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Game of May 25, 2011 at 22:39, 9 players
1. Gypsylady -407
2. Andy1990 -476
3. BayouBev -533

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. degiopv   H4    26    26   video
 2. acknorx   I6    42    68   axon
 3. ?acnrru  10C    71   139   currans
 4. efimnoz   G5    61   200   moz
 5. agirtuu  H10    21   221   nutria
 6. adegnrs  12A    74   295   grandest
 7. aefkrtu   5E    36   331   kumite
 8. ehiosty   K4   102   433   isohyet
 9. ?einpuw  11K    44   477   swipe
10. aeijlor   L1    42   519   jiao
11. almnosw   1L    42   561   jowl
12. acilmop   O8    48   609   polemic
13. dehinrs  15K    78   687   rhies
14. beegnot   M3    31   718   engobe
15. aabeirt  14L    29   747   abac
16. aeinnqy   A6    33   780   yeaning
17. deglrsu  14C    66   846   sludgier
18. aeefilt   B2    31   877   fetial
19. defqttv   C5    31   908   deft

Remaining tiles: qtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6463 FileGypsylady   2 17:39  -407  501     1.6463 Gypsylady   2 17:39  -407  501 
  2.4140 FileAndy1990    3 23:34  -476  432     2.6023 lastlea     0 15:30  -630  278 
  3.4338 FileBayouBev    1 24:48  -533  375            Group: novice
  4.4091 FileDbuggle     1 17:04  -563  345     1.5560 sunshine12  0 11:18  -703  205 
  5.6023 Filelastlea     0 15:30  -630  278     2.5458 Faeythe     2  6:21  -769  139 
  6.5560 Filesunshine12  0 11:18  -703  205     3.5875 SPIDER767   0  3:16  -867   41 
  7.5458 FileFaeythe     2  6:21  -769  139            Group: not rated
  8.5875 FileSPIDER767   0  3:16  -867   41     1.4140 Andy1990    3 23:34  -476  432 
  9.  -  Filelasrum009   0  4:47  -868   40     2.4338 BayouBev    1 24:48  -533  375 
                                             3.4091 Dbuggle     1 17:04  -563  345 
                                             4.  -  lasrum009   0  4:47  -868   40 

On 1st draw, VIDEO H4 26 --- VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n] --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other tops: VOGIE H4 26
Other moves: GIVED H4 24, GIVED H8 24, PODGE H4 24, DOVIE H4 22, DOVIE H8 20
GIVED H4 24 sunshine12
GIVED H8 24 lasrum009
VOID H5 16 Dbuggle, BayouBev
VOID H7 16 Gypsylady
PIE H6 10 Andy1990

On 2nd draw, AXON I6 42 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other moves: NOX I5 40, AX I6 37, OX I6 37, ANOXIC 5D 30, AXONIC 5D 30
OX I6 37 Gypsylady
AX I7 22 sunshine12
OXEN 7F 20 Andy1990
CANKER 7D 18 lastlea
DORK 6H 11 BayouBev
CARD 6E 9 Dbuggle
CORN 8G 6 lasrum009

On 3rd draw, CURRAN(S) 10C 71 --- CURRAN grain [n]
Other moves: RANC(O)UR J8 67, CURRAN(S) G8 65, CURRAN(T) G8 65, RANC(O)UR G8 63, ANURIC 5D 30
REX 7G 11 sunshine12
CRAV(E)N 4E 10 Dbuggle
CROON(E)R 8F 9 BayouBev
VAN 4H 6 Andy1990

On 4th draw, MOZ G5 61 --- MOZ a curse [n]
Other moves: FOZIER E5 36, FROZEN E9 36, MON J6 36, DAZE 6H 34, FORZE E8 34
ZONER F6 34 BayouBev
DAZE 6H 34 Gypsylady, lastlea
ZEX 7G 29 SPIDER767, sunshine12
ZINC C7 26 Dbuggle
COME C10 16 Andy1990

On 5th draw, NUTRIA H10 21 --- NUTRIA an aquatic rodent [n]
Other moves: GURAMI 5C 18, VIRGA 4H 18, CIGAR C10 16, CRAIG C10 16, VIRTU 4H 16
CRAG C10 14 Gypsylady
CURT C10 12 Dbuggle
GURU E8 10 sunshine12
GRIT E9 10 BayouBev
GRAT E9 10 Andy1990
ARTIC C6 9 lastlea

On 6th draw, GRANDEST 12A 74 --- GRAND large and impressive [adj] --- GRANDE grand [adj]
Other moves: ENGUARDS D7 72, DRAGNETS 12B 70, READINGS 14D 66, DERAIGNS 14D 64, GRADINES 14D 64
DANGERS E5 36 Dbuggle
GRADERS 13G 24 BayouBev
DANGERS 13C 22 Gypsylady
GRADERS E9 18 sunshine12
CAGERS C10 18 Andy1990

On 7th draw, KUMITE 5E 36 --- KUMITE freestyle martial arts fighting or sparring [n]
Other moves: FREMIT 5D 34, FRAKTUR E4 28, AUK 9E 27, EUK 9E 27, MITER 5G 26
CRAFT C10 20 BayouBev, Dbuggle
GATE A12 15 Andy1990
RUDE E10 10 lasrum009
KEG A10 8 sunshine12

On 8th draw, ISOHYET K4 102 --- ISOHYET a line on a map connecting points having equal rainfall [n]
Other moves: TOYISH K1 50, HOSEY K3 48, SYTHE K5 48, TOSHY K3 48, HEYS K2 46
SHY K5 44 Gypsylady, lastlea
EH J5 29 sunshine12
GOSH A12 24 Andy1990
CHASTE C10 22 BayouBev
SHITE J1 16 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, (S)WIPE 11K 44 --- SWIPE to strike with a sweeping blow [v]
Other moves: (S)PEW 11K 42, (S)EWIN 11K 40, (S)INEW 11K 40, (S)WINE 11K 40, (S)EWN 11K 38
W(E)EPING A6 36 Gypsylady
PENGUI(N) A9 27 Andy1990
(S)WING A8 24 BayouBev
G(R)EW A12 21 sunshine12
W(H)IP 14F 16 Dbuggle
Y(A)WP 8K 11 Faeythe

On 10th draw, JIAO L1 42 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JAILER M9 42, JAILER O7 42, JAILOR M9 42
Other moves: REJIG A8 39, GAJO A12 36, AJEE O8 33, JIAO 6B 33, JOLE O8 33
JAILER O7 42 Andy1990, Gypsylady, Faeythe
JOLE O8 33 sunshine12
JAILER 14F 31 BayouBev
JOKER E3 16 Dbuggle

On 11th draw, JOWL 1L 42 --- JOWL the fleshy part under the lower jaw [n] --- JOWL to bump [v]
Other tops: JAWS 1L 42, JOWS 1L 42
Other moves: JAMS 1L 39, LAWMEN O7 36, YAWLS 8K 36, YAWNS 8K 36, YOWLS 8K 36
JAWS 1L 42 Faeythe, Dbuggle, Andy1990
JOWS 1L 42 Gypsylady
JOWL 1L 42 BayouBev
ANEW O9 11 lastlea

On 12th draw, POLEMIC O8 48 --- POLEMIC a controversial argument [n]
Other moves: COMPEL O7 39, COMPILE O5 39, CAMPLE O6 36, POMACE O6 36, MAGILP A10 33
POLICE O6 30 Dbuggle, Faeythe
CAMEL O8 30 Gypsylady
PLACE O7 27 lastlea, BayouBev
GIMP A12 27 Andy1990

On 13th draw, RHIES 15K 78 --- RHY a grass [n]
Other tops: HIDERS 15J 78
Other moves: HENS 15L 75, HERS 15L 75, HIES 15L 75, HINS 15L 75, HEIDS 15K 72
HIDERS 15J 78 Andy1990
HENS 15L 75 Gypsylady
HERS 15L 75 lastlea
CHAINS C10 22 BayouBev
SHRINED 14E 21 Dbuggle
SHINIER 14F 14 Faeythe

On 14th draw, ENGOBE M3 31 --- ENGOBE a white undercoat in ceramics [n]
Other moves: BEETING M7 28, GIBE 2K 28, BEEN 13C 27, BEET 13C 27, BEGONE A10 27
BEGONE A10 27 Andy1990
WEB N1 16 BayouBev
GONE A12 15 Gypsylady
HOB 7K 11 Dbuggle

On 15th draw, ABAC 14L 29 --- ABAC a diagram which aids computation [n]
Other moves: AIRBAG A7 27, ATABEG A7 27, BAIT 13C 27, BEAR 13C 27, BEAT 13C 27
GRAB A12 21 Gypsylady, BayouBev
CRAB C10 16 Dbuggle
WAR L11 12 Andy1990

On 16th draw, YEANING A6 33 --- YEAN to bear young [v]
Other moves: YEAN 13C 31, YA N6 30, YE N6 30, AYIN 13C 28, EYING A8 27
YA N6 30 lastlea
QUINE D9 14 Gypsylady
QUIN D9 13 Andy1990, Dbuggle
GIN A12 4 BayouBev

On 17th draw, SLUDGIER 14C 66 --- SLUDGY covered with sludge [adj]
Other moves: GURLED B2 30, SURGED B2 30, SLUDGE B1 27, SLUDGE B4 25, DRUSE B2 23
SURGED B2 30 lastlea
RECLADS C8 22 Andy1990
CRAGS C10 16 BayouBev
SULKED E2 11 Dbuggle

On 18th draw, FETIAL B2 31 --- FETIAL a priest of ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: FA N6 30, FE N6 30, FETA 15A 29, IF N5 29, LEFTIE B1 29
FE N6 30 Gypsylady
OFT 6M 14 BayouBev
FLAKE E2 12 Dbuggle
ALIKE E2 9 Andy1990

On 19th draw, DEFT C5 31 --- DEFT skillful [adj]
Other tops: DEF A1 31
Other moves: DEF C5 30, FE N6 30, DEF C1 29, FED A1 29, FED C3 29
FED A1 29 Gypsylady
FEET 3A 14 Andy1990
VET 3A 12 Dbuggle, BayouBev

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