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Game of May 28, 2011 at 10:58, 10 players
1. yab -407
2. sunshine12 -442
3. PippyM -565

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afotwy   H8    88    88   footway
 2. bdeilpx   I4    47   135   diplex
 3. ?loprrt   5D    86   221   portlier
 4. dginoqs  15F    84   305   qis
 5. aclnoos  11F    70   375   octanols
 6. agghist   L8    82   457   gaslight
 7. deirtuw  15J    30   487   witted
 8. aeegory   H1    34   521   gyral
 9. abdeens  14J    39   560   ashed
10. deeimor   M3    84   644   emeroid
11. abehnot   4A    42   686   hebona
12. aemuuuv   L1    26   712   uvea
13. aeilmtv   A3    36   748   thivel
14. aeenrtu   N1    30   778   tenure
15. eiinorz   O6   104   882   ionizer
16. abikmno  10B    43   925   boink
17. aacejmn  G13    40   965   jai
18. aefmnuu   C9    30   995   foeman

Remaining tiles: cuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6419 Fileyab         2 20:21  -407  588     1.6419 yab         2 20:21  -407  588 
  2.5701 Filesunshine12  2 17:36  -442  553            Group: novice
  3.  -  FilePippyM      1 18:55  -565  430     1.5701 sunshine12  2 17:36  -442  553 
  4.5485 FileBez         1 14:17  -646  349     2.5485 Bez         1 14:17  -646  349 
  5.3274 Filelyndyloo    0 17:14  -701  294     3.5731 margalang   1  7:27  -735  260 
  6.3065 Filebmurf84     0 18:03  -714  281     4.5945 dadalee     0  1:43  -935   60 
  7.5731 Filemargalang   1  7:27  -735  260            Group: not rated
  8.4315 FileMel012      0  9:37  -766  229     1.  -  PippyM      1 18:55  -565  430 
  9.  -  Filefistarr     0  7:59  -910   85     2.3274 lyndyloo    0 17:14  -701  294 
 10.5945 Filedadalee     0  1:43  -935   60     3.3065 bmurf84     0 18:03  -714  281 
                                             4.4315 Mel012      0  9:37  -766  229 
                                             5.  -  fistarr     0  7:59  -910   85 

On 1st draw, FO(O)TWAY H8 88 --- FOOTWAY a footpath [n]
Other tops: FO(O)TWAY H4 88, FO(O)TWAY H6 88, F(O)OTWAY H4 88, F(O)OTWAY H6 88, F(O)OTWAY H8 88
Other moves: FO(O)TWAY H3 82, FO(O)TWAY H7 82, F(O)OTWAY H2 82, F(O)OTWAY H7 82, FO(O)TWAY H2 80
F(O)OTWAY H6 38 Bez
FO(O)TWAY H6 38 yab
WAFT H8 20 bmurf84
WAFT H7 20 lyndyloo
WAFT H5 20 PippyM
WAY H8 18 fistarr
YAW H6 18 Mel012

On 2nd draw, DIPLEX I4 47 --- DIPLEX pertaining to the simultaneous transmission or reception of two radio signals [adj]
Other moves: IBEX I6 46, PLEX I6 44, DEX I7 43, ILEX I6 42, LEX I7 41
DEX I7 43 sunshine12
EX I12 39 yab, margalang, PippyM
BOX 9G 23 bmurf84, lyndyloo
PAX 13G 23 Mel012
XI G7 22 Bez
WIDE 12H 8 fistarr

On 3rd draw, PORTLI(E)R 5D 86 --- PORTLY rather heavy or fat [adj]
Other moves: PORT(E)RLY 14A 78, PLOT(S) 15D 72, POLT(S) 15D 72, PORT(S) 15D 72, (S)TROP 15H 72
PORT(S) 15D 72 yab
POT G13 20 margalang
D(E)PORT 4I 16 PippyM
POX 9G 15 sunshine12, bmurf84
PORT(A)L 11E 14 Mel012
PRY 14F 14 fistarr
WROT(E) 12H 14 Bez
TRO(L)L 11H 8 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, QIS 15F 84 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DINGS 15D 75, DOINGS 15C 75, DONGS 15D 75, DINOS 15D 72, DOSING 15F 72
QIS 15F 84 Bez, yab, margalang, PippyM, sunshine12
SOG 15H 60 dadalee
WINDS 12H 18 lyndyloo
SOX 9G 11 bmurf84
RINGS K5 6 fistarr

On 5th draw, OCTANOLS 11F 70 --- OCTANOL an alcohol [n]
Other tops: COOLANTS 11B 70
Other moves: CORONALS F3 64, CORONALS K3 60, COLTANS 11E 36, CALOS 4A 30, COLON 4A 30
COS G9 26 Bez
CLASP D1 24 sunshine12
CON 4C 20 yab
CLAPS D2 18 margalang
SNOOP D1 16 fistarr
COX 9G 15 Mel012
ACORNS F2 12 lyndyloo
SOX 9G 11 bmurf84
CLAWS 12E 10 PippyM

On 6th draw, GASLIGHT L8 82 --- GASLIGHT light made by burning gas [n]
Other moves: HAGGIS 12A 32, SAITH 12K 32, SPIGHT D4 32, SAITH 10B 31, TAISH 10B 31
GASH 10C 29 sunshine12
TASH 10C 28 margalang
SIGHT M11 18 PippyM
GHOST F9 17 bmurf84, Bez
SHAG M11 16 yab
STAGS M11 12 lyndyloo
AGAST 13H 8 Mel012

On 7th draw, WITTED 15J 30 --- WITTED having intelligence [adj]
Other moves: DREW 10C 29, TWIRED 10A 29, DEW 10D 28, TREW 10C 28, WEIRD 10B 28
DREW 10C 29 sunshine12
WITTER 15J 27 PippyM
GREW 8L 24 Bez, margalang, yab, Mel012
TWIT 15L 21 lyndyloo
GIRT 8L 15 bmurf84

On 8th draw, GYRAL H1 34 --- GYRAL gyratory [adj]
Other tops: GOARY 10B 34
Other moves: YOGEE 4C 33, ROYNE J8 32, ROYAL H1 31, AGGRY 8K 30, HAY 14L 30
GREY 10C 29 sunshine12
GRAY 10C 29 margalang
REGAL H1 25 yab
GORY 8L 24 PippyM, Bez
GREY 8L 24 lyndyloo
GROG 8L 18 Mel012
RAY 9K 10 bmurf84

On 9th draw, ASHED 14J 39 --- ASH to convert into ash (the residue of a substance that has been burned) [v]
Other moves: ASHEN 14J 35, BANDAGES 13G 32, H*B* 14L 31, SHADE 14K 31, BANDAGE 13G 30
BASED 10B 25 Bez
SEABED 12A 23 yab
GABS 8L 21 lyndyloo
BAND 10C 18 margalang
BEAD 10C 18 sunshine12
BEEPS D2 18 Mel012
BOX 9G 15 bmurf84

On 10th draw, EMEROID M3 84 --- EMEROID a haemorrhoid [n]
Other moves: DROME 4B 30, DEPERM D3 28, DOME 4C 28, MODE 4C 27, MOERED 12A 27
EMEROID M3 34 yab
MODE 4C 27 PippyM
DEEM 10C 23 sunshine12
ROMPED D2 22 lyndyloo
GRIM 8L 21 Mel012
GERM 8L 21 bmurf84
PRIMED D5 14 Bez

On 11th draw, HEBONA 4A 42 --- HEBONA anything with a poisonous juice [n]
Other moves: BATH L1 40, BETH L1 40, BOTH L1 40, BEATH 10B 37, THANE N2 35
HONE L1 32 Mel012
NEATH 10B 31 sunshine12
THEN N2 25 PippyM
GIBE 8L 21 Bez
HONE N1 20 yab
HERB F3 15 lyndyloo
THORN F2 12 bmurf84
PHONE D5 11 fistarr

On 12th draw, UVEA L1 26 --- UVEA a layer of the eye [n]
Other tops: UVAE L1 26
Other moves: GIVE 8L 24, VUM 10D 24, AM 3C 23, MA 6F 23, ME 6F 23
GIVE 8L 24 yab, PippyM, sunshine12
ME 6F 23 Mel012
MAUVE 12B 22 Bez
MOVE F10 15 lyndyloo
MOP D3 7 bmurf84
MARE K3 6 fistarr

On 13th draw, THIVEL A3 36 --- THIVEL a porridge-stick [n]
Other moves: HALVE A4 33, HAMLET A4 33, HIEMAL A4 33, MAULVI 1J 33, HEMAL A4 30
HAMLET A4 33 yab, sunshine12
MATH A1 27 bmurf84
UVEA 1L 21 PippyM
AGILE 8K 18 Bez
VOX 9G 17 lyndyloo
MOVE F10 15 Mel012
MULE 1K 6 fistarr

On 14th draw, TENURE N1 30 --- TENURE the holding of something [n] --- TENURE to grant tenure (the status of holding one's position on a permanent basis) to [v]
Other moves: ENATE N2 28, ENURE N2 28, VENTRE 6A 26, ARENE N4 24, URENT N4 24
NEUTER 1J 18 yab
GIRN 8L 15 sunshine12
GIRT 8L 15 bmurf84
URN 6L 5 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, IONIZER O6 104 --- IONIZER something that ionizes [n]
Other tops: IRONIZE O6 104
Other moves: IONIZER B8 88, IRONIZE B8 88, REZ 10D 63, RIZ 10D 63, ZONER O6 54
RIZ 10D 63 sunshine12
OZONE F9 34 PippyM
ZO F10 31 yab
GIRO 8L 15 bmurf84
ON O1 14 lyndyloo

On 16th draw, BOINK 10B 43 --- BOINK to have sexual intercourse with -- usually taken to be offensive [v]
Other moves: OKA 6E 39, AMOK 10C 36, BANK 10C 36, BINK 10C 36, BOAK 10C 36
BOINK 10B 43 sunshine12
AKIMBO 12A 32 yab
AKIMBO 10A 30 PippyM
BOX 9G 15 lyndyloo
MAN 13G 9 bmurf84

On 17th draw, JAI G13 40 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA 9C 36, JUNTA 1K 36, JICAMA D9 34, JACANA 13C 32, JAMB C1 30
JA 9C 36 sunshine12
CAJON C7 25 yab
JAM 13G 23 bmurf84
MICE D9 16 lyndyloo, PippyM

On 18th draw, FOEMAN C9 30 --- FOEMAN an enemy in war [n]
Other moves: FA 6F 29, FE 6F 29, TEAM 3A 29, EF O1 26, FAINE D8 24
FOEMAN C9 30 yab
NUMB C1 16 lyndyloo
JAM 13G 15 bmurf84, PippyM
ARF F4 14 sunshine12

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