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Game of May 26, 2011 at 08:29, 3 players
1. jonb5 -346
2. Oasthouse1 -598
3. sathish -800

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehorsu   H4    26    26   hoarse
 2. ?acfoss   I9    77   103   fiascos
 3. ?bcinop  15D    42   145   biceps
 4. bdeegit   5E    44   189   bigoted
 5. aeiilmo   4H    87   276   hemiolia
 6. eekrsuw   O1    42   318   rewakes
 7. ddeltuu   6J    30   348   delude
 8. ginoruw  10F    29   377   wiring
 9. aaennrv   4A    28   405   varna
10. aeilnpx   8A   104   509   explains
11. aegjnot   2J    58   567   jantee
12. afiirtu   6D    37   604   tafia
13. aeilouz   3B    41   645   zoa
14. enotuvy  12D    32   677   envoys
15. einoqtu   2D    37   714   toque
16. deeimoo   1G    28   742   mod
17. ehilnrt   C8    31   773   pintle
18. egortuu   B2    26   799   tzar
19. eghoruy  13H    33   832   ochery

Remaining tiles: giuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5236 Filejonb5       2 15:01  -346  486     1.5236 jonb5       2 15:01  -346  486 
  2.5120 FileOasthouse1  0 11:21  -598  234     2.5120 Oasthouse1  0 11:21  -598  234 
  3.2525 Filesathish     0  3:35  -800   32            Group: not rated
                                             1.2525 sathish     0  3:35  -800   32 

On 1st draw, HOARSE H4 26 --- HOARSE rough and husky in sound [adj]
Other tops: AHORSE H3 26, HOUSER H4 26
Other moves: HARES H4 24, HAROS H4 24, HAUSE H4 24, HEARS H4 24, HEROS H4 24
HOARSE H4 26 jonb5

On 2nd draw, F(I)ASCOS I9 77 --- FIASCO a wine bottle [n]
Other tops: F(I)ASCOS G9 77
Other moves: F(I)ASCOES 9B 64, SCA(R)FS 10E 27, (L)OAFS G6 27, CHAF(E)S 4G 26, CHAF(F)S 4G 26
CHAF(F)S 4G 26 jonb5

On 3rd draw, BIC(E)PS 15D 42 --- BICEPS an arm muscle [n]
Other moves: BO(R)ONIC 5E 40, BO(S)ONIC 5E 40, OBCONI(C) 5E 40, OB(C)ONIC 5E 40, OP(S)ONIC 5E 40
BIC(E)PS 15D 42 jonb5

On 4th draw, BIGOTED 5E 44 --- BIGOTED intolerant [adj]
Other moves: BEEDI G6 29, BEDIGHT 4C 28, BEIGE I3 25, BEET G6 24, TEED G6 24
BODGIE 5G 20 jonb5

On 5th draw, HEMIOLIA 4H 87 --- HEMIOLIA a perfect fifth [n]
Other moves: HEMIOLA 4H 33, HEMAL 4H 29, MAILE 6J 28, MILIA 6J 28, MAIL 6J 25
MOLE 6J 25 jonb5

On 6th draw, REWAKES O1 42 --- REWAKE to wake again [v]
Other tops: WAUKERS O3 42, WEEKS 6J 42
Other moves: REWAKE O1 39, WAKERS O3 39, WAUKER O3 39, WEEK 6J 39, WREAKS O1 39
WAKERS O3 39 jonb5

On 7th draw, DELUDE 6J 30 --- DELUDE to mislead that what is true is false [v]
Other moves: GLUED G5 26, DELUDE 2J 24, DUCTULE 13G 24, DELT 6J 23, LUTED 6B 23
DUSTED 12G 18 jonb5

On 8th draw, WIR(I)NG 10F 29 --- WIRING a system of electric wires [n]
Other moves: CROWING 13I 26, ROWINGS 12C 26, COWING 13I 24, WORSING 12F 24, WRINGS 12D 24
WARING 11H 20 jonb5
WIN 6D 16 Oasthouse1

On 9th draw, VARNA 4A 28 --- VARNA any of the four main Hindu social classes [n]
Other moves: VARAN 6B 26, RAVEN 11C 23, CARVEN 13I 22, CAVERN 13I 22, CRAVEN 13I 22
GRAVEN K10 20 jonb5
VERB D12 18 Oasthouse1

On 10th draw, EXPLAINS 8A 104 --- EXPLAIN to make clear and understandable [v]
Other moves: EXPLAINS 12B 86, SALPINX 12I 48, VEXIL A4 45, VIXEN A4 45, EPAXIAL B2 36
VIXEN A4 45 jonb5, Oasthouse1

On 11th draw, JANTEE 2J 58 --- JANTEE briskly self-assured [adj]
Other moves: JACONET 13G 48, JEAN 3B 42, JEAT 3B 42, JEON 3B 42, JETON 6B 39
JOE 2M 20 Oasthouse1

On 12th draw, TAFIA 6D 37 --- TAFIA an inferior rum [n]
Other moves: FAUT 3B 30, TRIVIA A1 27, AUF 3C 26, FIXIT B6 25, TUFA E10 24
FIXIT B6 25 jonb5, Oasthouse1

On 13th draw, ZOA 3B 41 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other tops: ZEA 3B 41
Other moves: ZAX B6 39, ZEX B6 39, OOZE 14H 37, ZA 3B 37, ZO 3B 37
ZEALOUS 12C 34 jonb5
LAZE 11C 31 Oasthouse1

On 14th draw, ENVOYS 12D 32 --- ENVOY a representative [n]
Other moves: CONVEY 13I 28, COVYNE 13I 28, AYONT 11I 27, COVEY 13I 26, UNGYVE K8 26
CONVEY 13I 28 jonb5
VEX B6 21 Oasthouse1

On 15th draw, TOQUE 2D 37 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: CINQUE 13I 34, COQUET 13I 34, QUINE 11A 34, QUINO 11A 34, QUITE 11A 34
COQUET 13I 34 jonb5

On 16th draw, MOD 1G 28 --- MOD one who wears boldly stylish clothes [n]
Other tops: MED 1G 28, MOOI 7A 28
Other moves: MOE 3K 27, MOI 3K 27, OM 1G 26, MEE 1G 25, MIXED B6 25
MIXED B6 25 Oasthouse1
ME 1H 24 jonb5
OM 14I 10 sathish

On 17th draw, PINTLE C8 31 --- PINTLE a pin on which something turns [n]
Other moves: ELHI C11 27, HERL C10 27, HERN C10 27, HILT C10 27, HIRE C10 27
HEX B6 21 Oasthouse1, jonb5
GRIN K10 10 sathish

On 18th draw, TZAR B2 26 --- TZAR an emperor or king [n]
Other moves: OUTGOER 14I 20, TONG E10 20, TUNG E10 20, COUTURE 13I 18, ORGUE 11K 18
OGRE 11K 16 jonb5
GROG K10 12 Oasthouse1
DEG N6 7 sathish

On 19th draw, OCHERY 13H 33 --- OCHERY resembling ochre [adj]
Other tops: OCHREY 13H 33
Other moves: HOGGERY K8 30, YECH 13G 30, YUCH 13G 30, COUGHER 13I 26, HOC 13G 26
HEY B13 23 jonb5
HE 13B 5 sathish

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