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Game of May 27, 2011 at 19:36, 9 players
1. musdrive -228
2. TwoFold -330
3. lastlea -344

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. degilmr   H4    26    26   midleg
 2. aaestvx  10D    39    65   texas
 3. ?anortt   5E    78   143   antiriot
 4. abeijos   L1    46   189   jabots
 5. ?egnqru   E8    84   273   queering
 6. aceiipt   1L    39   312   jape
 7. deinrtw   2J    42   354   wrate
 8. aailnot  15E    80   434   galtonia
 9. cdehiny  14B    51   485   hinny
10. cdefimo   1E    38   523   medico
11. efinoor   2D    35   558   nife
12. aeknprs  14I    44   602   pekans
13. abiirsy  A11    45   647   birsy
14. adeeruw   4A    29   676   wared
15. acilotz   A4    51   727   waltz
16. defhiov   6J    37   764   fished
17. ceiooru   O4    33   797   coder
18. egiouuv   3L    24   821   beg
19. ilouuvv   B1    20   841   viva
20. iloouuu   B8    21   862   olio

Remaining tiles: ouuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7076 Filemusdrive    4 19:47  -228  634     1.7076 musdrive    4 19:47  -228  634 
  2.5916 FileTwoFold     1 21:59  -330  532            Group: intermediate
  3.6115 Filelastlea     4 25:29  -344  518     1.6115 lastlea     4 25:29  -344  518 
  4.3763 Fileremij       0 25:20  -480  382            Group: novice
  5.3759 Filelesft       0 22:31  -524  338     1.5916 TwoFold     1 21:59  -330  532 
  6.5519 Filemichele     1 12:20  -632  230     2.5519 michele     1 12:20  -632  230 
  7.5803 Filescrab21     1  8:40  -698  164     3.5803 scrab21     1  8:40  -698  164 
  8.5665 Filesunshine12  1  8:09  -701  161     4.5665 sunshine12  1  8:09  -701  161 
  9.4976 Filespace       0  4:48  -783   79            Group: not rated
                                             1.3763 remij       0 25:20  -480  382 
                                             2.3759 lesft       0 22:31  -524  338 
                                             3.4976 space       0  4:48  -783   79 

On 1st draw, MIDLEG H4 26 --- MIDLEG the middle of the leg [n]
Other moves: GLIMED H4 24, GLIMED H7 24, GRIMED H4 24, GRIMED H7 24, MIDGE H4 24
MIDGE H4 24 musdrive
GRIMED H4 24 TwoFold
MILDER H4 24 sunshine12, lastlea
MILDER H8 20 lesft
LIMED H5 16 remij

On 2nd draw, TEXAS 10D 39 --- TEXAS the uppermost structure on a steamboat [n]
Other tops: TAXES 10D 39
Other moves: AXES 10E 38, SAXE 10H 38, SEXT 10H 38, SAX 10H 37, SEX 10H 37
SAX 10H 37 musdrive
SEX 10H 37 TwoFold, lastlea
TAXES I1 26 sunshine12
STEAM 4D 14 lesft
EXAMS 4E 14 remij

On 3rd draw, ANTIR(I)OT 5E 78 --- ANTIRIOT designed to prevent or end riots [adj]
Other tops: ATTORNE(D) E4 78, ATTORNE(Y) E4 78, ORNATE(S)T E5 78
Other moves: (C)ONTRATE 8A 74, TORM(E)NTA 4E 68, ANT(I)RIOT 5C 64, NITRATO(R) 5G 64, NIT(R)ATOR 5G 64
TONG 9E 20 musdrive
R(U)T 11E 18 TwoFold
MANOR 4H 14 lesft
TR(E)E E7 3 remij

On 4th draw, JABOTS L1 46 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: JABOT L1 44, JIBES 4K 43, JATOS D8 40, JOIST L1 40, JOTAS D8 40
JABS 4K 39 TwoFold
JOBE 4C 32 musdrive
JETS L3 22 remij, lesft
JETS D8 19 lastlea

On 5th draw, QUEER(I)NG E8 84 --- QUEER to spoil the effect or success of [v]
Other tops: QUEER(I)NG E7 84
Other moves: QUANG(O) 2J 70, QUEER(I)NG 8E 69, EQUAN(T) 2I 68, QUAER(E) 2J 68, QUAG(S) 2J 68
QUAG(S) 2J 68 lastlea, musdrive
SUQ 6L 32 TwoFold
JER(K) 1L 30 remij
Q(I) J4 10 lesft

On 6th draw, JAPE 1L 39 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JEAT 1L 33, PEINCT 14B 32, PICANTE 14A 26, PREACT 12D 26, ATE M1 25
JAPE 1L 39 musdrive, lastlea
ATE M1 25 TwoFold
GAPE 15E 21 remij
BITE 3L 12 lesft

On 7th draw, WRATE 2J 42 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other moves: TWINGED 15A 39, WRINGED 15A 39, DEWANI 2I 34, TAWED 2K 34, TINWARE 2H 34
WRINGED 15A 39 TwoFold, remij, lastlea
TWINGED 15A 39 musdrive
WREN 12D 14 lesft

On 8th draw, GALTONIA 15E 80 --- GALTONIA a lily [n]
Other moves: AILANTO 1D 79, NOTARIAL 12A 70, RATIONAL 12E 68, NATIONAL 14E 62, GALTONIA 9H 61
AGAIN 15D 21 lesft
GIANT 15E 18 TwoFold
GLOAT 15E 18 lastlea
GLINT 15E 18 musdrive
GOAL 15E 15 michele
GAIN 15E 15 remij

On 9th draw, HINNY 14B 51 --- HINNY to whinny [v]
Other tops: HENNY 14B 51
Other moves: CHYND 14B 43, HYED 6E 39, DICEY 6B 38, CHYND 4A 37, DYED 6E 35
HINNY 14B 51 musdrive
DRENCH 12D 30 lesft
CHIDE 4A 30 TwoFold
BEND 3L 25 remij
CH(I)NED 13C 24 michele

On 10th draw, MEDICO 1E 38 --- MEDICO a doctor or medical student [n]
Other moves: DEFIS 6H 33, FICO 1G 32, FORMIC 12C 32, DEF 15A 31, DIF 15A 31
DEF 15A 31 musdrive
FED 15A 29 TwoFold
DEF 6H 29 lastlea
BED 3L 24 remij
FEM 4C 20 michele
FROM 12D 18 lesft

On 11th draw, NIFE 2D 35 --- NIFE the earth's hypothetical core of nickel and iron [n]
Other tops: RIFE 2D 35
Other moves: DEFIS 6H 33, OOFIER 14J 33, FEN 2F 32, FIN 2F 32, FON 2F 32
RIFE 2D 35 lastlea
REF 2D 31 TwoFold, musdrive
FEN 15A 25 michele
BEN 3L 21 remij
ATE M1 14 lesft

On 12th draw, PEKANS 14I 44 --- PEKAN a carnivorous mammal [n]
Other moves: PASE A12 39, KE(I)RS 13C 38, NAKERS 14I 38, PARSE A11 36, PRASE A11 36
PARSE A11 36 lesft
PRANKS 12D 34 remij
ASK A13 33 musdrive, lastlea
KNAP C2 32 michele
KEN 15A 28 TwoFold

On 13th draw, BIRSY A11 45 --- BIRSY bristly [adj]
Other moves: BIRSY 6B 39, ARSY A12 36, ARSY 3D 35, SAIYID 6C 35, SAYID 6D 34
BIRSY A11 45 lastlea
BRAYS 3A 30 musdrive
YA 15A 20 TwoFold
BA 15A 17 michele
RIB C13 10 remij, lesft

On 14th draw, WARED 4A 29 --- WARE to beware of [v]
Other moves: DRAWEE 4A 28, WARDEN M9 28, BEDE 3L 26, BEDU 3L 26, REWED 3A 26
WARED 3A 26 musdrive
WAD B10 22 TwoFold
WED B10 22 scrab21
WEEDS N10 17 remij
QUEER 8E 14 michele
WREN M11 14 lesft

On 15th draw, WALTZ A4 51 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: AZO 3A 44, ZOA 3B 42, COLZA B7 40, ZIT B10 38, LAZO B8 37
WALTZ A4 51 michele
ZIT B10 38 TwoFold, scrab21
AZO B9 36 musdrive, lastlea
CLAW A1 27 space, lesft
WAIT A4 7 remij

On 16th draw, FISHED 6J 37 --- FISH to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) [v]
Other moves: DEFIS 6H 33, FISH 6J 32, FERVID 12C 30, DEF 6H 29, DOSEH 6J 29
FISHED 6J 37 lastlea, musdrive, sunshine12, TwoFold
FISH 6J 32 michele
BED 3L 24 remij
FIVES N10 19 space
H(I)VED J4 19 scrab21
VIN M12 12 lesft

On 17th draw, CODER O4 33 --- CODER one that codes [n]
Other tops: CIDER O4 33
Other moves: DOUCER O6 27, DECOR O6 24, DICER O6 24, DORIC O6 24, DOUCE O6 24
CODER O4 33 musdrive
CIDER O4 33 scrab21
DOUCER O6 27 sunshine12
DICER O6 24 lesft, remij
DECOR O6 24 TwoFold
RODEO O4 21 lastlea
DOOR O6 15 space

On 18th draw, BEG 3L 24 --- BEG to beseech [v]
Other tops: VOGUED 6C 24
Other moves: DEVOTE G1 21, GROVE 12D 20, GROVE C3 20, NEVI F5 20, GEOID 6D 19
GROVE C3 20 sunshine12, musdrive, scrab21
GIVEN M10 18 space
GIVES N10 13 TwoFold
VIE C13 12 lesft, lastlea
HIVE M6 12 remij

On 19th draw, VIVA B1 20 --- VIVA a shout or cry used to express approval [n] --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other moves: DEVOT G1 17, LOID 6E 17, OIL B8 16, OVAL B2 16, VIAL B2 16
OVAL B2 16 musdrive
VIAL B2 16 scrab21
LIEU 11C 15 lastlea
VIA B2 12 remij, TwoFold
ZO 8A 11 sunshine12
GUV 9H 8 lesft

On 20th draw, OLIO B8 21 --- OLIO a miscellaneous collection [n]
Other moves: LOID 6E 17, OIL B8 16, IO B7 15, LIEU 11C 15, OO B7 15
OIL B8 16 TwoFold, scrab21, sunshine12
LI F7 13 musdrive
ZOO 8A 12 remij
QI 8E 11 lastlea
LIN M12 6 lesft

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