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Game of May 27, 2011 at 18:50, 8 players
1. musdrive -343
2. margalang -428
3. Faeythe -475

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abceirs   H7    78    78   ascribe
 2. aadfgns  11E    48   126   fadings
 3. ?cemnuz  10C    70   196   chez
 4. adeiisw  14F    33   229   wadies
 5. ghirsux  13G    51   280   hex
 6. iimootu  15D    20   300   moot
 7. ?beegll   8A    83   383   gabelles
 8. adelmnr   B2    74   457   alderman
 9. aeginpt   7G    74   531   paginate
10. deijorr   O5    49   580   jedi
11. aahirtt   N6    35   615   hetaira
12. aostuvv  12B    34   649   vauts
13. eenrtuw  O12    42   691   wren
14. aikoqrt   6J    67   758   qat
15. eiknoty   A1    37   795   kye
16. fooprtv   M9    37   832   poort
17. enooruy  N14    22   854   yo
18. eiinouv   5K    27   881   vin
19. eflnoru   D1    80   961   fluorene

Remaining tiles: eiiioouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7074 Filemusdrive    5 19:32  -343  618     1.7074 musdrive    5 19:32  -343  618 
  2.5706 Filemargalang   5 15:43  -428  533            Group: intermediate
  3.5432 FileFaeythe     0 20:25  -475  486     1.6098 lastlea     0  7:27  -782  179 
  4.5919 FileTwoFold     2 15:32  -548  413            Group: novice
  5.3844 Fileremij       0 24:23  -710  251     1.5706 margalang   5 15:43  -428  533 
  6.3785 Filelesft       0 19:54  -712  249     2.5432 Faeythe     0 20:25  -475  486 
  7.6098 Filelastlea     0  7:27  -782  179     3.5919 TwoFold     2 15:32  -548  413 
  8.5662 Filesunshine12  0  0:36  -935   26     4.5662 sunshine12  0  0:36  -935   26 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3844 remij       0 24:23  -710  251 
                                             2.3785 lesft       0 19:54  -712  249 

On 1st draw, ASCRIBE H7 78 --- ASCRIBE to attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin [v]
Other tops: ASCRIBE H2 78, CABRIES H2 78, CABRIES H4 78, CARBIES H4 78, CARIBES H4 78, CARIBES H8 78
Other moves: ASCRIBE H3 74, ASCRIBE H4 74, ASCRIBE H6 74, ASCRIBE H8 74, CABRIES H3 74
CARIBES H4 28 musdrive
BRACES H4 26 TwoFold, margalang, sunshine12, Faeythe
BRACES H7 22 remij

On 2nd draw, FADINGS 11E 48 --- FADING an Irish dance [n]
Other moves: DEFANGS 13G 36, FADS 14F 29, FAD 14F 28, FANGAS 14C 26, FAS 14F 26
FADINGS 11E 48 musdrive
FAS 14F 26 TwoFold
FAGS 14E 22 margalang
FA G7 20 Faeythe
FADES 13E 12 remij
BAGS 12H 7 lesft

On 3rd draw, C(H)EZ 10C 70 --- CHEZ at the home of [prep]
Other moves: C(O)Z 10D 68, M(I)Z 10D 68, M(O)Z 10D 68, ZER(O) 10F 67, (B)EZ 10D 67
C(O)Z 10D 68 musdrive
ZER(O) 10F 67 Faeythe
Z(A) G7 42 TwoFold
ZA F10 31 margalang
G(A)ZE J11 15 lesft
NEE 13G 5 remij

On 4th draw, WADIES 14F 33 --- WADY the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other tops: WISED 14F 33
Other moves: WADES 12A 32, WADES 14F 32, WADIS 12A 32, WADIS 14F 32, WEIDS 12A 32
WIDES 14F 32 TwoFold
WIDES 12A 32 musdrive
SABE 12F 23 Faeythe
CAWS C10 18 lesft
ASCRIBES H7 12 margalang
WADES K7 9 remij

On 5th draw, HEX 13G 51 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: XI I7 36, SIX I5 35, XIS I13 35, EX 13H 34, XI I13 34
HEX 13G 51 margalang, musdrive
XI I7 36 TwoFold
XI I13 34 Faeythe
SAX 7G 19 remij
SIR 8H 3 lesft

On 6th draw, MOOT 15D 20 --- MOOT debatable [adj] --- MOOT to bring up for discussion [v]
Other tops: TOOM 15D 20
Other moves: MOIT 12B 18, MOOT 12B 18, OMIT 12B 18, OOM 15E 18, T*M 15E 18
TOOM 15D 20 TwoFold
T*M 15E 18 margalang
MO G7 16 musdrive
OMIT 13K 14 Faeythe
COOT C10 12 lesft
MOAT 7F 8 remij

On 7th draw, G(A)BELLES 8A 83 --- GABELLE a tax on salt [n]
Other moves: G(A)BELLES K4 70, GABELLE(D) 7G 66, GABELLE(R) 7G 66, GABELLE(S) 7G 66, GEL(A)BLE G2 66
BEG(S) 12B 17 musdrive
C(A)BLE C10 16 lesft
BE(A)M D12 14 Faeythe
BEE 14B 14 margalang
BEG I5 13 TwoFold
(S)MOOT 15C 6 remij

On 8th draw, ALDERM(A)N B2 74 --- ALDERMAN a member of a municipal legislative body [n]
Other moves: MALANDER 7G 73, MANDRELS K4 72, ALDERMAN 7H 65, MANDREL I1 65, BECALM C8 26
REMANDS K5 20 Faeythe
MADE 7G 19 margalang, TwoFold
CAMEL C10 18 remij
ME G7 14 musdrive
GLEAM A8 11 lesft

On 9th draw, PAGINATE 7G 74 --- PAGINATE to mark with consecutive numbers [v]
Other tops: PLEATING 3A 74
Other moves: PAGINATE 2A 63, INAPT 15K 26, INEPT 15K 26, PAINT 12A 26, TAPEN 15K 26
PLEATING 3A 24 Faeythe, musdrive, lesft
APE A1 21 margalang, TwoFold
PLANT 3A 14 remij

On 10th draw, JEDI O5 49 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JEDI 6L 34, JERID N6 33, JIRD O4 33, JERRID N6 32, JOINDERS K4 32
JO 6F 30 Faeythe
JOINED K4 28 margalang
JEER N6 27 remij
JOE 14B 24 TwoFold
ORDER 15K 23 musdrive
JADE L6 14 lesft

On 11th draw, HETAIRA N6 35 --- HETAIRA a Greek courtesan [n]
Other moves: HEART N6 33, AHA 6I 32, AHI 6I 32, HAT 6J 31, HIT 6J 31
HEART N6 33 lastlea
HAT 6J 31 Faeythe
HEAT N6 30 TwoFold, musdrive
HET N6 29 margalang
CHAIR C10 20 lesft
DRAT 4B 10 remij

On 12th draw, VAUTS 12B 34 --- VAUT to attain great success [v]
Other moves: VATS 12C 32, VATUS 12A 30, VAUTS 12A 30, AVOS 13K 27, AVOS O12 27
TAVAS 9K 25 musdrive
VAST 13L 25 margalang
VAS 9M 23 TwoFold
STOVE D4 16 remij
JEDIS O5 15 Faeythe
COAST C10 14 lesft

On 13th draw, WREN O12 42 --- WREN a small songbird [n]
Other tops: WEEN O12 42, WEER O12 42, WEET O12 42, WENT O12 42, WERE O12 42, WERT O12 42
Other moves: TWEEN 15K 38, TWEER 15K 38, TENURE O10 28, ENEW O12 27, EWER O12 27
WERT O12 42 TwoFold, musdrive
WENT O12 42 margalang
WEE A1 22 lastlea
WEAR 12L 16 Faeythe
DREW 4B 16 remij
DENT 4B 10 lesft

On 14th draw, QAT 6J 67 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI 6J 64, KAT 6J 37, KIT 6J 37, KOA 6J 37, KA 6J 34
QAT 6J 67 margalang, musdrive
QI 6J 64 lastlea, Faeythe
AKIN K4 16 lesft
KIN K5 14 remij

On 15th draw, KYE A1 37 --- KYE a Korean village fund which lends for weddings, funerals etc [n]
Other moves: KY A1 32, KYNE M12 32, KYTE M12 32, TOKEN M10 32, YIKE M12 31
KYE A1 37 musdrive, margalang
LIKEN 3B 18 lesft
YE A1 17 TwoFold
TAKEN L6 14 Faeythe
TROY 6A 7 remij

On 16th draw, POORT M9 37 --- POORT a mountain pass [n]
Other moves: P**F M9 32, FOOT M9 30, ORF C1 30, FOR C3 29, P**F M12 26
ORF C1 30 lastlea
FOP M12 25 musdrive
PROVE D4 20 TwoFold
ROOF M12 20 margalang
FOOT 15J 15 Faeythe
FOOL E5 14 lesft
VAN K5 12 remij

On 17th draw, YO N14 22 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other tops: NY 8K 22, YE N14 22, YU N14 22
Other moves: CYANO C10 20, VERY B12 20, MOY 7B 19, CRAY C10 18, CYAN C10 18
YO N14 22 margalang
DRONY 4B 18 musdrive
DREY 4B 16 lesft
REN 5K 15 Faeythe
TAY L6 10 TwoFold
DEN 4B 8 remij

On 18th draw, VIN 5K 27 --- VIN wine [n]
Other tops: VIE 5K 27
Other moves: DIVINE 4B 20, VIVE B12 20, VIVO B12 20, EVO 6E 19, DEVON 4B 18
VIVO B12 20 musdrive
DIVE 4B 16 margalang
VEIN B12 14 lesft
VINE B12 14 Faeythe
AVE C12 12 TwoFold
VAN K5 12 remij

On 19th draw, FLUORENE D1 80 --- FLUORENE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ORFE C1 35, FELON C1 33, FONE C3 33, FORE C3 33, ERF C1 30
FORE C3 33 margalang, musdrive
REF C1 30 Faeythe, lastlea
FELON M1 16 remij
ELOPE G4 7 lesft

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