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Game sheet of ceosickey (file), Game of May 27, 2011 at 20:25

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEEITZ             AT(H)EIZE H7 100 100  
2 ?AEEIMS             (S)EAMIEST 8A 86 186  
3 ACEIPRS             SCRAPIE 14H 92 278  
4 CEORSVW             WORSE O11 39 317  
5 AEHINSU             HUMANISE D6 76 393  
6 EFKNTUX             TUX 13K 44 437  
7 ADEKMNO             ZONED 12H 45 482  
8 AEKOORV KOR C11 26 -39 26 1/3 OVER(S)OAK A4 65 547 5/5
9 ADDFLOT FADED 13A 20 -13 46 1/5 DOTAL B10 33 580 5/5
10 ABGMNTU             UNHUMANISE D4 30 610 5/5
11 AEGLNNR             ENLARGEN F2 63 673 5/5
12 AFGIMRT             FIRM E11 32 705 5/5
13 AGHILRU HAG A13 28   74 1/5       733 5/5
14 EIIPRTY YEP C13 41   115 1/4       774 5/5
15 AFILLOQ QUILL 4C 14 -12 129 5/5 OF 11J 26 800 5/5
16 CDILOTV CLOVE 2B 20 -4 149 2/4 DIVOT N8 24 824 5/5
17 BEINOTT BIDE 8L 30 -59 179 3/7 BOTTINE O2 89 913 4/7
18 ACDIIRU             ACIDURIA 5F 72 985 5/7
19 BGJLQWY             QI 6N 31 1016 5/8
20 BGJLLWY WILLY L4 30 -2 209 2/7 GLIBLY L3 32 1048 5/8

Total: 209/1048 or -839 for 19.94%
Rank: 7064

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