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Game of May 26, 2011 at 02:27, 5 players
1. ceosickey -477
2. Paulette -517
3. AtommotA -690

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. hmnotuw   H8    28    28   mouth
 2. aaeeiks   G6    29    57   seek
 3. eeinnst  11E    82   139   sentient
 4. agilnoo   6F    63   202   isogonal
 5. agilstw   L2    76   278   wagtails
 6. efirrtu   F1    70   348   fruitier
 7. ?adnnox   1F    45   393   faxed
 8. abehoty  10B    35   428   obeah
 9. ?dnoruw   C8    78   506   rubdowns
10. deijops   8J    45   551   poljes
11. abenrtt  D12    31   582   beat
12. aaderuy  14A    36   618   denary
13. acginoy  A11    42   660   acidy
14. cfilmno   8A    39   699   corf
15. aglnpuv   4C    28   727   paving
16. ailnrtu   N7    70   797   retinula
17. aeilmqz  M12    49   846   maze
18. eeiilrv   O1    88   934   liveries

Remaining tiles: dioq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6629 Fileceosickey   1 26:00  -477  457     1.6629 ceosickey   1 26:00  -477  457 
  2.3803 FilePaulette    2 17:53  -517  417            Group: novice
  3.5330 FileAtommotA    1  7:32  -690  244     1.5330 AtommotA    1  7:32  -690  244 
  4.3669 Filetonikay     0 14:56  -692  242     2.5900 SPIDER767   0  2:06  -885   49 
  5.5900 FileSPIDER767   0  2:06  -885   49            Group: not rated
                                             1.3803 Paulette    2 17:53  -517  417 
                                             2.3669 tonikay     0 14:56  -692  242 

On 1st draw, MOUTH H8 28 --- MOUTH to feed into an opening in the head [v]
Other tops: MONTH H8 28
Other moves: MONTH H4 26, MOUTH H4 26, WHOM H5 24, WHOM H6 24, WHOM H7 24
MOUTH H8 28 Paulette
WHOM H6 24 ceosickey
HOT H6 12 tonikay

On 2nd draw, SEEK G6 29 --- SEEK to go in search of [v]
Other moves: EEK G7 28, HAKEAS 12H 26, SAKIEH 12C 26, AKEES I6 24, ASK 13G 24
HAKES 12H 24 ceosickey
HIKES 12H 24 Paulette
KITES 11F 9 tonikay

On 3rd draw, SENTIENT 11E 82 --- SENTIENT a person or thing capable of sensation [n]
Other tops: TENNIES I7 82
Other moves: INTENSE 13C 79, TENNIES 13B 77, INTENSE I5 76, HENNIEST 12H 74, TENNIES I3 73
SIENT I10 15 tonikay
INTENTS 11F 14 ceosickey
TEST 11E 8 Paulette

On 4th draw, ISOGONAL 6F 63 --- ISOGONAL a line indicating the earth's magnetic field [n]
Other moves: MOUTHING H8 42, LOOING 12J 26, OLINGO H1 26, AGIO I9 22, LAGOON I4 22
AGON 12C 14 ceosickey
IGLOOS E6 7 tonikay

On 5th draw, WAGTAILS L2 76 --- WAGTAIL a songbird [n]
Other moves: WILGAS N1 36, WAILS 10J 35, WAIST 10J 35, WAITS 10J 35, TWIGS N2 34
WAITS 10J 35 tonikay
WAIL 10J 32 ceosickey
WAITS L8 24 Paulette

On 6th draw, FRUITIER F1 70 --- FRUITY suggestive of fruit [adj]
Other moves: MOUTHIER H8 39, TREIF 10B 33, REIF 10C 30, TREF 10C 30, REF 10D 29
REF 10D 29 AtommotA
FLIRT 8K 24 ceosickey
FEW 2J 17 Paulette

On 7th draw, FAX(E)D 1F 45 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other tops: FOX(E)D 1F 45
Other moves: X(O)ANON 12A 44, NOX M1 43, OX(O) M2 43, XOAN(O)N 12A 43, (E)XO M2 43
FOX(E)D 1F 45 AtommotA
FAX(E)D 1F 45 Paulette
OX M2 41 ceosickey
FOX 1F 39 tonikay

On 8th draw, OBEAH 10B 35 --- OBEAH a form of sorcery of African origin [n] --- OBEAH to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: YEBO M1 34, AHOY 10C 33, HEY M1 33, HOY M1 33, THEY 10C 33
BLOAT 8K 21 ceosickey
BATHE 3K 20 Paulette
HIT 4E 6 tonikay

On 9th draw, RUBDOWN(S) C8 78 --- RUBDOWN a brisk rubbing down of the body [n]
Other moves: UNDER(T)OW J8 67, DOWN(P)OUR B5 63, WONDROU(S) B5 63, WO(A)LD M3 39, WO(O)LD M3 39
DOW M1 29 ceosickey
T(H)ROW L11 22 Paulette

On 10th draw, POLJES 8J 45 --- POLJE (Serbo-Croat) a large elliptical depression in karst regions, sometimes containing a marsh or lake [n]
Other moves: JEDIS N2 42, JIRD 8A 42, SLOJD 8K 39, JEDI M1 38, JOE B12 38
JEEP J10 29 ceosickey
JEED J10 28 tonikay
PO(S)ED 15A 24 Paulette

On 11th draw, BEAT D12 31 --- BEAT to strike repeatedly [v]
Other moves: BRIE I9 28, AB(S)ENT 15A 24, BA(S)NET 15A 24, BA(S)TER 15A 24, BE(S)TAR 15A 24
BARN 8A 21 ceosickey, Paulette
BE(S)T 15A 18 tonikay

On 12th draw, DENARY 14A 36 --- DENARY a group of ten [n] --- DENARY containing ten [adj]
Other tops: ADRY 8A 36
Other moves: AERY 8A 33, UNARY 14B 32, YEA B12 32, YEARD 12K 31, RE(S)TUDY 15A 30
YARD 8A 30 Paulette
(S)TRAYED 15C 30 ceosickey
YE 10J 28 AtommotA

On 13th draw, ACIDY A11 42 --- ACIDY sour [adj]
Other tops: MOUTHING H8 42
Other moves: CORY 8A 39, YOGIC 12K 37, CANDY A11 36, GORY 8A 36, YONIC 12K 35
MOUTHING H8 42 ceosickey
CORY 8A 39 AtommotA
YARN 8A 24 Paulette
YAG 3K 14 tonikay

On 14th draw, CORF 8A 39 --- CORF a wagon used in a mine [n]
Other moves: FIRM 8A 36, FORM 8A 36, CORM 8A 33, CONFIRM 2A 32, FOLACIN 3I 32
FIRM 8A 36 AtommotA
FORM 8A 36 Paulette
COL M1 19 ceosickey
FILA 3I 11 tonikay

On 15th draw, PAVING 4C 28 --- PAVING a pavement [n]
Other moves: PAVAN 3I 26, PLUVIAN 4B 26, ULPAN 15F 26, ULVA 15F 26, VAGAL 3I 26
PA 10J 22 AtommotA
PLAN 3J 12 Paulette
GULP 4L 10 tonikay
VUGS O5 8 ceosickey

On 16th draw, RETINULA N7 70 --- RETINULA a neural receptor of an arthropod's eye [n]
Other tops: TENURIAL N7 70
Other moves: LUNARIST O2 59, UNITAL 15F 23, UNITAL 5I 23, URINAL 15F 23, ARNUT 15F 20
TARP C1 12 Paulette
TRAIN 3J 10 tonikay
INSULAR O6 8 ceosickey

On 17th draw, MAZE M12 49 --- MAZE to bewilder [v]
Other moves: AIZLE 15F 47, L*Z 15M 45, ZEA 15M 45, ZEL 15M 45, EMAIL O11 43
PIZE J8 35 ceosickey
ZIP C2 28 Paulette, SPIDER767
ZAP C2 28 tonikay
QUA 12M 13 AtommotA

On 18th draw, LIVERIES O1 88 --- LIVERY a uniform worn by servants [n]
Other moves: RELIEVE 15G 42, VEER 15L 42, VEILIER 15H 42, MOUTHIER H8 39, RELEVE 15H 39
RELIEVE 15G 42 ceosickey, Paulette
EVILER 15F 32 AtommotA

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