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Game of May 28, 2011 at 09:26, 9 players
1. annelhynz -448
2. megzee -638
3. yab -682

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aklnow   H4    34    34   knawel
 2. ?elopst   5D    86   120   pleonast
 3. aegilny   L4    84   204   yealing
 4. aadeeip   6B    27   231   apaid
 5. emoosst   B5    62   293   maestoso
 6. aaenstu   M2    35   328   nausea
 7. adilory  11B    74   402   solidary
 8. degioru   2F    66   468   gueridon
 9. beeegnr   N7    67   535   breenge
10. eijnorx  A12    95   630   jinx
11. acefqrv   A1    46   676   carve
12. bdeintu   1H    54   730   betid
13. fiorttu   A7    31   761   fou
14. chhinor  H11    36   797   rhino
15. afimtwz  O13    50   847   fiz
16. aemrrtu   C9    36   883   amoret
17. ehotuvw   O8    31   914   eth
18. cirtuvw  M12    27   941   uric

Remaining tiles: oqtvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5990 Fileannelhynz   1 23:35  -448  493     1.6380 yab         2 13:07  -682  259 
  2.5347 Filemegzee      0 20:08  -638  303            Group: novice
  3.6380 Fileyab         2 13:07  -682  259     1.5990 annelhynz   1 23:35  -448  493 
  4.3646 Filejaijack1    0 18:53  -714  227     2.5347 megzee      0 20:08  -638  303 
  5.  -  Filebmurf84     0 15:17  -795  146     3.5433 Bez         0  5:15  -853   88 
  6.3513 Filelyndyloo    0  6:44  -840  101            Group: not rated
  7.5433 FileBez         0  5:15  -853   88     1.3646 jaijack1    0 18:53  -714  227 
  8.2613 Filesathish     0  2:43  -917   24     2.  -  bmurf84     0 15:17  -795  146 
  9.  -  FileSharlow     0  1:51  -923   18     3.3513 lyndyloo    0  6:44  -840  101 
                                             4.2613 sathish     0  2:43  -917   24 
                                             5.  -  Sharlow     0  1:51  -923   18 

On 1st draw, KNAW(E)L H4 34 --- KNAWEL a cornfield weed of the chickweed family [n]
Other tops: KO(T)WAL H4 34
Other moves: AWOK(E)N H3 32, AWO(R)K H8 32, A(C)KNOW H7 32, KNAW(E) H4 32, KNOW(E) H4 32
KNOW(N) H4 32 annelhynz
KNOW H8 22 jaijack1

On 2nd draw, PLEON(A)ST 5D 86 --- PLEONAST someone who is prone to redundancy [n]
Other tops: POLENT(A)S 5D 86, PO(I)NTELS 5E 86
Other moves: (E)STOP(P)EL 8H 83, PELOT(A)S 10B 79, PET(R)OLS 10B 79, PE(Y)OTLS 10B 79, POT(T)LES 10B 79
PEALS 6F 15 jaijack1
PLOW 7E 10 lyndyloo

On 3rd draw, YEALING L4 84 --- YEALING a person of the same age [n]
Other tops: ALEYING L3 84
Other moves: YEALING G8 70, GENIALLY 9B 68, ALEYING G9 66, ALEYING I9 66, GENIALLY 9C 66
YAP D3 16 megzee
GIANTLY K1 11 annelhynz
GLEAN E4 6 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, APAID 6B 27 --- APAY to satisfy [v]
Other moves: APPAID D3 26, APPAID D4 24, PAID 6C 24, APAID G7 22, AID 6D 21
PIPED D3 20 annelhynz
IDEA 8L 15 megzee
PLEA 9G 10 jaijack1
PLEAD E4 8 lyndyloo

On 5th draw, MAESTOSO B5 62 --- MAESTOSO a stately musical passage [n]
Other moves: OSMOSE M4 38, MESTO M3 37, MOSSO M3 37, OSMOSE M1 34, MOOSE M2 32
MOST M3 30 annelhynz
SMITES 8J 24 jaijack1
SOME 11L 18 megzee

On 6th draw, NAUSEA M2 35 --- NAUSEA an inclination to vomit [n]
Other moves: ASTUN A8 33, AUNES A8 33, NASUTE A10 28, STANE M5 28, ANTAS M1 26
NEST M3 26 annelhynz
TUNES 11H 22 megzee
NESTED F1 9 bmurf84

On 7th draw, SOLIDARY 11B 74 --- SOLIDARY united [adj]
Other moves: SOLIDARY J5 66, YALD A12 45, YARD A12 45, YIRD A12 45, YOLD A12 45
YARD A12 45 annelhynz
LORDY 12A 20 megzee
DRIED F2 11 bmurf84
RAIDED F1 10 jaijack1
TIDAL 9B 7 lyndyloo

On 8th draw, GUERIDON 2F 66 --- GUERIDON a small ornate stand or table [n]
Other moves: DIRGE A1 31, GRIDE A1 31, GUIDE A1 31, RIDGE A1 31, DOGE A12 29
RIDGE H11 24 megzee
GUILD D8 18 annelhynz
DODGER F9 13 jaijack1
GRIDED F8 11 bmurf84
GUIDER E9 8 lyndyloo

On 9th draw, BREENGE N7 67 --- BREENGE (Scots) to plunge forward [v]
Other moves: GREBE 1G 42, BERG A12 37, GERBE A1 37, GREBE A1 37, BEG 1H 35
BEG 1H 35 annelhynz
LEGER D11 14 megzee
BE H1 12 lyndyloo, bmurf84
EDGER F10 11 jaijack1
BED F4 6 sathish

On 10th draw, JINX A12 95 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: JEON A12 74, JOIN A12 74, OXEN O12 49, OXER O12 49, NOX 1H 47
JINX A12 95 annelhynz
NOX 1H 47 yab
JYNX I10 29 jaijack1
JIG 12L 22 bmurf84
OX C11 18 megzee, sathish

On 11th draw, CARVE A1 46 --- CARVE to form by cutting [v]
Other tops: CRAVE A1 46
Other moves: FARCE A1 43, AFORE C9 36, FORCE C10 35, FA 1H 32, FE 1H 32
FA 1H 32 yab
FEVER 13K 22 megzee
FARCE 13J 20 annelhynz
CAVE 13K 18 lyndyloo, jaijack1
VALE 9F 9 bmurf84

On 12th draw, BETID 1H 54 --- BETIDE to befall [v]
Other moves: BETID 14J 52, TUBED 1H 50, DEBIT 1H 48, BUNTED 14I 46, UNBED 1F 46
BEND 14K 38 megzee
BED 1H 35 annelhynz
REBIT H11 24 bmurf84
BED 13M 12 yab
DEBT F11 9 jaijack1

On 13th draw, FOU A7 31 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other moves: FORT C10 29, FIRLOT D8 26, FOUTRE 13I 26, UFO M12 25, FRUIT 3C 24
FOR O13 23 annelhynz
FITTER 13J 18 megzee
DRIFT F11 17 jaijack1
FLOUR D10 16 yab
NOT 14A 6 bmurf84

On 14th draw, RHINO H11 36 --- RHINO a rhinoceros [n]
Other tops: INCH O12 36
Other moves: CHORINE 13H 32, HOH O13 32, HIGH 12L 30, HOGH 12L 30, HIC O13 29
RHINO H11 36 yab
CHOIR 3C 28 annelhynz
CHINE 13J 20 lyndyloo
ARCH 2A 18 Bez
HONE 13K 14 megzee
CHIN E9 9 jaijack1
RIG 10J 6 bmurf84

On 15th draw, FIZ O13 50 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: MIZ O13 46, MOTZA C10 46, HAFIZ 12H 45, AMOWT C9 43, FIZ M13 40
FIZ O13 50 yab
ZAG 10J 33 megzee
ZIG 10J 33 annelhynz
FAZE 13K 32 Bez
FLAW D10 20 jaijack1
ZIT E10 12 lyndyloo
FAD F9 9 bmurf84

On 16th draw, AMORET C9 36 --- AMORET sweetheart [n]
Other moves: AMORT C9 34, MORTAR C10 30, MORAE C10 28, MORAT C10 28, MORRA C10 28
MORE C10 26 yab
ERR O8 19 Bez
RAM 3A 10 annelhynz
TREMOR 15D 9 jaijack1
LIER E5 4 bmurf84
TAN 9J 3 megzee

On 17th draw, ETH O8 31 --- ETH an Old English letter [n]
Other moves: HEW G13 29, HOW G13 29, EH O8 26, HOUT K8 24, TEW M13 24
EH O8 26 yab
SHOVE J5 19 Bez
FEET 7A 18 bmurf84
THUG 12K 16 annelhynz
WON 14F 14 megzee
WHOLE 9E 13 Sharlow
DUVET F11 11 jaijack1

On 18th draw, URIC M12 27 --- URIC pertaining to urine [adj]
Other moves: RUC M13 22, TIC M13 22, UR M12 19, UT M12 19, RIT M13 18
TWIG 12K 16 annelhynz
WIN 14F 14 yab, megzee
PAT D5 5 bmurf84
CUT(E) 8E 5 Sharlow

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