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Game of May 24, 2011 at 19:13, 5 players
1. sunshine12 -671
2. lesft -732
3. katfish -840

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdegosw   H4    30    30   wodges
 2. aeinost   G7    69    99   atonies
 3. deilrst  11D    86   185   redistil
 4. afgimot   D8    32   217   fogram
 5. aegilnr   5D    86   303   regional
 6. ellnouz   4A    50   353   zone
 7. ?abeeil   A1   212   565   seizable
 8. deeijlm  C12    41   606   jedi
 9. deehist   L8    90   696   heisted
10. ?ahnnot   J4    65   761   danthonia
11. aabeqru  15A    45   806   quire
12. aiorruu   E7    26   832   oarier
13. acmotuu  H11    39   871   smout
14. aceiltv   2A    36   907   elative
15. aacfipr   1G    37   944   picara
16. cknouxy   B4    45   989   oxy
17. copuuwy   8L    36  1025   hypo
18. fknuuvw   7M    28  1053   fun

Remaining tiles: bckuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5556 Filesunshine12  2 17:06  -671  382     1.6003 mylover81   0  1:53 -1035   18 
  2.  -  Filelesft       0 17:09  -732  321            Group: novice
  3.3683 Filekatfish     0 11:26  -840  213     1.5556 sunshine12  2 17:06  -671  382 
  4.  -  Fileddlavonne   0  3:41 -1028   25            Group: not rated
  5.6003 Filemylover81   0  1:53 -1035   18     1.  -  lesft       0 17:09  -732  321 
                                             2.3683 katfish     0 11:26  -840  213 
                                             3.  -  ddlavonne   0  3:41 -1028   25 

On 1st draw, WODGES H4 30 --- WODGE a chunk of something [n]
Other tops: BOWSED H4 30
Other moves: BOWED H4 28, BOWSED H7 28, WODGE H4 28, BODGES H4 26, BOWED H8 26
BODES H8 18 lesft
WEBS H5 18 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, ATONIES G7 69 --- ATONY muscular debility [n]
Other moves: ATONIES I8 64, ASTONIED 6A 63, SEDATION 6F 63, ATONIES G9 62, ASSIENTO 9F 61
WAIST 4H 16 sunshine12
WANTS 4H 16 lesft

On 3rd draw, REDISTIL 11D 86 --- REDISTIL to distil again [v]
Other moves: RELISTED 12A 74, RELISTED 12F 70, REDISTIL 11A 68, STOLIDER 5F 68, STRODLE 5E 32
WEIRDS 4H 20 lesft
WRIST 4H 16 sunshine12

On 4th draw, FOGRAM D8 32 --- FOGRAM a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: STOMA H11 29, IMAGO 10I 28, MAGOT 10J 28, TOMIA I3 26, FAGOT 12J 25
W*G 4H 7 sunshine12

On 5th draw, REGIONAL 5D 86 --- REGIONAL something that serves as a region [n]
Other moves: ENGRAIL C3 78, NARGILE L6 78, REALIGN L8 78, ALERTING I7 74, ALIGNER E3 73
WAILER 4H 18 lesft
WAGER 4H 18 katfish

On 6th draw, ZONE 4A 50 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ZONURE D1 50
Other moves: L*Z C7 49, ZONER D1 48, ZONE C12 45, ZEL C12 43, ZOL C12 43
LAZE J4 33 sunshine12
AZO J5 32 katfish
ZIN J10 32 lesft

On 7th draw, (S)EIZABLE A1 212 --- SEIZABLE able to be seized [adj] --- SEIZE to take hold of suddenly and forcibly [adj]
Other moves: (S)IZEABLE A2 104, BAILEE(S) L8 82, DELIBA(T)E 6H 70, SEABLI(T)E 13G 70, SEI(S)ABLE 13G 70
BLAZE A1 48 sunshine12
(S)ABLE L5 16 katfish
BILE(S) J10 12 lesft

On 8th draw, JEDI C12 41 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JEED C12 41
Other moves: JEEL C12 39, SMILE H11 39, JEE C12 37, JEMMIES 13A 36, JEDI 4J 35
JIG 10B 27 sunshine12
JAM J4 18 katfish, lesft

On 9th draw, HEISTED L8 90 --- HEIST to steal [v]
Other moves: HEISTED L2 86, SHIED H11 50, SHIES H11 47, SHIST H11 47, SHITE H11 47
HEISTED 15A 36 sunshine12
HIDES J10 19 katfish, lesft

On 10th draw, (D)ANTHONIA J4 65 --- DANTHONIA
Other moves: ANTI(P)HON J8 64, SHOAT H11 47, SHOA(L) H11 44, SHOA(T) H11 44, SHON(E) H11 44
HAN(D) 8L 18 lesft
HOG 10B 15 sunshine12
(S)HANT(Y) 1A 8 katfish

On 11th draw, QUIRE 15A 45 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: BARQUE M3 41, QUAG F2 34, BURQA M4 31, QUARE E1 28, HABU 8L 27
QUIRE 15A 45 sunshine12
QUEER D1 24 katfish
HEAR 8L 21 lesft

On 12th draw, OARIER E7 26 --- OARY like oars [adj]
Other moves: HAIR 8L 21, HARO 8L 21, HOAR 8L 21, HORA 8L 21, HORI 8L 21
HAIR 8L 21 lesft, sunshine12

On 13th draw, SMOUT H11 39 --- SMOUT to work as a compositor doing odd jobs [v]
Other moves: MUDCAT 14J 34, MOTUCA M3 31, MUTUCA M3 31, STOMA H11 29, CAMO M7 28
CAM M7 25 sunshine12
(S)CAM 1A 10 katfish
(S)MUT 1A 6 lesft

On 14th draw, ELATIVE 2A 36 --- ELATIVE an adjectival form in some languages [n]
Other moves: ACTIVE M3 35, HAVE 8L 30, HIVE 8L 30, CLAVIE M3 29, CADET 14J 28
HIVE 8L 30 sunshine12
HAVE 8L 30 lesft
CAVE M5 18 katfish
(S)AVE 1A 7 ddlavonne

On 15th draw, PICARA 1G 37 --- PICARA a female picaro [n]
Other moves: FACIA 1G 35, FARCI 1G 35, FACIA B8 32, FRAP 1G 32, FIAR B10 31
HARP 8L 27 lesft

On 16th draw, OXY B4 45 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other tops: COX M7 45
Other moves: NOX M7 41, HOCK 8L 39, HUCK 8L 39, OX M8 39, OX M12 38
COX M7 45 sunshine12
HONK 8L 33 lesft
DOCK 14L 22 katfish

On 17th draw, HYPO 8L 36 --- HYPO to inject with a hypodermic needle [v]
Other moves: YOW 2L 23, OUP K7 21, W*P 2L 21, YUP 1C 21, YUP 2L 21
DOW 14L 14 katfish

On 18th draw, FUN 7M 28 --- FUN providing enjoyment [adj] --- FUN to act playfully [v]
Other moves: EWK 13L 20, FAWN C1 20, FUNKY M4 20, KEF 13K 20, PUKU N8 20
FEW 13K 18 mylover81
DUNK 14L 18 ddlavonne
FAUN C1 14 katfish
PUNK N8 12 lesft

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