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Game of May 25, 2011 at 18:49, 11 players
1. scrab21 -350
2. Davina -358
3. SuperH -437

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeflrvw   H4    30    30   wafer
 2. ?degruv   5E    44    74   ravaged
 3. eglrrtu   4A    21    95   gurlet
 4. ?defint   A2    86   181   ungifted
 5. adeenou   4H    26   207   waned
 6. acehopt   7C    73   280   apothece
 7. aadkosu   3J    30   310   okas
 8. cdeilty   2J    50   360   delict
 9. ilnstux   B8    31   391   nix
10. aeeijot  11A    35   426   eejit
11. ehlrstu   F9    77   503   hustler
12. aegilov  15D    45   548   vorlage
13. emnooqs  14J    36   584   monos
14. anopuwy   O1    39   623   atopy
15. aiimnuw  13K    32   655   maw
16. aiorrsu   N5    66   721   ouraris
17. beinoqz  12H    67   788   zineb
18. aiinouy   8L    33   821   yuan
19. abiiioq  13C    34   855   qibla

Remaining tiles: iio

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5659 Filescrab21     2 15:54  -350  505     1.6066 Davina      2 19:17  -358  497 
  2.6066 FileDavina      2 19:17  -358  497            Group: novice
  3.5915 FileSuperH      1 18:25  -437  418     1.5659 scrab21     2 15:54  -350  505 
  4.4234 FileBayouBev    0 25:32  -531  324     2.5915 SuperH      1 18:25  -437  418 
  5.5662 Filemargalang   0 17:02  -536  319     3.5662 margalang   0 17:02  -536  319 
  6.3531 Filelesft       0 14:53  -623  232     4.5543 michele     1  9:17  -676  179 
  7.5543 Filemichele     1  9:17  -676  179     5.5665 rn.roselle  1  5:33  -766   89 
  8.5665 Filern.roselle  1  5:33  -766   89     6.5972 lastlea     0  1:52  -835   20 
  9.  -  Filekeithjd45   0  4:13  -793   62            Group: not rated
 10.3650 Filekatfish     0  2:51  -829   26     1.4234 BayouBev    0 25:32  -531  324 
 11.5972 Filelastlea     0  1:52  -835   20     2.3531 lesft       0 14:53  -623  232 
                                             3.  -  keithjd45   0  4:13  -793   62 
                                             4.3650 katfish     0  2:51  -829   26 

On 1st draw, WAFER H4 30 --- WAFER to fasten with an adhesive strip [v]
Other tops: FAVEL H4 30, FAVER H4 30, WAVER H4 30
Other moves: FARLE H4 24, FAVEL H8 24, FAVER H8 24, FERAL H4 24, FLARE H4 24
WAFER H4 30 scrab21, SuperH
WAVER H4 30 rn.roselle, Davina
WAVER H5 22 BayouBev
FLAW H8 20 lesft
FLAW H5 20 lastlea
RAVEL H4 18 katfish

On 2nd draw, R(A)VAGED 5E 44 --- RAVAGE to destroy [v]
Other tops: GREAV(E)D 5E 44, GR(E)AVED 5E 44
Other moves: (S)UGARED 5E 32, G(O)RED I3 26, G(Y)VED 9G 26, EG(A)D I4 24, G(Y)VE 9G 24
W(A)VED 4H 22 rn.roselle
W(A)VER 4H 20 SuperH
WEDG(E) 4H 18 scrab21
ARGUED 5H 16 lesft
DE G7 12 Davina
GR(A)DER 8C 8 katfish
GR(A)DER 8G 8 BayouBev

On 3rd draw, GURLET 4A 21 --- GURLET a pickaxe [n]
Other moves: GLUTE 4A 18, GLUER 6B 17, GRUEL 6B 17, REGUR 4J 17, REGUR 6J 17
LEG 6D 16 SuperH
GRUELER J2 14 BayouBev
REG 4J 13 Davina, scrab21, rn.roselle
GLEET J2 12 lesft

On 4th draw, (U)NGIFTED A2 86 --- GIFT to present with a gift (something given without charge) [adj] --- UNGIFTED not gifted [adj]
Other moves: TRENDIF(Y) C3 84, FEINT(E)D G7 78, FEINT(E)D I7 78, F(A)INTED G7 77, F(E)INTED G7 77
FINED 6J 37 scrab21
GIFTED A4 33 SuperH
FIEND 6B 31 Davina
DEFIN(E) 4J 24 rn.roselle
FINED J2 21 lesft
DEFI(A)NT 7G 17 BayouBev

On 5th draw, WANED 4H 26 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other tops: EANED B6 26
Other moves: VODUN G5 24, DOUANE 6J 23, EGAD I4 23, DONEE 6J 22, DOUANE 4J 22
WANED 4H 26 michele
DONE 6J 19 scrab21
DEAN 4J 16 Davina
DONE G7 15 SuperH
DAN 4J 14 margalang
(U)NDUE 2A 10 lesft
DARN C2 10 BayouBev

On 6th draw, APOTHECE 7C 73 --- APOTHECE a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: CAPOTE 3I 47, CAPOT 3I 45, EPOCHA B9 41, HAUTE B2 39, PHOCAE 6J 39
HOPE 3I 36 Davina, scrab21
PEACH 3K 33 michele
PACT 3K 25 margalang
CRAPE C3 20 lesft
CHEAP 7F 17 BayouBev
PED K3 6 SuperH

On 7th draw, OKAS 3J 30 --- OKA a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other tops: PADAUKS D7 30, PADOUKS D7 30
Other moves: DAK 3I 28, PADAUK D7 28, PADKOS D7 28, PADOUK D7 28, DOUKS 9D 27
DUSK 9F 27 Davina
KAS 3K 25 SuperH
SOAK K7 24 scrab21
DAKS 8J 17 margalang
PAD D7 7 michele
DAD 9A 7 BayouBev

On 8th draw, DELICT 2J 50 --- DELICT an offense against civil law [n]
Other moves: DICEY 2H 45, CEDI 2J 41, TICED 2H 40, ICED 2I 39, TELIC 2J 39
TICED 2H 40 Davina
CITY 2L 26 keithjd45
TIC 2H 23 scrab21
DICEY B8 23 michele
DICE 2L 21 margalang
LEY 2L 18 SuperH
PIETY D7 11 BayouBev

On 9th draw, NIX B8 31 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other tops: SIX B8 31, TIX B8 31
Other moves: SUNLIT K7 28, NIX 8C 27, SIX 8C 27, TIX 8C 27, XIS 8C 27
SIX 8C 27 margalang, scrab21
SIX 9H 23 SuperH, michele
XIS 8J 20 Davina
STUNT O1 18 keithjd45
EXIST J7 14 BayouBev

On 10th draw, EEJIT 11A 35 --- EEJIT (colloquial) an idiot [n]
Other tops: EEJIT 11B 35
Other moves: JOT(A) F2 26, HAJI G7 24, HAJ G7 23, EEJIT 8J 22, JEAT 11A 22
JOT(A) F2 26 scrab21
JAR C2 20 margalang
TIE C9 18 SuperH, michele, Davina
POET D7 7 BayouBev

On 11th draw, HUSTLER F9 77 --- HUSTLER one that hustles [n]
Other moves: HUSTLER 9F 74, HURTLES 10D 71, HUSTLER 10D 71, HURTLE 8J 35, HUSTLE 8J 35
SHUTE F11 23 Davina
JUST C11 22 scrab21
JURE C11 22 SuperH
HURL C2 14 BayouBev
HURTS 8J 14 margalang

On 12th draw, VORLAGE 15D 45 --- VORLAGE a position in skiing [n]
Other moves: LOVAGE 8J 44, GLOVER 15A 42, VARIOLE 15D 42, VERLIG 15D 42, VIRAGO 15D 42
GLOVER 15A 42 BayouBev, Davina, SuperH
VIRGE 15D 39 scrab21
GRAVEL 15E 30 michele
RAVE 15F 21 margalang

On 13th draw, MONOS 14J 36 --- MONO an infectious disease [n]
Other tops: MESON 14J 36, MOONS 14J 36, MOOSE 14J 36
Other moves: MOUSE B2 35, SON 12B 31, STEM O1 27, HEMS G7 26, HOMS G7 26
MOONS 14J 36 Davina, scrab21
STEM O1 27 lesft
QIS D10 24 SuperH
SOME 9H 19 michele
STONE O1 18 keithjd45
VORLAGES 15D 12 margalang

On 14th draw, ATOPY O1 39 --- ATOPY a type of allergy [n]
Other moves: NOWAY 13K 38, POWAN 13K 38, WYN O13 38, YAPON 13K 37, YUPON 13K 37
W*P 15M 31 scrab21
POW 15M 30 Davina
WANY L12 28 SuperH
ATOP O1 27 lesft
PONY L12 26 margalang
JAW C11 26 BayouBev

On 15th draw, MAW 13K 32 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: AMIN 15L 30, IWI 13L 26, JAW C11 26, MAW 13M 26, NAMU 13K 26
JAW C11 26 scrab21, SuperH
MAW 13M 26 Davina
WIN 15M 25 margalang
MAW N5 17 BayouBev
MOW M13 16 lesft

On 16th draw, OURARIS N5 66 --- OURARI an arrow poison [n]
Other moves: ROSIT 12B 37, RAS 12B 31, SIJO C9 26, SIRRA K7 26, SORRA K7 26
SO 12B 23 margalang, Davina
JARS C11 22 scrab21, SuperH, BayouBev
RAN L12 6 lesft

On 17th draw, ZINEB 12H 67 --- ZINEB a chemical spray for grass and fruit [n]
Other moves: NIQAB 8K 51, ZONAE 8K 45, BEZONIAN L7 40, JIZ C11 38, BENI O8 36
BEAN 8L 27 lesft
JOBE C11 26 scrab21
ZINE D10 26 BayouBev
ZIN D10 24 Davina
QI M10 24 margalang

On 18th draw, YUAN 8L 33 --- YUAN a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: INIA 15L 30, AYU O13 29, HIYA 9F 27, HOYA 9F 27, NOYAU 8K 27
JOY C11 26 BayouBev, Davina
JAY C11 26 margalang
NOY 15M 26 scrab21, SuperH
NAY 8M 18 lesft

On 19th draw, QIBLA 13C 34 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: JAB C11 24, JIB C11 24, JOB C11 24, QI 11I 24, QI M10 24
QI M10 24 SuperH
QI 11I 24 Davina, scrab21
JOB C11 24 margalang
JAB C11 24 BayouBev
BOAR C1 12 lesft

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