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Game of May 26, 2011 at 06:57, 4 players
1. mylover81 -452
2. lesft -487
3. slebbarc -532

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeirssu   H2    66    66   sauries
 2. abgnorw   3H    28    94   awrong
 3. ?aeinow   5B    70   164   ironware
 4. aeimnpt   D3    76   240   ptomaine
 5. ackorsx   6F    35   275   orixas
 6. aailort   4K    21   296   raita
 7. defglor   5K    45   341   defog
 8. agilnpu   O2    36   377   plaguing
 9. ehistvy  11D    35   412   sythe
10. cdeinru  12G    80   492   inducer
11. abeefir   8A    33   525   aerifies
12. ?cjlovy  H11    45   570   enjoy
13. abdeioq   2F    32   602   qis
14. ?acelnt  15A    89   691   secantly
15. dellotv  B10    28   719   devote
16. aelmotv   N4    24   743   tomo
17. bdeiktv   M7    30   773   kibe
18. abehotv   N9    32   805   ah
19. belotuz   B2    36   841   bezil

Remaining tiles: dlotuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6119 Filemylover81   3 16:19  -452  389     1.6119 mylover81   3 16:19  -452  389 
  2.3629 Filelesft       1 19:37  -487  354            Group: novice
  3.4872 Fileslebbarc    0 24:13  -532  309     1.5700 rn.roselle  0 10:26  -588  253 
  4.5700 Filern.roselle  0 10:26  -588  253            Group: not rated
                                             1.3629 lesft       1 19:37  -487  354 
                                             2.4872 slebbarc    0 24:13  -532  309 

On 1st draw, SAURIES H2 66 --- SAURY a marine fish [n]
Other tops: SAURIES H3 66, SAURIES H4 66, SAURIES H6 66, SAURIES H7 66, SAURIES H8 66
Other moves: SAURIES H5 64, ARISES H3 14, ARISES H4 14, ARISES H7 14, ARISES H8 14
RAISES H8 14 lesft
ISSUER H4 14 rn.roselle
ASSURE H4 14 slebbarc

On 2nd draw, AWRONG 3H 28 --- AWRONG wrongly [adv]
Other moves: BOWR I1 26, WAB G7 26, WAGON G7 26, BAWN G7 25, BAWR G7 25
WRONG 5G 18 slebbarc
BEG 7G 11 lesft

On 3rd draw, I(R)ONWARE 5B 70 --- IRONWARE articles made of iron [n]
Other tops: AIRWO(M)EN 5F 70, IRONWA(R)E 5G 70, IRONWA(R)E J2 70
Other moves: AIRWO(M)EN J1 62, WO(M)ANISE 8B 60, WEARIN(G) 5E 36, WAI(D)E 4K 28, WAI(T)E 4K 28
(S)WINE G6 24 rn.roselle
WINE L1 22 lesft
AWRON(G) 5F 16 slebbarc

On 4th draw, PTOMAINE D3 76 --- PTOMAINE a compound produced by the decomposition of protein [n]
Other moves: PTOMAINE K1 74, PAINIM B1 32, INTIMAE B2 30, PANIM B2 30, INTIMA B2 28
MINT L1 18 lesft
PANE L1 18 rn.roselle
P*M D4 14 slebbarc

On 5th draw, ORIXAS 6F 35 --- ORIXA a Yoruba deity [n]
Other moves: ORIXA 6F 34, CASK 11B 33, SACK 11D 33, SAX 11D 33, SOCK 11D 33
SOX 11D 33 mylover81
CONK L1 26 lesft
SIX B4 26 rn.roselle
SEX 7G 19 slebbarc

On 6th draw, RAITA 4K 21 --- RAITA an Indian salad made with yogurt and chopped vegetables or fruits [n]
Other tops: AORTAL C8 21, LARIAT C8 21, LATRIA C8 21
Other moves: AORTAL C9 19, ATRIAL C9 19, EXTOL I5 19, ATRIAL 8A 18, LARIAT 8A 18
TRAIL 8A 15 lesft, rn.roselle
RAPT 3B 12 slebbarc
ART G5 7 mylover81

On 7th draw, DEFOG 5K 45 --- DEFOG to remove fog from [v]
Other moves: FEOD 7G 37, FED 5K 36, FEG 5K 36, FORAGED O1 36, DEF 5K 34
FORAGED O1 36 mylover81
OF 6A 26 rn.roselle
FLARED O2 10 lesft

On 8th draw, PLAGUING O2 36 --- PLAGUE to harass or torment [v]
Other moves: PAGINAL O3 30, PAGING O3 30, PALAGI O1 27, PALING 8A 27, PILING 8A 27
PAGING O3 30 rn.roselle, mylover81
LAGUNA O3 21 slebbarc
GLEN 10B 9 lesft

On 9th draw, SYTHE 11D 35 --- SYTHE time [n]
Other tops: SHIVE 11D 35, STIVY 11D 35
Other moves: SHIV 11D 33, SHY 11D 31, SYTHE E8 31, TOYS N4 30, HEIST 11A 29
SHIVE 11D 35 mylover81
HIVES C10 27 rn.roselle
SPIV 3C 18 lesft
HIPS 3B 18 slebbarc

On 10th draw, INDUCER 12G 80 --- INDUCER one that induces [n]
Other moves: DECERN H10 36, REDUCE H10 33, CENDRE H10 30, CERNED H10 30, DEICER H10 30
DICER 12H 25 rn.roselle
CURIE 8A 21 slebbarc
CRIPE 3A 18 lesft

On 11th draw, AERIFIES 8A 33 --- AERIFY to aerate [v]
Other moves: FEM 6B 30, FIBRE 13C 29, FAIR C7 28, FIBRE M9 28, FAERIE 13B 27
FIBRE 13C 29 mylover81
FIBRE M9 28 rn.roselle
BRACE K9 18 slebbarc
RIFE M12 14 lesft

On 12th draw, ENJOY H11 45 --- ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v]
Other moves: ENJ(O)Y H11 42, JOU(N)CY J10 39, CLOV(E)RY M7 36, LENVOY H10 36, ENJO(Y) H11 33
ENJOY H11 45 mylover81, lesft
(S)LY N12 20 rn.roselle
R(A)J M12 18 slebbarc

On 13th draw, QIS 2F 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QADI B2 28, DADO I12 25, BRAD C7 24, BRED C7 24, BROD C7 24
QIS 2F 32 mylover81
QUID J11 18 lesft
BARD M10 14 slebbarc

On 14th draw, (S)ECANTLY 15A 89 --- SECANTLY in an intersecting manner [adv]
Other moves: ANALC(I)TE A8 86, ANALECT(A) A8 80, ANALECT(S) A8 80, AN(A)LECTA A8 80, CONE(P)ATL 14G 72
CLAP 3A 16 mylover81
AC(U)TE K11 12 lesft

On 15th draw, DEVOTE B10 28 --- DEVOTE to give oneself wholly to [v]
Other moves: DEVIL B2 22, DOVIE B2 22, DEV 13L 21, (R)ETROD C5 21, EVO C1 20
EVO C1 20 mylover81
DROVE M11 18 lesft
TROVE M11 16 slebbarc

On 16th draw, TOMO N4 24 --- TOMO a shaft formed by erosion of rock [n]
Other tops: MAC C13 24, MAVIE B2 24, MOC C13 24, MOVIE B2 24, VOMIT B2 24
Other moves: LOAVE N7 23, ALCOVE K10 22, AVOCET K9 22, MARVEL M10 22, VAMP 3A 22
MARVEL M10 22 lesft
EVO C1 20 mylover81
MACE K10 16 slebbarc

On 17th draw, KIBE M7 30 --- KIBE a sore caused by cold (a chilblain) [n]
Other moves: KEB M7 29, KED M7 27, KID M7 27, BIKE M7 26, BIKIE B2 26
BECK K10 24 mylover81
VICED K10 22 lesft
BRIDE M11 16 slebbarc

On 18th draw, AH N9 32 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v] --- AH used to express delight, relief, or contempt [interj]
Other tops: EH N9 32, OH N9 32
Other moves: HOB L8 29, THAE 13J 29, HOC C13 28, OBOVATE 14H 28, OBVIATE B2 28
HOC C13 28 mylover81
BOTCH K9 24 slebbarc
ROVE M12 14 lesft

On 19th draw, BEZIL B2 36 --- BEZIL a slanted surface [n]
Other moves: BIZ B4 34, OUZEL 14H 34, LUTZ J11 33, OOZE 14H 33, OUZO 14H 33
BIZ B4 34 mylover81, slebbarc
ZEP 3B 28 lesft

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