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Game of May 25, 2011 at 12:00, 4 players
1. cipka_616 -477
2. Faeythe -621
3. remij -666

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eiimosx   H3    46    46   exomis
 2. ?innstt   8A    74   120   tennists
 3. eenstwy   G2    37   157   swey
 4. beefort   3G    36   193   webfeet
 5. ?aemrtv   E5    98   291   ambivert
 6. aallors  13A    23   314   orals
 7. efknnor  A12    45   359   fork
 8. abeghuv   4L    34   393   have
 9. acnrttu   B1    72   465   truncate
10. dhiilop   O4    33   498   ephod
11. aeijlnp   D2    41   539   lapje
12. abegnoo   I3    30   569   boba
13. adeinor   N6    74   643   aneroid
14. egilnqy   2K    32   675   eying
15. agioruz  O12    46   721   izar
16. cegillo  14H    76   797   collegia
17. aenoquw  B10    77   874   quare
18. deiinoo  H12    27   901   dice
19. dginouw   J6    37   938   wound

Remaining tiles: giiou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6040 Filecipka_616   3 15:57  -477  461     1.6040 cipka_616   3 15:57  -477  461 
  2.5479 FileFaeythe     0 15:38  -621  317            Group: novice
  3.3577 Fileremij       1 22:48  -666  272     1.5479 Faeythe     0 15:38  -621  317 
  4.2515 Filesathish     0 11:26  -817  121            Group: not rated
                                             1.3577 remij       1 22:48  -666  272 
                                             2.2515 sathish     0 11:26  -817  121 

On 1st draw, EXOMIS H3 46 --- EXOMIS a Roman sleeveless garment [n]
Other tops: OXIMES H3 46
Other moves: MOXIES H4 36, MIXES H4 34, MOXIE H4 34, EXOMIS H4 32, EXOMIS H7 32
MIXES H4 34 cipka_616
SOME H7 12 remij

On 2nd draw, T(E)NNISTS 8A 74 --- TENNIST a tennis player [n]
Other tops: INST(A)NTS 8A 74
Other moves: NETTIN(G)S 3G 68, SENTI(E)NT 3G 68, STENTIN(G) 3F 68, S(E)NTIENT 3C 68, TENNIST(S) 3G 68
NIN(E)S I3 26 cipka_616
SIX 4F 10 remij
S(O)X 4F 9 sathish

On 3rd draw, SWEY G2 37 --- SWEY to sway [v]
Other moves: SWEENEY 3C 36, WEY G3 36, YEW G3 36, NEWEST G3 35, YEWEN G1 35
YEW G3 36 cipka_616
WEST F6 15 Faeythe
SEXY 4F 14 remij
WEX 4F 13 sathish

On 4th draw, WEBFEET 3G 36 --- WEBFOOT a foot having the toes joined by a membrane [n]
Other moves: FOREX 4D 30, FEER F1 29, FEET F1 29, BEER F1 28, BEET F1 28
BO I3 28 sathish
OR F3 18 cipka_616
WEFT 3G 14 Faeythe
MOB 6H 13 remij

On 5th draw, AM(B)IVERT E5 98 --- AMBIVERT a person whose personality type is intermediate between introvert and extravert [n]
Other moves: AVERME(N)T L1 78, AV(E)RMENT C2 78, VARMENT(S) C3 78, AVERM(E)NT C2 76, V(I)AMET(E)R B2 76
M(O)VE 4L 27 cipka_616
MEAT 4K 22 Faeythe
F*RT J3 9 sathish

On 6th draw, ORALS 13A 23 --- ORAL an examination requiring spoken answers [n]
Other tops: OLLAS 13A 23, ROLLS 13A 23
Other moves: *B*S I2 22, AALS 13B 21, ALAS 13B 21, ALLS 13B 21, ALSO 13C 21
OARS 13B 21 cipka_616
ALL 4J 17 Faeythe
RALES 10B 9 remij
REAL 10D 6 sathish

On 7th draw, FORK A12 45 --- FORK to work with a fork (a pronged implement) [v]
Other moves: FORK 4L 44, KORE A12 39, KORO A12 39, KEF I5 37, BOKE I3 34
FORK A12 45 remij, cipka_616
KNEE L1 26 Faeythe
KRONE 11D 9 sathish

On 8th draw, HAVE 4L 34 --- HAVE a wealthy person [n] --- HAVE to be in possession of [v]
Other moves: HABU 4L 32, BEEGAH L1 30, BATHE 12C 28, BEHAVE K2 28, BEHAVE L2 28
BAGH D2 25 cipka_616
REH 14A 21 Faeythe
BEAR B10 17 sathish
VEX 4F 13 remij

On 9th draw, TRUNCAT(E) B1 72 --- TRUNCATE to shorten by cutting off a part [v]
Other moves: NECTAR K2 29, RECANT K2 29, CENTAUR O3 27, RECTA K2 27, RECUT K2 27
RACE O1 18 cipka_616, Faeythe
TAR B11 8 sathish
TAN C6 4 remij

On 10th draw, EPHOD O4 33 --- EPHOD an ancient Hebrew vestment [n]
Other tops: HOPED O1 33, POH C3 33
Other moves: HILD 2L 28, HIP 2L 28, HOLED O1 27, HOPE O1 27, PELOID O3 27
HOPED O1 33 cipka_616
HIDE O1 24 remij
FOH 12A 16 Faeythe
DE 10D 3 sathish

On 11th draw, LAPJE D2 41 --- LAPJE a rag [n]
Other moves: LAPJE N7 35, JAPE D3 34, JET 12C 33, LAPJE D1 32, YOJAN 5G 30
JET 12C 33 cipka_616
JAIL N7 25 Faeythe
TAPE M3 6 remij

On 12th draw, BOBA I3 30 --- BOBA a skin disease, yaws [n]
Other moves: OBANG N6 28, NABOB I1 27, BATOON 12C 26, BONA I3 26, BONE I3 26
BATE 12C 20 remij
ONE N6 17 cipka_616
KNOB 15A 13 Faeythe
ATE 1A 9 sathish

On 13th draw, ANEROID N6 74 --- ANEROID a type of barometer [n]
Other moves: ANEROID N8 73, ANEROID J6 69, ORDAINER 11D 68, REORDAIN 11E 68, REORDAIN 11B 59
DINER J6 22 cipka_616
DATER 12C 19 remij
ADORE 10A 10 sathish

On 14th draw, EYING 2K 32 --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: YEN J6 30, YIN J6 30, YE J6 29, GYRE B11 28, INLY O12 28
QUEAN 3A 28 Faeythe
ILLY D12 26 remij
QI M11 25 cipka_616

On 15th draw, IZAR O12 46 --- IZAR an outer garment worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: IZAR 1H 42, ZATI 12C 41, AZURE 10A 34, ZAG M8 33, AZIDO 12K 32
REZ 10D 32 Faeythe
ZOO 10M 12 remij

On 16th draw, COLLEGIA 14H 76 --- COLLEGIA soviet executive councils [n] --- COLLEGIUM a Soviet executive council [n]
Other moves: COGIE J6 29, COLLIE J6 29, CELLI J6 28, CELLO J6 28, CLEG J6 26
CELLO 10D 9 remij
GRILL 11D 6 Faeythe

On 17th draw, QUARE B10 77 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other moves: QUEEN 10B 36, WANE J6 31, WEAN J6 31, WENA J6 31, QUEEN L11 30
EQUAL K10 28 cipka_616
QADI 12L 28 Faeythe
WEAN 10D 9 remij

On 18th draw, DICE H12 27 --- DICE to cut into small cubes [v]
Other tops: DECO H12 27, DOCO H12 27
Other moves: DONE M6 25, OILED D11 22, NICE H12 21, ONCE H12 21, DON M6 20
DICE H12 27 cipka_616
DOON 1H 18 Faeythe
MADE 6H 11 remij

On 19th draw, WOUND J6 37 --- WOUND to inflict an injury upon [v]
Other moves: WONGI J6 35, WIND J6 32, WING J6 32, GOWD 1H 31, WIG J6 31
WINGED L10 26 cipka_616
WINGED 15D 18 Faeythe
MAW 6H 16 remij

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