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Game sheet of LiRenLoves (file), Game of May 27, 2011 at 04:19

Word find
Word played
1 ?AENRTX             (D)EXTRAN H2 92 92  
2 HNOTUWY             UNWORTHY 6D 83 175  
3 ?ABGNSZ             BYZAN(T)S K5 80 255  
4 AEGMRTW             MAWGER 8J 48 303  
5 DELRSTU             RUNDLETS E4 86 389  
6 IKOOPST             STOOKIE N2 42 431  
7 NOOPRSY             ROOPY O1 55 486  
8 AAEGILO OW L7 16 -9 16 5/6 AZO 7J 25 511 8/8
9 GINSTUV US 9G 17 -7 33 3/8 UNGILT 8A 24 535 8/8
10 AACENPR TEA F8 11 -21 44 7/8 PAEON G3 32 567 8/8
11 EEFILSV             FIVE D1 32 599 8/8
12 AAELOSV             VALONEAS B4 65 664 8/8
13 ABCCHIO             BOCCIA A10 51 715 8/8
14 ADEEIIL             LEAFED 1A 30 745 8/9
15 EEIIMRT             METIER C10 26 771 8/9
16 DEHIQRU             QUIRE L1 52 823 9/9
17 AFGHIJL             HAJI L11 33 856 9/10
18 DEFGILN             DEFILING 14G 80 936 9/10

Total: 44/936 or -892 for 4.700%
Rank: -

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