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Game of May 26, 2011 at 21:29, 11 players
1. haminadoki -350
2. sunshine12 -368
3. SuperH -375

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deeiloy   H3    28    28   eyelid
 2. ?aaekrt   5E    94   122   caretake
 3. adeilov   L1    28   150   voidee
 4. aimrtxz   6H    53   203   lax
 5. cehlnno   2I    34   237   ochone
 6. aeeimqr   G7    45   282   qi
 7. deiioru   1L    29   311   vide
 8. ilnosuv   1D    41   352   vinous
 9. eeopstt   M5    26   378   septet
10. egllsuw   L8    28   406   swell
11. ?afinor  11E    90   496   fornical
12. aaegrtt   N9    29   525   target
13. aceeors  15I    88   613   acerose
14. bmnoouy  12A    38   651   boomy
15. adilmnp   3B    88   739   plaidmen
16. abfhinr   4A    32   771   fiar
17. ahinnot   A4    33   804   faith
18. bgnoruz  10F    64   868   zo
19. bggnuuw   C9    26   894   bugong

Remaining tiles: jnruuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6158 Filehaminadoki  3 20:01  -350  544     1.6158 haminadoki  3 20:01  -350  544 
  2.5572 Filesunshine12  5 13:03  -368  526     2.6145 mylover81   1  3:22  -848   46 
  3.5926 FileSuperH      3 18:01  -375  519            Group: novice
  4.5730 Filern.roselle  3 22:37  -382  512     1.5572 sunshine12  5 13:03  -368  526 
  5.5881 FileTwoFold     3 21:19  -393  501     2.5926 SuperH      3 18:01  -375  519 
  6.2967 Filecennet77    0 16:02  -658  236     3.5730 rn.roselle  3 22:37  -382  512 
  7.4108 FileDbuggle     0  7:34  -729  165     4.5881 TwoFold     3 21:19  -393  501 
  8.4853 Fileslebbarc    0  3:25  -843   51            Group: not rated
  9.4203 FileAndy1990    0  4:13  -843   51     1.2967 cennet77    0 16:02  -658  236 
 10.6145 Filemylover81   1  3:22  -848   46     2.4108 Dbuggle     0  7:34  -729  165 
 11.  -  FileJolene      0  1:52  -884   10     3.4853 slebbarc    0  3:25  -843   51 
                                             4.4203 Andy1990    0  4:13  -843   51 
                                             5.  -  Jolene      0  1:52  -884   10 

On 1st draw, EYELID H3 28 --- EYELID the lid of skin that can be closed over an eyeball [n]
Other moves: DEELY H8 26, DOILY H8 26, YIELD H4 26, YODEL H4 26, YODLE H4 26
EYELID H3 28 mylover81
YODEL H4 26 sunshine12, Dbuggle
YODLE H4 26 SuperH
YIELD H4 26 TwoFold
DOILY H8 26 rn.roselle
YIELD H8 22 haminadoki
YIELD H7 18 cennet77

On 2nd draw, (C)ARETAKE 5E 94 --- CARETAKE to take care of someone else's house or land [v]
Other tops: (H)EKETARA 5E 94
Other moves: TEA(M)AKER 3B 84, (P)ARAKEET 3C 84, (C)ARETAKE 3A 82, (H)EKETARA 3G 82, KARATE(S) G7 80
KART G7 28 sunshine12
KAT(S) G7 27 TwoFold
(S)TREAKY 4B 26 Dbuggle
(S)AKER 9H 19 rn.roselle
TAKER 3E 15 cennet77
K(E)ET I2 15 haminadoki

On 3rd draw, VOIDEE L1 28 --- VOIDEE a light supper [n]
Other tops: VAILED L1 28, VEALED L1 28, VEILED L1 28, VIALED L1 28
Other moves: DOLIA 6J 27, LOAVED 6J 26, VILDE L1 26, AILED 6J 24, ALIVE 6K 24
VEALED L1 28 sunshine12
DALE 6J 24 haminadoki
DIVA 4L 24 TwoFold
VOILE L1 24 SuperH
VIDEO L2 18 Dbuggle
LIVED L2 18 mylover81
LID 6H 17 rn.roselle
DIVED 8H 12 cennet77
LOVED 8D 10 Jolene

On 4th draw, LAX 6H 53 --- LAX a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other moves: ZAX I1 44, ZIRAM F2 42, ZIRAM J2 42, MAX I1 37, MIX I1 37
LAX 6H 53 haminadoki
XI G7 37 TwoFold, rn.roselle
ZAX F4 35 sunshine12
MAX F4 28 cennet77
AX F5 25 SuperH
ZIT 7G 23 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, OCHONE 2I 34 --- OCHONE used to express grief [interj]
Other moves: CHOLO 2J 32, CHINE 7F 29, NONE M3 29, CHOLINE 7D 28, CHOTA I2 28
HOC G7 27 SuperH
HEN G7 23 TwoFold
CH I2 20 haminadoki
OH G2 18 rn.roselle
HOLE 2K 14 Dbuggle
AH F5 13 sunshine12
COVEN 1J 10 cennet77

On 6th draw, QI G7 45 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 1H 35, AIMER 7G 29, RIME 7G 28, RAMEE M5 25, RAMIE M5 25
QI G7 45 SuperH, rn.roselle, sunshine12, TwoFold
QI 1H 35 haminadoki
DREAM 8H 11 Dbuggle, cennet77

On 7th draw, VIDE 1L 29 --- VIDE see -- used to direct a reader to another item; VIDE is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: VERD 1L 28, VIED 1L 28, NOIR M2 27, VIER 1L 25, VIRE 1L 25
VIDE 1L 29 sunshine12, TwoFold, SuperH
RED 1G 15 haminadoki
RED 3G 12 rn.roselle
AXE J5 10 Dbuggle
REED N1 5 cennet77

On 8th draw, VINOUS 1D 41 --- VINOUS pertaining to wine [adj]
Other moves: UNLIVES 3C 33, UNLOVES 3C 33, SOLIVE 3C 26, UNLIVE 3C 26, UNLOVE 3C 26
VIOLS 1E 26 sunshine12, SuperH
VINS 1F 23 haminadoki
VIS 1G 20 TwoFold
LOS 9E 17 rn.roselle
VOIDEES L1 11 cennet77
SAX J4 10 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, SEPTET M5 26 --- SEPTET a group of seven [n]
Other moves: ESTOP M4 25, STEEP M5 25, STOEP M5 25, POETS 9C 24, POTES 9C 24
POETS 9C 24 sunshine12, rn.roselle, haminadoki, TwoFold
POTES 9C 24 SuperH
VOTE D1 14 cennet77
(C)ARETAKES 5E 12 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, SWELL L8 28 --- SWELL stylish, SWELLER, SWELLEST (a pa p SWOLN) [adj] --- SWELL to increase in size or volume [v]
Other moves: WELLS 9C 26, WULLS 9C 26, WELLS 11I 25, WULLS 11I 25, YEW 4H 25
SWELL L8 28 TwoFold
WELLS 9C 26 haminadoki, SuperH
GLUTES 8J 24 sunshine12
STEW 8L 24 rn.roselle
WELTS 10J 18 cennet77
WEST 10J 15 Dbuggle
GLIDES 8E 8 Andy1990

On 11th draw, FORNI(C)AL 11E 90 --- FORNICAL pertaining to a fornix [adj] --- FORNIX an arched anatomical structure [adj]
Other tops: INFOR(M)AL 11E 90
Other moves: (P)INAFORE 3A 72, FARINO(S)E 3A 70, FRA(N)ION F8 70, FRANIO(N) F8 68, FOR(E)LAIN 12H 65
FAIR(S) 9C 22 haminadoki
FA K10 20 TwoFold
OF K9 17 rn.roselle
FRAIL 11H 16 Andy1990
NA N9 15 SuperH
(S)WEAR 9K 7 cennet77
FET 10K 6 sunshine12

On 12th draw, TARGET N9 29 --- TARGET to make a goal of [v]
Other moves: GEAT 10F 22, AGATE N10 21, AREG 10C 21, GASTER 8J 21, GRATE 12A 21
GRATE 12A 21 rn.roselle, SuperH
REG 10D 20 haminadoki, TwoFold
GOAT F10 9 cennet77
ANGER H10 8 sunshine12

On 13th draw, ACEROSE 15I 88 --- ACEROSE needle-shaped [adj]
Other moves: ACEROSE 10A 78, CREASOTE 14H 62, CREASE O6 37, CASE 15L 35, COARSE 15J 35
CASE 15L 35 SuperH, haminadoki, sunshine12
COSE 15L 35 rn.roselle
COARSE 15J 35 TwoFold
CORES 15J 16 Andy1990
CORSE F10 15 cennet77

On 14th draw, BOOMY 12A 38 --- BOOMY prospering [adj]
Other tops: MINY 3K 38
Other moves: BOYO 10D 37, BUOY 10C 35, BOY 10D 34, MOONY 12A 34, MOY 10D 34
BUOY 10C 35 rn.roselle
BOY 10D 34 TwoFold, haminadoki
YOB 10D 29 sunshine12
YO 10F 28 SuperH
BOY F10 14 cennet77
(C)OMBY E5 11 Andy1990

On 15th draw, PLAIDMEN 3B 88 --- PLAIDMAN a Highlander [n]
Other moves: DIPLOMA B8 36, IMPALED 3C 36, LIMPA O5 34, MILPA O5 34, PLAINED 3C 32
MAID 10F 30 SuperH
PAID 10F 30 haminadoki
BLIP A12 24 TwoFold, sunshine12
BALM A12 24 rn.roselle
VAMP D1 22 cennet77

On 16th draw, FIAR 4A 32 --- FIAR the holder of a type of absolute ownership of land under Scottish law [n]
Other tops: FAIN 4A 32, FAIR 4A 32, HAIN 4A 32, HAIR 4A 32
Other moves: INFRA O5 31, RABBIN A10 30, ABRI 13A 28, ARF 13A 28, HA 10F 28
HA 10F 28 rn.roselle, haminadoki, sunshine12
BARF A12 27 TwoFold
BA 10F 22 SuperH
HID 8F 7 cennet77

On 17th draw, FAITH A4 33 --- FAITH to believe or trust [v]
Other moves: HAO 10F 31, HOA 10F 31, HOI 10F 31, OHIA 13A 31, FONTINA A4 30
FAITH A4 33 sunshine12, haminadoki, rn.roselle
HAO 10F 31 SuperH
FAINT A4 24 TwoFold

On 18th draw, ZO 10F 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: BOZO F8 41, ZOON B10 33, ZOO B10 32, ZO F10 31, BOZO B11 30
ZO 10F 64 haminadoki, SuperH, rn.roselle, sunshine12
BOZO C11 30 slebbarc
ZA K10 24 TwoFold
GOB B11 6 cennet77

On 19th draw, BUGONG C9 26 --- BUGONG an Australian moth [n]
Other moves: BUBU A12 24, BUGONG B9 24, BUNG A12 21, BOW C11 16, BUN 12G 16
BUNG A12 21 SuperH, sunshine12, haminadoki, slebbarc
BOW C11 16 rn.roselle
W*G C11 14 cennet77
HUNG 8A 10 TwoFold

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