.5154 Filejonb5       1  0:33  -895   36     3.3631 tonikay     0 24:35  -722  209 
                                             4.4226 YogiB143    0 21:13  -765  166 
                                             5.  -  Nokomis129  0 14:59  -865   66 

On 1st draw, INDWELL H2 76 --- INDWELL to live within [v]
Other moves: INDWELL H3 74, INDWELL H4 74, INDWELL H6 74, INDWELL H7 74, INDWELL H8 74
WILLED H4 28 Faeythe, jgbuzz
WIELD H4 26 slebbarc, TwoFold
DWELL H4 22 BayouBev
WIDEN H8 20 YogiB143
WIELD H5 18 tonikay

On 2nd draw, DERV(S) 9D 23 --- DERV fuel for a diesel engine road vehicle [n]
Other tops: GRE(A)VED 6F 23, GRIEV(E)D 2F 23, GRI(E)VED 2F 23
Other moves: DEV(S) 9E 22, DEW(O)RM 5F 22, M(A)WGER 5F 22, M(I)RVED 4C 22, W(A)RMED 5H 22
GRIEV(E)D 2F 23 Faeythe
W(O)VE 5H 18 tonikay
GR(A)VEL 7C 12 BayouBev
V(A)LE 7F 7 YogiB143
LEDG(E)R 8H 7 slebbarc

On 3rd draw, UNITIZES 2F 71 --- UNITIZE to divide into units [v]
Other tops: UNITIZES 2D 71
Other moves: SIZE 8A 46, ZINE 8A 46, ZITE 8A 46, ZEIN 10B 38, UNSIZED D3 36
ZINE 8A 46 TwoFold
ZEINS 2F 36 Faeythe
ZEES 6F 33 jgbuzz
ZEST E8 26 BayouBev
ZITS 2G 15 tonikay
TENSE E8 10 YogiB143

On 4th draw, DAHA(B)IAH 4H 86 --- DAHABIAH a large passage boat [n]
Other moves: HAHA 1L 53, HAH(A) 1L 50, HAH(S) 1L 50, HA(S)H 1L 50, HA(T)H 1L 50
HAH(S) 1L 50 Faeythe
HA(S)H 1L 50 TwoFold
AHI(S) 3K 32 jgbuzz
H(E)AR F6 14 YogiB143
HEI(R) E8 12 slebbarc
HAIL 7E 8 BayouBev
WA(I) 5H 5 tonikay

On 5th draw, HAKUS O4 36 --- HAKU the kingfish (Maori) [n]
Other moves: KAS 3M 35, KAGO 8A 34, SUKH O1 33, AUKS 1L 32, OAKS 1L 32
KAS 3M 35 jgbuzz
TOGA 8A 22 TwoFold
STEAK 6F 21 BayouBev
SKIT M2 16 slebbarc
AGA N4 6 tonikay
AT N4 2 YogiB143

On 6th draw, MOVE 1L 45 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other tops: MEVE 1L 45
Other moves: MEME 1L 42, MEMO 1L 42, MOME 1L 42, MOPE 1L 42, POEM 1L 42
MOVE 1L 45 TwoFold, Faeythe
PEEVE E8 20 jgbuzz
REMOVE F9 15 BayouBev
MOMS 8L 11 YogiB143
MOVE E6 9 tonikay

On 7th draw, AUTODYNE K4 98 --- AUTODYNE a type of electrical circuit [n]
Other moves: NOYED 8A 37, TOYED 8A 37, TYNED 8A 37, DOYEN 8A 36, TONEY 8A 36
OYE 5J 28 TwoFold, Faeythe
UNDYED D4 24 jgbuzz
DENOTE 6C 9 tonikay

On 8th draw, QUAT 10B 38 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other moves: OPAQUE 6C 37, QUARTO F6 37, QUART F6 36, QUA 10B 35, QUEP 6F 35
QUART F6 36 Faeythe, jgbuzz
TOQUE E5 28 slebbarc
TUNA 8A 19 TwoFold
QUAD D6 15 tonikay
PET E8 5 Nokomis129
TONE 11H 4 YogiB143

On 9th draw, SPERRE A10 41 --- SPERRE to bolt [v]
Other tops: REPEGS A5 41
Other moves: GEEPS A6 38, SERGER A10 38, REGREETS E4 36, PEERS A6 35, PEGS A7 35
PEGS A7 35 TwoFold
EQUATE 10A 21 jgbuzz
YEP 9K 11 Faeythe
GREE 6F 9 tonikay
PEGS 11J 7 YogiB143

On 10th draw, ESTROGEN 15A 80 --- ESTROGEN a female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus [n]
Other moves: TONGERS 12E 73, ESTROGEN 12A 70, ESTROGEN 6B 63, GROSET 12H 31, STONER J6 30
GORSE 12H 29 slebbarc
GOERS F6 29 tonikay
NOTERS F5 27 TwoFold
DANGERS D9 20 BayouBev
HOES J4 17 Faeythe
ROSTER 14A 16 Nokomis129
TREES 11I 5 YogiB143

On 11th draw, FETWA 5E 24 --- FETWA a religious decree of death [n]
Other tops: ENFANT L10 24, FAENA J9 24, FATWA 5E 24
Other moves: FAAN J9 23, FAENA L11 23, FANE J9 23, FATE J9 23, FEAT J9 23
FAE L7 21 Faeythe
FEAT L11 19 TwoFold
DAFT D9 16 BayouBev
DATE D9 10 Nokomis129
RANT 13A 8 YogiB143
OF 7K 5 tonikay

On 12th draw, YEBO 8A 35 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other moves: BONEY J7 33, BAYE 11D 30, BONEY 4B 30, EBONY L11 30, OBEY J8 30
YAE 11D 25 Faeythe
BONY J9 24 TwoFold
BONEY J11 16 BayouBev
YEAR D12 14 YogiB143
LAID 8H 5 tonikay
BEE 11J 5 Nokomis129

On 13th draw, JINGO 4A 47 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other moves: JIAO J7 34, JIGOT 4B 33, JOTA 6B 32, JATO 14E 31, GAJO 4B 29
JIN J7 27 Faeythe
JA 14E 25 TwoFold
JOT C13 20 slebbarc
JOIN H12 19 BayouBev
JAIL 7E 12 tonikay
GNAT C12 10 YogiB143
RAIN 13A 8 Nokomis129

On 14th draw, BOTARGO 1A 88 --- BOTARGO a type of relish made from mullet roe [n]
Other moves: BOTARGO J9 79, BOTARGO 14G 68, TABOO J7 27, TABOR J7 27, GOBO J7 26
BOAR J9 21 TwoFold
AT 5A 13 Faeythe
BOAR D12 12 YogiB143
JAB A4 12 tonikay
BAT C13 10 slebbarc
BOON H12 9 BayouBev
ROOT 13A 8 Nokomis129

On 15th draw, FEW 2B 35 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: FEEL 6F 33, FEM 2B 32, WEM 2B 32, WIFE J7 32, MEW 2B 31
MEW J9 26 TwoFold
WEFT C12 20 slebbarc
WIFE 14G 19 BayouBev
YEW 9K 13 Faeythe
ELF 7G 11 YogiB143

On 16th draw, PODALIC D7 24 --- PODALIC of the feet [adj]
Other tops: PENI J7 24, PINE J7 24
Other moves: PENCIL 14G 22, PIP 11A 22, LINE J7 20, NEP J9 20, NIP J9 20
PENI J7 24 Faeythe
PIP 11A 22 tonikay
NICE L11 14 TwoFold
PENCIL 10I 14 slebbarc
PENCIL 11J 10 YogiB143
PEN 10I 7 BayouBev
NINE 10K 6 Nokomis129

On 17th draw, ADMIX L11 48 --- ADMIX to mix [v]
Other moves: ADMIX J10 40, ADMIX L10 35, MINX 14G 35, MINX N7 35, MINX J11 33
XI L11 27 TwoFold
AX L10 20 slebbarc
AX L11 20 Faeythe
AXE 11I 10 tonikay
MAIDEN 11G 9 YogiB143
MIND 10I 9 BayouBev
EA 11K 2 Nokomis129

On 18th draw, AXION 15K 36 --- AXION a hypothetical subatomic particle [n]
Other tops: AXILE 15K 36, AXONE 15K 36
Other moves: ALINE J6 27, ALONE J6 27, ANI M13 25, ANILE J8 22, ANOLE J8 22
AXION 15K 36 jonb5, slebbarc
ONE 5A 16 TwoFold
LAME 13J 12 YogiB143
OXEN 15K 11 Faeythe
LAX 15J 10 tonikay
COIN 13D 7 BayouBev
DIAL 12L 6 Nokomis129

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