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Game of May 25, 2011 at 18:05, 10 players
1. Davina -367
2. ste11a -374
3. rn.roselle -375

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beeioo   H4    20    20   bootee
 2. loprtuu   G7    20    40   urp
 3. acellrs   8G    86   126   recallers
 4. aenttwy   N6    27   153   warty
 5. aefilsu   4F    76   229   fabulise
 6. aeggnot   3I    25   254   oaten
 7. aagnrrt   6E    69   323   arrogant
 8. eeilnno  O10    26   349   oleine
 9. ?ainnqu  14J    68   417   quinin
10. bdeikny   3B    50   467   dinkey
11. degnopt   E5    36   503   tangoed
12. defisuv  15G    40   543   defis
13. eijortx  F10    53   596   xi
14. adeorsv  12F    90   686   savored
15. agimort  11I    29   715   tomia
16. egoptwz   M7    47   762   zee
17. aghitvw   4A    31   793   vita
18. ghimouw   B1    30   823   oidium

Remaining tiles: bcghhjprw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6033 FileDavina      1 17:07  -367  456     1.7613 ste11a      2 18:43  -374  449 
  2.7613 Fileste11a      2 18:43  -374  449            Group: intermediate
  3.5653 Filern.roselle  2 21:54  -375  448     1.6033 Davina      1 17:07  -367  456 
  4.5660 Filemargalang   1 17:22  -425  398            Group: novice
  5.3208 Filelesft       0 17:41  -472  351     1.5653 rn.roselle  2 21:54  -375  448 
  6.5392 Filemichele     1 17:00  -498  325     2.5660 margalang   1 17:22  -425  398 
  7.5615 Filescrab21     1 13:37  -500  323     3.5392 michele     1 17:00  -498  325 
  8.  -  Filekeithjd45   0  8:39  -692  131     4.5615 scrab21     1 13:37  -500  323 
  9.5972 Filelastlea     0  4:37  -722  101     5.5972 lastlea     0  4:37  -722  101 
 10.5547 Filesunshine12  0  0:28  -802   21     6.5547 sunshine12  0  0:28  -802   21 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3208 lesft       0 17:41  -472  351 
                                             2.  -  keithjd45   0  8:39  -692  131 

On 1st draw, BOO(T)EE H4 20 --- BOOTEE a baby's sock [n]
Other tops: B**(B)** H4 20, BOO(D)IE H4 20, BOO(G)IE H4 20, BOO(K)IE H4 20, BOO(T)IE H4 20, B(L)OOIE H4 20
Other moves: BEE(D)I H4 18, BEI(G)E H4 18, BE(L)IE H4 18, BIO(M)E H4 18, BOI(T)E H4 18
BOO(Z)E H4 18 Davina
BEI(G)E H4 18 rn.roselle
BOO(T)EE H8 16 lesft
(D)OBIE H8 14 michele
OBOE H6 12 keithjd45
BEE H7 10 margalang

On 2nd draw, URP G7 20 --- URP to vomit, URPED, URPING, URPS [v]
Other moves: POLT I6 19, PORT I6 19, OUTPOUR 5D 18, OUTPOUR 5H 18, POULT G9 18
POUR I3 17 Davina
PLOT G9 16 rn.roselle, michele
PORT G9 16 margalang
BLURT 4H 14 lesft

On 3rd draw, RECALLERS 8G 86 --- RECALLER one that recalls [n]
Other moves: RECALLS I6 77, SCLERAL I8 76, CALLERS I9 73, CELLARS I9 73, CALLERS I8 72
CELLARS I9 23 michele
BRACES 4H 20 margalang, lesft
CALLER F2 18 Davina
ACERS I9 15 rn.roselle

On 4th draw, WARTY N6 27 --- WARTY covered with warts [adj]
Other moves: BAWTY 4H 26, WANY I3 25, YAWN I3 25, AWE 7L 23, AWNY F9 23
AWE 7L 23 Davina
WAY I3 22 margalang
YAW I3 22 rn.roselle
WANE I3 19 michele
WANTS O4 12 lesft

On 5th draw, FABULISE 4F 76 --- FABULISE to write fables [v]
Other moves: FAILLES K5 40, FALSIE O1 35, FUSILE O1 35, FISCAL I5 29, ALEFS 5J 28
FILES M10 24 michele
FLEAS M10 24 rn.roselle
LEAFS M7 24 ste11a
FAE 7M 21 Davina
LEAFS I2 20 margalang
BAILS 4H 14 lesft

On 6th draw, OATEN 3I 25 --- OATEN pertaining to oats [adj]
Other moves: NEGATE M3 24, AGENT 3J 23, AGONE 3J 23, GENOA 3C 22, AGEN 3J 21
AGENT 3J 23 Davina
TANGO 3K 20 michele
ACT I7 16 ste11a
GATE 5C 15 margalang
CAGE I8 14 rn.roselle
GLENT K7 12 lesft

On 7th draw, ARROGANT 6E 69 --- ARROGANT overly convinced of one's own worth or importance [adj]
Other moves: ARRANT O10 26, ORANT 5H 25, ROTAN 5G 24, TORAN 5G 24, NAGOR 5E 23
ARRANT O10 26 Davina
ORANT 5H 25 ste11a
CART I8 13 rn.roselle
AGO 5F 12 margalang
GANTRY 10I 12 lesft

On 8th draw, OLEINE O10 26 --- OLEINE a glyceride of oleic acid [n]
Other tops: OLEINE O1 26, ONLINE O1 26, ONLINE O10 26
Other moves: OLEINE 5A 22, ONLINE 5A 22, ELOIN 3C 20, LEONE 5B 20, LINEN 3C 20
ONLINE O1 26 rn.roselle
LINEN 3C 20 Davina
LEONINE K8 14 ste11a
LONE 2L 14 scrab21
NEONS O4 13 michele
NOEL 5B 12 margalang
LIFER F2 10 lesft
ALIEN J8 7 keithjd45

On 9th draw, QUIN(I)N 14J 68 --- QUININ an alkaloid [n]
Other tops: QU(I)NIN 14J 68
Other moves: AQU(A) N12 42, QUINA(S) 10B 42, (A)QUA N12 42, QUA N13 41, QA(T) N13 38
AQU(A) F9 37 margalang, scrab21
QI N13 37 ste11a
QUIN(E) 5B 35 Davina
QI(S) 7C 22 rn.roselle
QUIN(I)NE 15I 16 lesft

On 10th draw, DINKEY 3B 50 --- DINKEY a small locomotive [n]
Other tops: KIDNEY 3B 50
Other moves: D*K*Y 3C 48, BYKE 5C 44, BYKED 3C 44, DYKE 5C 42, YIKE 5C 40
BIKE 5C 38 Davina
BIKED 3C 38 scrab21
DINKY 5A 36 michele, rn.roselle
BEIN 15H 31 ste11a
BIN 15I 18 margalang
QI J14 11 lesft

On 11th draw, TANGOED E5 36 --- TANGO to perform a Latin-American dance [v]
Other moves: PONE 4A 27, POTE 4A 27, DOPE 2A 26, NOPE 2A 24, PONGID L10 24
DOPE 2A 26 ste11a
POND 2L 22 rn.roselle
PONG 2L 22 michele
DOP 5C 20 margalang
GAPED E5 18 scrab21
POND M12 14 lesft
POINTED C1 12 Davina

On 12th draw, DEFIS 15G 40 --- DEFI a challenge [n]
Other moves: FIVES F10 37, DEFI 15G 35, FEUDS F10 35, FEIS 15H 34, FIVE F10 34
DEFIS 15G 40 ste11a
FIVES F10 37 scrab21, rn.roselle
FEIS 15H 34 Davina
FIVES D10 30 michele
FENDS D1 28 lesft
FIVES 10B 21 margalang
FINE M12 14 keithjd45

On 13th draw, XI F10 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: JINX D1 52, REJIG 8A 42, JEE M7 39, EXO 2B 37, JINX M12 36
XI F10 53 rn.roselle, Davina, ste11a, margalang, scrab21
JINX D1 52 lesft, keithjd45
JO 2A 24 michele

On 14th draw, SAVORED 12F 90 --- SAVOR to taste or smell with pleasure [v]
Other moves: OVERSAD 14B 82, SAVORED 14B 82, VADOSE O1 38, VADE 4A 34, VASE 4A 31
SAVORED 14B 82 ste11a
SAVORED 12F 40 scrab21, lastlea
SAVED 12F 23 rn.roselle
VANS D1 22 lesft, margalang
SAVER 14D 21 sunshine12
DROVE 14C 20 Davina

On 15th draw, TOMIA 11I 29 --- TOMIUM the cutting edge of a bird's bill [n]
Other moves: MORAT 11I 27, MORIA 11I 27, TRAM 2F 27, TRIM 2F 27, AMIR 11J 25
MANG D1 20 Davina
MINT D1 18 lesft
MAR 14F 16 margalang
CARGO I8 15 scrab21
MOIRA 14C 12 ste11a
TA 11K 11 michele
REX 10D 10 rn.roselle

On 16th draw, ZEE M7 47 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZONE D1 46, ZEP 14F 41, TOWZE 14C 40, ZEP 2A 38, POZ 2L 36
ZEE M7 47 michele
ZONE D1 46 keithjd45, rn.roselle, lesft
TOWZE 14C 40 ste11a
ZO 14F 34 margalang, lastlea
GAZED G11 31 Davina
ZED B1 26 scrab21

On 17th draw, VITA 4A 31 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other moves: HANGI D1 28, HAW 2L 27, VAGI 2A 27, VIGA 2A 27, THAW 14E 26
HAW 14F 25 margalang, scrab21
WANG D1 24 lesft
WING D1 24 rn.roselle
CH I8 23 ste11a
WAT 2A 20 Davina

On 18th draw, OIDIUM B1 30 --- OIDIUM a type of fungus [n]
Other moves: IDIOM B2 28, ODIUM B2 28, UGH D8 28, HOW 2L 27, WHIM 14E 27
HOW 2L 27 rn.roselle
WHOM 14E 27 Davina
WHIM 14E 27 lastlea
HOGS O5 26 michele, ste11a
HOW 14F 25 margalang
OH D9 20 scrab21
AMID G12 10 lesft

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