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Game sheet of lastlea (file), Game of May 24, 2011 at 14:37

Word find
Word played
1 ?DEGIIN             I(N)DIGEN H8 70 70  
2 CEOTTTW             OCTETT 15C 60 130  
3 DFGIKNO             FINK 14F 34 164  
4 AEIIMOS             AMIES J10 25 189  
5 ?EEHNOT             THE(R)EON K7 81 270  
6 ADEEIOR             RHODIE 8J 33 303  
7 EMSSTUX             MUSETS L10 36 339  
8 AELLPRY             SPRY 15L 27 366  
9 DEHOOQU             QUOHOG 12C 38 404  
10 AABLORV             BRAVADO M3 30 434  
11 DEFINPR             FIND 13B 43 477  
12 AACLRTW             WAP M13 32 509  
13 CGIJNSU             JIGS N10 36 545  
14 AEGILRW             WARIER 4H 26 571  
15 AABLRTX LAX 3I 25 -5 25 2/2 BRAWL H1 30 601 3/4
16 ACDENVY             DYE 11D 37 638 3/5
17 AELORUV VALE 3G 17 -5 42 1/2 OVERALL 5C 22 660 2/5
18 CEEILPX PIX K3 24 -59 66 1/2 EXCIPLE B3 83 743 2/5
19 AGLNOTZ ZONA A1 54   120 1/3       797 2/6
20 AGLNNTU             UNTANGLE O1 80 877 2/6

Total: 120/877 or -757 for 13.68%
Rank: -

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