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Game of May 26, 2011 at 22:15, 7 players
1. sunshine12 -437
2. TwoFold -525
3. rn.roselle -632

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dhoprw   H3    32    32   whored
 2. efosstt   I7    71   103   softest
 3. ?aiilns   5D    78   181   visional
 4. aeeptvy  H11    51   232   peavy
 5. abiimrt  G10    29   261   iamb
 6. deeginp  J11    32   293   deep
 7. aefijor   4J    41   334   feijoa
 8. ainrtwz   O2    48   382   tzarina
 9. aceinor   D5    70   452   veronica
10. aikmruw   N6    46   498   kumari
11. ceglnot  15A    95   593   cogently
12. deoortv  O11    38   631   overt
13. deegluy   8A    30   661   eulogy
14. dghinor   6D    31   692   edh
15. bdegior   H1    48   740   bewhored
16. adgiltu  14B    26   766   gadi
17. ailnors   2E    62   828   ailerons
18. eenotwx   F8    54   882   yex
19. enqtuuw   1A    47   929   tuque

Remaining tiles: now

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5602 Filesunshine12  3 15:05  -437  492     1.5602 sunshine12  3 15:05  -437  492 
  2.5894 FileTwoFold     1 23:40  -525  404     2.5894 TwoFold     1 23:40  -525  404 
  3.5742 Filern.roselle  1 18:23  -632  297     3.5742 rn.roselle  1 18:23  -632  297 
  4.4853 Fileslebbarc    0 26:39  -635  294            Group: not rated
  5.4203 FileAndy1990    0 19:46  -726  203     1.4853 slebbarc    0 26:39  -635  294 
  6.2984 Filecennet77    0 19:28  -734  195     2.4203 Andy1990    0 19:46  -726  203 
  7.4113 FileDbuggle     0  3:44  -854   75     3.2984 cennet77    0 19:28  -734  195 
                                             4.4113 Dbuggle     0  3:44  -854   75 

On 1st draw, WHOR(E)D H3 32 --- WHORE to consort with prostitutes [v]
Other tops: WHOP(S) H4 32, WHOR(E)D H4 32, WHO(M)P H4 32, WHO(O)P H4 32, WH(O)OP H4 32, (S)HROWD H3 32, (S)HROWD H8 32
Other moves: HOWD(Y) H4 30, WHO(M)P H8 30, WHO(O)P H8 30, WH(O)OP H8 30, HOP(E)D H4 28
WHOR(E)D H4 32 sunshine12, rn.roselle
WHOP(S) H4 32 TwoFold
POWD(E)R H4 28 slebbarc
POW(E)R H4 24 Dbuggle
WHOP H6 24 cennet77

On 2nd draw, SOFTEST I7 71 --- SOFT yielding readily to pressure [adj]
Other moves: FOSSETT(E) 7A 62, FOSS(E)TTE 7D 62, FESTS G7 24, FESTS I7 24, FETTS G7 24
FOES G7 23 TwoFold, rn.roselle
FORESTS 6F 20 slebbarc
SHOTES 4G 18 sunshine12
FOOTS 5G 16 Dbuggle
WESTS 3H 9 cennet77

On 3rd draw, (V)ISIONAL 5D 78 --- VISIONAL imaginary [adj]
Other moves: (M)ISLAIN J5 77, WAILIN(G)S 3H 72, WIN(D)SAIL 3H 72, NIL(G)HAIS 4D 70, (P)LAINISH 4A 70
WAILIN(G) 3H 20 Dbuggle
HAILS 4H 16 TwoFold, rn.roselle
SAILIN(G) 12I 12 sunshine12
SLIN(G)S 12I 10 slebbarc
WIN(E)S 3H 8 cennet77

On 4th draw, PEAVY H11 51 --- PEAVY a lever used to move logs [n]
Other moves: PEATY H11 42, PEAVEY 4J 42, PEAVEYS 12C 38, PEAVY 4J 32, PYAT J8 31
PEAVY H11 51 sunshine12
PEAVEY 11H 28 Andy1990
YEA H11 17 TwoFold
WAVEY 3H 15 Dbuggle
SAVE 12I 14 rn.roselle
PA(V)E D3 10 slebbarc
PEAL K2 6 cennet77

On 5th draw, IAMB G10 29 --- IAMB a type of metrical foot [n]
Other moves: BAIT J8 28, MAIR J8 28, BARM G10 27, ABRIM 4K 26, BARM 6J 26
MAT 6J 23 sunshine12
MART 4J 18 TwoFold
BAM G10 17 rn.roselle
TRIBES 12D 16 slebbarc
MAY 15F 8 cennet77
BEST 12G 6 Andy1990

On 6th draw, DEEP J11 32 --- DEEP extending far down from the surface [adj] --- DEEP the place far down under the sea [n]
Other moves: P**D J8 31, EDGE F9 30, IDEE J10 30, EIDE J9 29, EIGNE F8 29
WEEPING 3H 28 sunshine12
DING 6J 19 TwoFold
PEG 4J 18 rn.roselle
WIPED 3H 12 cennet77
WIDEN 3H 10 Andy1990
GAPED 11F 9 slebbarc

On 7th draw, FEIJOA 4J 41 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other moves: JAI 4J 31, JAR 4J 31, RAJ F9 31, JAFA J2 30, JARS F2 27
RAJ F9 31 sunshine12
JAR 4J 31 TwoFold
RAJ J4 26 slebbarc, rn.roselle
JAW 3F 14 cennet77
RA(V)E D3 6 Andy1990

On 8th draw, TZARINA O2 48 --- TZARINA the wife of a czar [n]
Other moves: TARZAN O3 45, RIZA O1 39, IZARS F1 34, TZARS F1 34, NAZI 10D 33
ZA 3N 24 sunshine12
Z(E)ST 7G 22 slebbarc
RAJ M2 20 rn.roselle
WARN O3 7 Andy1990
WANT O3 7 cennet77

On 9th draw, (V)ERONICA D5 70 --- VERONICA a handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face [n]
Other moves: CAJON M2 28, CARNET 2J 28, CORNET 2J 28, CREANT 2J 28, CRIANT 2J 28
RAJ M2 20 sunshine12, rn.roselle
PACER 14J 18 Andy1990
JOINER M4 15 TwoFold
CO(V)ER D3 12 slebbarc
COY 15F 8 cennet77

On 10th draw, KUMARI N6 46 --- KUMARI in India, the title of Miss [n]
Other moves: OAKUM N4 45, KAMI N6 42, KAM N6 41, MAWK F7 39, MIKRA N6 37
MAKO 8A 30 sunshine12
WICK 11B 26 TwoFold, slebbarc
MA N6 22 rn.roselle
WORK 8C 11 Andy1990
WAY 15F 9 cennet77

On 11th draw, COGENTLY 15A 95 --- COGENT convincing [adv] --- COGENTLY in a cogent manner [adv]
Other moves: COGENT 2J 30, ONCET O11 26, TELCO O11 26, COGON 8A 24, COLOG 8A 24
CLOOT 8A 21 sunshine12, Andy1990
LONG M11 12 TwoFold
GOWN 3F 10 cennet77
GLOAT 12A 8 slebbarc
PONE 14J 6 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, OVERT O11 38 --- OVERT open to view [adj]
Other moves: DEVOT O11 33, DOVER O11 33, DROVE O11 33, TROVE O11 29, DEVOT 8A 27
DROVE O11 33 TwoFold, rn.roselle
TROVE O11 29 sunshine12
DEVOT 8A 27 slebbarc
PROVED 14J 24 Andy1990
POOD 14J 7 cennet77

On 13th draw, EULOGY 8A 30 --- EULOGY a formal expression of high praise [n]
Other moves: GUY 14B 28, GUDE 14B 26, YUG M9 26, LUGED M9 25, EYED C7 24
FAY J4 17 rn.roselle
DEWY 3F 16 cennet77
YE C12 15 TwoFold
LEED 6B 10 Andy1990
YO B14 10 sunshine12

On 14th draw, EDH 6D 31 --- EDH an Old English letter [n]
Other moves: HID E11 30, HIN E11 28, HI E11 26, HOG M9 26, OH E10 26
HOUND B6 21 slebbarc
HO N13 19 rn.roselle
Y*D F8 18 sunshine12
DIG K13 17 TwoFold
HOUR B6 15 Andy1990
HEROIN A7 10 cennet77

On 15th draw, BEWHOR(E)D H1 48 --- BEWHORE to call someone a whore [v]
Other moves: BEGIRD M9 39, BOGIED M9 39, BOGIE M9 35, DOBIE M9 32, BEGIRT 2J 30
YOB F8 24 sunshine12
BRIDE M11 21 TwoFold
GOURDE B6 16 slebbarc
BIDE 13L 14 rn.roselle
BOW 3F 9 cennet77

On 16th draw, GADI 14B 26 --- GADI a hassock [n]
Other moves: GAD M7 25, GAD 14B 22, GJU M3 22, DAL M7 21, GAL M7 21
GAD 14B 22 TwoFold
AG F10 18 sunshine12
GAULT B6 12 slebbarc
GUILT B7 8 Andy1990
GUT 2M 8 cennet77

On 17th draw, AILERONS 2E 62 --- AILERON a movable control surface on an airplane wing [n]
Other tops: ALERIONS 2F 62, ALIENORS 2E 62
Other moves: AILERONS A5 59, ALERIONS A6 59, ALIENORS A5 59, RIOJAS M1 33, ROJIS M2 31
ALAS 9L 22 TwoFold
RAJ M2 20 sunshine12
ROAST 2K 10 Andy1990
BASIL 1H 8 cennet77
RINSE A4 6 slebbarc

On 18th draw, YEX F8 54 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: WOXEN 1A 50, WEX 3C 35, WOX 3C 35, WOXEN 3B 34, NEXT 3C 33
YEX F8 54 sunshine12
WEX 3C 35 TwoFold
XI 10F 25 slebbarc
WOXEN A5 15 Andy1990
WENT 15L 11 cennet77

On 19th draw, TUQUE 1A 47 --- TUQUE a knitted woollen cap [n]
Other moves: NEW 13A 30, TEW 13A 30, TUQUE 3A 30, UNWET 1A 29, QUEAN 12A 24
NEW 13A 30 TwoFold
UNWET 1A 29 sunshine12
QUEUE A6 14 Andy1990
WENT 15L 11 cennet77

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