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Game of May 25, 2011 at 21:53, 10 players
1. musdrive -299
2. sunshine12 -416
3. Gypsylady -439

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bilorw   H4    78    78   blowier
 2. aadgnps   G6    80   158   padnags
 3. aenpttt   I6    34   192   patten
 4. eeilnoz   4G    36   228   obelize
 5. ?birtvy   3A    95   323   brevity
 6. aeffgkr   B2    44   367   freak
 7. adfnors   N1    44   411   fondas
 8. adegioq   A1    41   452   gibed
 9. eeilnrw   1L    42   494   wife
10. acnoort   D1    28   522   cavort
11. eehirtu  H12    42   564   here
12. aaceoss  14H    74   638   rosaceas
13. dgnooqr   1H    48   686   goodwife
14. eilnrrt   O8    24   710   linters
15. aeemnru   2J    29   739   mee
16. imnnory  L11    32   771   mincy
17. ahiltuv  F10    39   810   huia
18. loqtuvx  K10    43   853   vox
19. ijlntuu  13B    24   877   junta

Remaining tiles: ilqruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7036 Filemusdrive    7 19:41  -299  578     1.7036 musdrive    7 19:41  -299  578 
  2.5553 Filesunshine12  2 19:08  -416  461            Group: intermediate
  3.6606 FileGypsylady   1 19:39  -439  438     1.6606 Gypsylady   1 19:39  -439  438 
  4.4083 FileDbuggle     1 21:42  -539  338            Group: novice
  5.4129 FileAndy1990    0 26:29  -540  337     1.5553 sunshine12  2 19:08  -416  461 
  6.5972 Filelastlea     2 15:36  -646  231     2.5972 lastlea     2 15:36  -646  231 
  7.5571 Filecullej      0 10:36  -661  216     3.5571 cullej      0 10:36  -661  216 
  8.4300 FileBayouBev    1 12:54  -697  180            Group: not rated
  9.  -  Filelasrum009   0  9:24  -797   80     1.4083 Dbuggle     1 21:42  -539  338 
 10.  -  FileJolene      0  3:37  -837   40     2.4129 Andy1990    0 26:29  -540  337 
                                             3.4300 BayouBev    1 12:54  -697  180 
                                             4.  -  lasrum009   0  9:24  -797   80 
                                             5.  -  Jolene      0  3:37  -837   40 

On 1st draw, BLOWI(E)R H4 78 --- BLOWY windy [adj]
Other moves: BLOWI(E)R H2 74, BLOWI(E)R H3 74, BLOWI(E)R H6 74, BLOWI(E)R H8 74, BLOWI(E)R H5 72
BLOWI(E)R H4 28 Gypsylady, musdrive
BIL(L)OW H4 26 cullej, Andy1990
BLOW(E)R H4 26 sunshine12
B(E)LOW H4 24 Dbuggle
BLOW(E)R H8 20 Jolene

On 2nd draw, PADNAGS G6 80 --- PADNAG a horse that moves along at an easy pace [n]
Other moves: PADANGS G9 73, PADNAGS G9 73, GRANDPAS 10G 66, PADNAG G6 29, GASP G6 28
PAGANS G9 21 sunshine12
GAP G6 20 Gypsylady
PAD G9 17 musdrive
BANDS 4H 16 Dbuggle
GLANDS 5G 16 Andy1990
BANGS 4H 16 cullej

On 3rd draw, PATTEN I6 34 --- PATTEN a shoe having a thick wooden sole [n] --- PATTEN to go on pattens (wooden shoes) [v]
Other moves: PATTE I6 33, TAPET I6 33, PANE I6 29, PANT I6 29, PATE I6 29
PATTEN I6 34 musdrive
PATENTS 12A 24 Gypsylady, Andy1990
PATTENS 12A 24 cullej
PEAT I9 19 sunshine12
PART 10F 12 Dbuggle
POTENT 6G 10 Jolene

On 4th draw, OBELIZE 4G 36 --- OBELIZE to mark with an obelus [v]
Other tops: BENZOLE 4H 36, EBONIZE 4G 36
Other moves: BENZIL 4H 34, BENZOL 4H 34, BIZONE 4H 34, BEZEL 4H 32, BEZIL 4H 32
ZONES 12C 28 cullej, sunshine12, Andy1990
ZING 11D 28 musdrive
ZIG 11E 26 Gypsylady
POPE 6G 10 Jolene
LINES 12C 10 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, BR(E)VITY 3A 95 --- BREVITY shortness of dduration [n]
Other moves: V(A)IRY F10 45, BIV(V)Y 3C 41, BI(V)VY 3C 41, VIB(E)Y 3C 41, VI(N)TRY 3B 39
BR(E)VITY 3A 45 Gypsylady
B(A)IT F10 27 musdrive, sunshine12
T(A)R 5K 20 cullej
VERB M3 18 lasrum009
VIB(E) K3 16 Dbuggle
BARE 10F 12 Andy1990

On 6th draw, FREAK B2 44 --- FREAK to streak with color [v]
Other moves: GRAFF B2 40, FARE 5K 37, KEBAR A1 36, FAE 5K 35, FAR 5K 35
FAE F10 34 musdrive
GAFFERS 12A 32 Dbuggle
KAB A1 27 Gypsylady
FREAKS 12B 26 Andy1990
FAB A1 24 sunshine12
KEGS 12D 18 cullej
FIG K3 14 lasrum009

On 7th draw, FONDAS N1 44 --- FONDA a tavern [n]
Other moves: FADOS 5K 42, FADOS N2 42, FANDS 5K 41, FARDS 5K 41, FONDA 5K 41
FONDS 5K 41 musdrive
FOB A1 29 sunshine12, cullej, Gypsylady
FRONDS 12B 20 Andy1990
FEND M3 16 Dbuggle
FOG 11E 14 lasrum009

On 8th draw, GIBED A1 41 --- GIBE to jeer [v]
Other moves: ADO O1 32, GIBE A1 32, DEFI 1L 30, QADIS 12C 30, QAIDS 12C 30
QAIDS 12C 30 musdrive
QI 2E 28 sunshine12
GOB A1 23 cullej
GAVE D1 20 Gypsylady
DOGIES 12B 16 Dbuggle
AKED 6A 9 Andy1990
DARE 10F 9 lasrum009

On 9th draw, WIFE 1L 42 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: EWE O1 40, WEINER J10 36, EWER J9 35, WEENIER M2 35, EWE J9 34
WIFE 1L 42 Dbuggle, BayouBev, lastlea, sunshine12
WINE O5 28 musdrive
WILE O5 28 Gypsylady
NEWER 11I 16 Andy1990
RELINES 12A 16 cullej
WIRE E2 14 lasrum009

On 10th draw, CAVORT D1 28 --- CAVORT to frolic [v]
Other moves: TORAN 5K 27, NOTA 5K 25, TANA 5K 25, TARA 5K 25, TORA 5K 25
CAVORT D1 28 musdrive, lastlea
ACORNS 12B 16 Dbuggle
TOON O5 16 cullej
CROONS 12B 16 BayouBev
NOT C5 14 sunshine12
COATS 12C 14 Andy1990

On 11th draw, HERE H12 42 --- HERE this place [n]
Other tops: HEIR H12 42, HETE H12 42, HIRE H12 42, HUER H12 42, HURT H12 42
Other moves: HUER F10 35, HUE F10 34, HUI F10 34, CITHER 1D 33, EITHER O5 31
HIRE H12 42 musdrive
HUER F10 35 sunshine12
THEIR O5 31 Gypsylady
CHEER 1D 30 BayouBev, Andy1990
CHUTE 1D 30 lastlea
WHIZ L1 19 Dbuggle

On 12th draw, ROSACEAS 14H 74 --- ROSACEA a chronic inflammation of parts of the face [n]
Other moves: CAAS F10 33, CAA F10 32, ACCESS 1C 30, CACAOS 1D 30, CASCOS 1D 30
CAAS F10 33 musdrive
SCALES J1 26 lastlea
CARESS 14F 16 Dbuggle, Gypsylady
RACES 14H 13 Andy1990
ACROSS 14F 12 BayouBev
ZAS L4 12 sunshine12

On 13th draw, GOODWIFE 1H 48 --- GOODWIFE the mistress of a household [n]
Other moves: DRONGOS O8 33, DONA 5K 29, CONDOR 1D 27, CORDON 1D 27, CODON 1D 24
DONA 5K 29 musdrive
CONDOR 1D 27 Andy1990
ZOO L4 12 Dbuggle
DONG 11D 12 BayouBev
RARED 10F 12 sunshine12

On 14th draw, LINTERS O8 24 --- LINTER a machine for removing fibers from cotton seeds [n]
Other moves: LINTER O5 22, ENLIST O10 21, RELIST O10 21, ELT 15M 19, LEI 15M 19
LINTERS O8 24 musdrive
RELIST O10 21 sunshine12
INTER O6 17 Gypsylady
TRICE L11 16 Dbuggle
RISE O12 15 lastlea
INLET C6 14 BayouBev
TIRE M11 8 Andy1990

On 15th draw, MEE 2J 29 --- MEE a Malaysian noodle food [n]
Other tops: MAE 2J 29
Other moves: EME 2I 26, MA F10 25, MU F10 25, AMEER N8 23, MA 2J 23
MEE 2J 29 musdrive
MA F10 25 sunshine12, Gypsylady
MACE L12 18 BayouBev
CAVORTER D1 14 lastlea
DRAIN K1 12 Andy1990
MARE 10F 12 Dbuggle

On 16th draw, MINCY L11 32 --- MINCY affectedly dainty [adj]
Other moves: NOMA 5K 31, RICY L12 26, ROYNISH 12B 26, YONNIE M9 26, NONA 5K 25
MY 7A 23 Gypsylady, lastlea
MONISH 12C 22 musdrive
YARE 10F 15 sunshine12
MING 11D 14 Dbuggle
MINE 12L 12 Andy1990
MORN 10L 8 BayouBev

On 17th draw, HUIA F10 39 --- HUIA a New Zealand bird [n]
Other tops: HAIL F10 39, VAIL F10 39
Other moves: HUI F10 38, TAHA 5K 34, LAITH F10 33, HA F10 31, LAITH K7 30
HAIL F10 39 sunshine12, musdrive
HA F10 31 lastlea, Gypsylady
HARE 10F 15 Andy1990
ZIT L4 12 Dbuggle
HILL 8L 11 lasrum009
MALT 11L 6 BayouBev

On 18th draw, VOX K10 43 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: LOX K10 37, LUX K10 37, TUX K10 37, OX K11 35, QUOTA 13B 28
VOX K10 43 musdrive
QUOTE 15D 24 Gypsylady
VEX 15G 22 sunshine12
EX O1 18 Andy1990
TOQUE 15D 15 Dbuggle

On 19th draw, JUNTA 13B 24 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other moves: JUG 11E 22, JILL 8L 19, JIN E13 19, JUN E13 19, JUT E13 19
JUNTA 13B 24 Gypsylady
JUG 11E 22 Dbuggle, musdrive, sunshine12, BayouBev, lastlea
JUST 6L 11 Andy1990

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