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Game of May 24, 2011 at 05:26, 4 players
1. haminadoki -585
2. jeff -613
3. BayouBev -719

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ckoost   H6    84    84   schtook
 2. ?eeeiwz   8G    69   153   wheezier
 3. bdeelor   L4    72   225   erodible
 4. aadeint   N8    70   295   raindate
 5. aaefory   K5    44   339   oyez
 6. adehlrt  15H   167   506   haltered
 7. aelnnpr   6A    64   570   planners
 8. agiinsu   B6    61   631   linguisa
 9. aeeiqrs  14F    37   668   qis
10. aeiorst   E4    82   750   senorita
11. abfirtt   M3    31   781   frab
12. egilruv   A3    38   819   griple
13. aemntuv  A11    33   852   manet
14. fhiopuu  C12    33   885   pho
15. adintuy   N2    32   917   tynd
16. acgimov  13I    34   951   vomica
17. afouuwx   F9    33   984   fox
18. agijuuv   D1    44  1028   juga

Remaining tiles: iuuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6172 Filehaminadoki  0 18:41  -585  443     1.6172 haminadoki  0 18:41  -585  443 
  2.5952 Filejeff        0 21:53  -613  415            Group: novice
  3.4299 FileBayouBev    0 24:12  -719  309     1.5952 jeff        0 21:53  -613  415 
  4.4797 Fileslebbarc    0 17:12  -832  196            Group: not rated
                                             1.4299 BayouBev    0 24:12  -719  309 
                                             2.4797 slebbarc    0 17:12  -832  196 

On 1st draw, SC(H)TOOK H6 84 --- SCHTOOK trouble [n]
Other moves: SC(H)TOOK H3 80, SC(H)TOOK H4 76, SC(H)TOOK H7 76, SC(H)TOOK H8 76, SC(H)TOOK H2 74
STOCK H8 32 jeff
C(R)OOKS H8 32 haminadoki
COOKS H4 28 BayouBev
STOCK H4 24 slebbarc

On 2nd draw, W(H)EEZIE(R) 8G 69 --- WHEEZY characterized by wheezing [adj]
Other moves: WEIZE(S) 13C 48, W(H)EEZES 6B 46, WEIZE I10 40, WEIZE(D) I10 40, WEIZE(S) I10 40
SIZE 6H 33 haminadoki, jeff
O(O)ZE 10H 32 slebbarc
Z(O)O 10F 31 BayouBev

On 3rd draw, ERODIBLE L4 72 --- ERODIBLE capable of being eroded [adj]
Other tops: REBOILED L4 72
Other moves: ZEROED K8 32, (R)EBORED N8 30, BLEEDER M3 26, KERBED 12H 26, ZERO K8 26
DOB I11 18 haminadoki
LOBES 6D 13 slebbarc
BLEED M5 11 BayouBev
BROKE 12E 11 jeff

On 4th draw, (R)AINDATE N8 70 --- RAINDATE an alternate date in the event of rain [n]
Other moves: DENTA(R)IA N3 62, NABE 9J 23, ADNATE K10 22, (R)ADIANT N8 22, (R)ADIATE N8 22
WANT G8 15 BayouBev
ZA K8 15 haminadoki
DINE M2 14 jeff
KIND 12H 9 slebbarc

On 5th draw, OYEZ K5 44 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: OYER O12 41, *F*Y M12 40, ZOAEA K8 38, REF O13 37, FAYER 15K 36
OF O14 32 haminadoki, jeff
FRAY 13L 20 BayouBev

On 6th draw, HALTERED 15H 167 --- HALTER to put restraint upon [v]
Other tops: LATHERED 15H 167
Other moves: AHED O12 47, ADHERE M5 45, DAH O13 41, RAHED M11 39, THEED 15K 39
RAH O13 37 jeff
REH O13 37 haminadoki
HEADS 6D 11 BayouBev

On 7th draw, PLANNERS 6A 64 --- PLANNER one that plans [n]
Other moves: RAPER M11 30, REPLAN M1 27, PLANE 14F 26, PLENA 14F 26, PRANKLE 12D 26
PRANK 12D 22 BayouBev, slebbarc, jeff, haminadoki

On 8th draw, LINGUISA B6 61 --- LINGUISA a spicy Portuguese sausage [n]
Other moves: PAUSING A6 36, SIPING A4 30, PIGNUS A6 27, PUNGAS A6 27, SPAING A5 27
PAUSING A6 36 BayouBev
PANGS A6 24 jeff
GINS 13E 19 haminadoki

On 9th draw, QIS 14F 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: SAREE 14B 34, SEARE 14B 34, SERAI 14B 34, SIREE 14B 34, SAIR 14B 28
SIRE 14B 28 jeff, haminadoki
QUEERS 10A 17 slebbarc
RISK 12E 8 BayouBev

On 10th draw, SENORITA E4 82 --- SENORITA an unmarried Spanish girl or woman [n]
Other tops: ANOESTRI E5 82
SET 14B 26 haminadoki
EST 14A 26 jeff
SNORT 8A 18 BayouBev

On 11th draw, FRAB M3 31 --- FRAB to worry [v]
Other tops: FIB C11 31
Other moves: BAFT D9 29, FAB A13 29, FIB A13 29, ABRI A12 28, FRABS 4A 28
FAB A13 29 haminadoki
FAR M13 24 jeff
FIRST 4B 16 BayouBev
BRAT C4 10 slebbarc

On 12th draw, GRIPLE A3 38 --- GRIPLE gripping [adj]
Other moves: REGULI 15A 35, VILE D1 26, VIRE D1 26, VLEI D1 26, GIVE D1 24
GIRLS 4A 16 BayouBev
VIAL 13L 14 jeff
VAG 13M 14 haminadoki

On 13th draw, MANET A11 33 --- MANET a stage direction [n]
Other tops: MEANT A11 33, MENTA A11 33
Other moves: AMEN A12 28, UNMEANT D1 28, VATMAN C2 28, AMENT D8 27, VATMEN F2 27
MAVEN 13A 20 slebbarc
VAE N2 20 haminadoki
MAT A13 19 jeff
RENTS 4A 10 BayouBev

On 14th draw, PHO C12 33 --- PHO expressing disgust [interj]
Other tops: PHI C12 33
Other moves: FOHN D3 29, OCH 7G 29, FOH K11 28, HIP C13 28, HOP C13 28
HIP C13 28 BayouBev
HOP C13 28 haminadoki
PHI C13 26 jeff
HOUR G3 11 slebbarc

On 15th draw, TYND N2 32 --- TIND to kindle [v]
Other moves: DANNY D3 29, DAYNT D3 29, DUNNY D3 29, TINNY D3 27, TUNNY D3 27
YAR M13 24 haminadoki
AY K10 22 jeff
DAY 13M 14 BayouBev
STAY 4E 11 slebbarc

On 16th draw, VOMICA 13I 34 --- VOMICA a cavity in the body containing pus [n]
Other moves: CAMION D1 32, AMNIO D4 29, VAGI D1 28, VIGA D1 28, CAMO D1 26
MIC K11 22 jeff
MAR M13 20 haminadoki
OVA 13L 12 BayouBev
GAS 4C 8 slebbarc

On 17th draw, FOX F9 33 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other tops: FAX F9 33
Other moves: WO 14J 32, FAWN D3 29, EAUX I8 26, FUM K11 26, FAW F9 25
WO O1 17 haminadoki
XI G13 17 jeff
WAX 11D 13 BayouBev

On 18th draw, JUGA D1 44 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other moves: AJIVA C2 30, JA O1 29, JAI 15D 29, JAI F2 28, JAVA C3 28
JA O1 29 haminadoki
JAG C5 19 slebbarc
VIE 11J 12 jeff

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