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Game of May 25, 2011 at 00:40, 6 players
1. Faeythe -527
2. lastlea -527
3. dannyboy -783

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabfino   H4    20    20   bania
 2. aelmnpu   G5    29    49   lumpen
 3. ?cdehqr  H10    47    96   echard
 4. adejnnr   F6    56   152   ja
 5. abiloxy  12H    42   194   haybox
 6. egiirsu  10D    66   260   signeurie
 7. adeiilr   D5    70   330   lairised
 8. ?ddeooz  14E    92   422   odorized
 9. aiilosu  13L    30   452   lias
10. aeenoow  O11    36   488   owsen
11. ahiprtu  15A    44   532   prahu
12. aeikoty   I6    41   573   key
13. ceglnor  B10    30   603   conger
14. aeeorsv   J2    36   639   veers
15. egioost   N5    64   703   gooiest
16. aeiltuw   O6    36   739   wite
17. aflnttu   E9    26   765   fila
18. ainnrtu   C1    73   838   urinant
19. fmoqttv   1A    36   874   ovum

Remaining tiles: fqttt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5444 FileFaeythe     0 15:17  -527  347     1.6031 lastlea     0 24:50  -527  347 
  2.6031 Filelastlea     0 24:50  -527  347            Group: novice
  3.5069 Filedannyboy    0  7:00  -783   91     1.5444 Faeythe     0 15:17  -527  347 
  4.3623 Filetonikay     0  8:07  -814   60     2.5069 dannyboy    0  7:00  -783   91 
  5.3631 Filekatfish     0  6:20  -821   53     3.5400 megawoman   0  2:58  -851   23 
  6.5400 Filemegawoman   0  2:58  -851   23            Group: not rated
                                             1.3623 tonikay     0  8:07  -814   60 
                                             2.3631 katfish     0  6:20  -821   53 

On 1st draw, BANIA H4 20 --- BANIA an Indian fig tree [n]
Other moves: BANIA H8 16, FAB H6 16, FAB H7 16, FAB H8 16, FIB H6 16
FOB H6 16 lastlea
BONA H5 12 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, LUMPEN G5 29 --- LUMPEN an uprooted individual [n]
Other moves: MAPLE G5 28, AMPULE G6 27, AMPLE G6 26, AMPUL G6 26, LAMP G5 26
MAPLE G5 28 Faeythe
PLUME G7 22 lastlea

On 3rd draw, ECH(A)RD H10 47 --- ECHARD the water in the soil not available to plants [n]
Other moves: (O)CHRED H10 46, RELACH(E) 5E 44, R(E)LACHE 5E 44, (A)RCHED H10 43, R(I)CHED I5 38
HERD I8 17 Faeythe

On 4th draw, JA F6 56 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: RAJ F4 55, JA G13 35, JARRED 14F 32, HEJRA 12H 30, JAR 14F 26
JAR 14F 26 Faeythe, lastlea

On 5th draw, HAYBOX 12H 42 --- HAYBOX an insulated box which lets hot things cook further [n]
Other moves: AX I12 38, OX I12 38, BOXILY F9 37, BORAX 14F 36, BOXILY 4H 36
OX I12 38 Faeythe
AX I12 38 lastlea

On 6th draw, SIGNEURIE 10D 66 --- SIGNEURIE
Other moves: IRIS 13K 32, RIGS 13L 30, RUGS 13L 30, IURE 13L 28, RIG 13L 28
RUGS 13L 30 Faeythe
RISE 13L 28 lastlea

On 7th draw, LAIRISED D5 70 --- LAIRISE to act like a flashy man [v]
Other moves: ARID 13K 34, ARIEL 13K 34, IRID 13K 34, ARIL 13K 32, DIAL 13L 31
RIDE 13L 30 Faeythe

On 8th draw, ODOR(I)ZED 14E 92 --- ODORIZE to make odorous [v]
Other moves: ZOO G13 47, ZE(A) G13 45, ZE(E) G13 45, ZO(A) G13 45, ZO(O) G13 45
ZEA 6B 32 Faeythe
ZO(N)ED 15D 24 lastlea

On 9th draw, LIAS 13L 30 --- LIAS early Jurassic rocks, LIASES [n]
Other moves: LIS 13L 28, LI 13L 26, AIOLI 15K 24, IOS 13M 24, ISO 13M 24
LIS 13L 28 lastlea
IS 13M 22 Faeythe

On 10th draw, OWSEN O11 36 --- OWSE an ox [n]
Other moves: WANDOO 15E 32, WEASON O10 30, ENSEW O11 27, WANE C11 22, WEAN C11 22
WEAR 8A 21 Faeythe
SOW O13 18 lastlea

On 11th draw, PRAHU 15A 44 --- PRAHU a swift Malaysian sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: THRIP 15A 37, HAP C7 33, HUP C7 33, PAH C7 33, PUH C7 33
PAH C7 33 Faeythe
HAIR 8A 21 lastlea

On 12th draw, KEY I6 41 --- KEY to provide with a key (a device used to turn the bolt in a lock) [v]
Other tops: KAY I6 41
Other moves: KAT I6 35, KET I6 35, YOKE 9I 34, KYAR 8A 33, ATOK C6 32
KOI G13 25 lastlea
AYE N13 24 Faeythe

On 13th draw, CONGER B10 30 --- CONGER a marine eel [n]
Other moves: CLONER B10 28, CORNER B10 28, GROCER B10 26, BECLOG 4H 22, CONGREE L4 22
JUNKER 6F 19 lastlea
ARE N13 12 Faeythe

On 14th draw, VEERS J2 36 --- VEER to change direction [v]
Other tops: VARES J2 36, VOARS J2 36
Other moves: REAVES J1 31, ARVOS J2 30, AVERS J2 30, EAVES J2 30, EREVS J2 30
VAS J4 26 lastlea
BRAVES 4H 22 Faeythe, katfish
BORES 4H 14 tonikay

On 15th draw, GOOIEST N5 64 --- GOOEY sticky or viscid [adj]
Other moves: OES 15J 23, EGOS C6 20, IOTA C12 20, DOOS 15H 19, GEITS M6 19
GOERS 8A 18 dannyboy
GOOSE C1 14 lastlea
SIGNEURIES 10D 11 katfish
BEET 4H 6 tonikay

On 16th draw, WITE O6 36 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other tops: WETA O6 36
Other moves: WAIL 8L 33, WAIT 8L 33, WEIL 8L 33, EWT O6 31, WET O6 31
WAIT 8L 33 dannyboy
AWE N13 24 lastlea
LAIR 8A 12 tonikay
WELT 3I 11 megawoman

On 17th draw, FILA E9 26 --- FILUM a threadlike anatomical structure [n]
Other moves: FETAL 3I 24, FETTA 3I 24, VATFUL 2J 24, FAUN M3 23, FAUT M3 23
VAULT 2J 16 dannyboy
FEAT 3I 11 tonikay
VAT 2J 6 katfish

On 18th draw, URINANT C1 73 --- URINANT diving head downward [adj]
Other moves: AURA C12 21, ARNUT M2 19, INRUN M2 19, RIANT C3 19, TINAJA F2 18
VAUNT 2J 16 dannyboy
TOW 6M 6 tonikay

On 19th draw, OVUM 1A 36 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other moves: OF E4 22, OF 15J 21, MOT B1 20, TOFT E2 20, OM 15J 19
FROM 2B 18 lastlea
FORT 2A 14 katfish
FEM 3I 12 megawoman
QI 3B 11 tonikay
MOI 7M 8 dannyboy

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