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Game of May 27, 2011 at 08:05, 4 players
1. kellybelly -624
2. mylover81 -651
3. AtommotA -746

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceiinn   H4    22    22   canine
 2. ?apprst   5E    94   116   parapets
 3. aeiosuy   6D    31   147   sey
 4. achiors   L1    90   237   coarsish
 5. aadelmu   G5    36   273   remuda
 6. ehilttu   1G    33   306   thetic
 7. ?fkrtuz   F8    74   380   fiz
 8. adklorw   J4    69   449   leadwork
 9. aeefosu  12H    40   489   fusee
10. eoooovw   4D    32   521   vow
11. eeimorr   2F    28   549   moire
12. abdnoou  11J    30   579   koban
13. aiiortt   N6    62   641   tritonia
14. aeiinnq   7C    23   664   qi
15. adeegil   O4    40   704   gleed
16. beeglox  H12    42   746   flex
17. adelnuy  O12    40   786   dyne
18. aiijnrt  15A   119   905   janitrix
19. abeglou  B10    30   935   beluga
20. agnoouv  M13    28   963   gov

Remaining tiles: anou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6992 Filekellybelly  2  9:11  -624  339     1.6992 kellybelly  2  9:11  -624  339 
  2.6149 Filemylover81   1 12:27  -651  312     2.6149 mylover81   1 12:27  -651  312 
  3.5409 FileAtommotA    0 10:49  -746  217            Group: novice
  4.  -  Filesquiggy     0  8:53  -894   69     1.5409 AtommotA    0 10:49  -746  217 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  squiggy     0  8:53  -894   69 

On 1st draw, CANINE H4 22 --- CANINE a dog [n]
Other tops: CANNIE H4 22, NEANIC H7 22
Other moves: ENIAC H8 20, CANINE H3 18, CANINE H7 18, CANINE H8 18, CANNIE H3 18

On 2nd draw, PARAP(E)TS 5E 94 --- PARAPET a protective wall [n]
Other tops: APPAR(A)TS 5E 94, (A)PPARATS 5E 94
Other moves: TAPP(E)RS G7 77, APP(O)RTS 10B 73, APP(O)RTS G8 73, APPAR(A)TS 5H 72, APP(A)RATS 5C 72

On 3rd draw, SEY 6D 31 --- SEY a part carcase of beef [n]
Other tops: SAY 6D 31, SOY 6D 31, UEY 6D 31
Other moves: AY 6E 30, OY 6E 30, RESAY G5 29, YEN 6F 29, EASY 4L 26

On 4th draw, COARSISH L1 90 --- COARSISH somewhat coarse [adj]
Other moves: ACTORISH K3 63, CHIROS 4A 39, HAIRS 6J 34, OSHAC 4B 33, CHAOS 4B 31

On 5th draw, REMUDA G5 36 --- REMUDA a herd of horses [n]
Other moves: MACLED 1J 33, ALMUCE 1H 30, MACULA 1J 30, MACULE 1J 30, DUMELA G7 28

On 6th draw, THETIC 1G 33 --- THETIC arbitrary [adj]
Other moves: ETHIC 1H 30, HETH 8L 30, THEIC 1H 30, HEIL 6J 29, HULE M1 29

On 7th draw, F(I)Z F8 74 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: R(I)Z F8 68, ZURF F10 67, ZURF(S) F10 67, Z(E)RK F10 67, Z(O)UK F10 67

On 8th draw, L(E)ADWORK J4 69 --- LEADWORK something made of lead [n]
Other moves: HAWK 8L 42, HOWK 8L 42, WOK 4D 35, KAW 4D 34, KOW 4D 34

On 9th draw, FUSEE 12H 40 --- FUSEE a large-headed friction match [n]
Other moves: FEASE K9 35, FEASE 2F 31, HAUF 8L 30, HOUF 8L 30, SAFE 12J 30
FEASE K9 35 kellybelly
FEES 2F 24 AtommotA

On 10th draw, VOW 4D 32 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: HOVE 8L 30, HOWE 8L 30, KOW 11J 29, OWE M2 26, VOW 7C 23
HOVE 8L 30 kellybelly, mylover81
OWE M2 26 AtommotA

On 11th draw, MOIRE 2F 28 --- MOIRE a fabric having a wavy pattern [n]
Other moves: FEME H12 27, FERM H12 27, FIRM H12 27, FORM H12 27, FROM H12 27
FORM H12 27 kellybelly, AtommotA
HOME 8L 27 mylover81
SEEM D6 7 squiggy

On 12th draw, KOBAN 11J 30 --- KOBAN an old Japanese coin [n]
Other moves: KOBO 11J 28, KONBU 11J 28, HABU 8L 27, HOBO 8L 27, KAB 11J 26
HOBO 8L 27 kellybelly
HAND 8L 24 mylover81
FOND H12 24 AtommotA
UNDO I12 6 squiggy

On 13th draw, TRITONIA N6 62 --- TRITONIA a South African plant [n]
Other moves: AFRIT H11 24, IFTAR H11 24, FAIR H12 21, FARO H12 21, F*RT H12 21
HAIR 8L 21 kellybelly
FRIT H12 21 mylover81
RATION N6 10 AtommotA

On 14th draw, QI 7C 23 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FAIN H12 21, FANE H12 21, FENI H12 21, FINE H12 21, FINI H12 21
QI 7C 23 kellybelly
FAIN H12 21 mylover81
FINE H12 21 squiggy
SIENNA D6 7 AtommotA

On 15th draw, GLEED O4 40 --- GLEED a glowing coal [n]
Other moves: GAED O5 31, GEED O5 31, GIED O5 31, DALE O12 28, DALI O12 28
GIED O5 31 kellybelly
FAIL H12 21 mylover81
SIDE D6 7 squiggy

On 16th draw, FLEX H12 42 --- FLEX to bend [v]
Other moves: BOX O13 40, EX M2 38, OX M2 38, GOX O11 37, GOX O13 36
FLEX H12 42 kellybelly
EX M2 38 AtommotA
OX M2 38 mylover81
FOX H12 13 squiggy

On 17th draw, DYNE O12 40 --- DYNE a unit of force [n]
Other moves: DENY O12 37, NYED O12 35, DYE M2 29, ADENYL 13C 28, DALE O12 28
DENY O12 37 kellybelly
DEAN O12 28 mylover81
QUALE C7 15 squiggy
QUAD C7 15 AtommotA

On 18th draw, JANITRIX 15A 119 --- JANITRIX a female doorkeeper [n]
Other moves: NARTJIE 14B 60, JAI M13 46, JAR M13 46, JIN M13 46, JA M13 44
JIN M13 46 AtommotA
JAI M13 46 mylover81
RAIT 8A 30 kellybelly

On 19th draw, BELUGA B10 30 --- BELUGA a white sturgeon [n]
Other moves: BAG M13 28, BEG M13 28, BOG M13 28, BUG M13 28, BAL M13 26
BAG M13 28 mylover81, kellybelly

On 20th draw, GOV M13 28 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other tops: GUV M13 28
Other moves: NOVA A7 25, NOVA C1 24, VAG C3 24, AVO A8 22, GAN M13 22
GOV M13 28 mylover81
LOON 12B 8 kellybelly

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