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Game of May 28, 2011 at 13:12, 10 players
1. bonggalita -453
2. rn.roselle -502
3. yab -523

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adioptx   H8    30    30   axoid
 2. dmossty  11E    40    70   modists
 3. eeffgrt  12D    30   100   refed
 4. aeehnnu   I8    25   125   huns
 5. adeeghl  10B    37   162   haled
 6. aceeipr   B6    71   233   peachier
 7. abdgirr  A12    39   272   bard
 8. cemnoqw   A5    42   314   mown
 9. ?cllotu  15A    89   403   dulcitol
10. aaikosy  13H    94   497   sokaiya
11. ?ailnoy   G2    70   567   alimony
12. aeinrrt   K4    66   633   retrains
13. aeeeirt   L1    76   709   eaterie
14. egjnsuu   2J    56   765   jeans
15. egiouvv   M7    28   793   vivo
16. ginopqu   1D    90   883   quipo
17. befgitu  N10    38   921   begat
18. efgintu   O7    34   955   fugie

Remaining tiles: gntwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6798 Filebonggalita  5 18:40  -453  502     1.6798 bonggalita  5 18:40  -453  502 
  2.5765 Filern.roselle  2 21:50  -502  453     2.6413 yab         1 24:25  -523  432 
  3.6413 Fileyab         1 24:25  -523  432     3.6171 lastlea     1  0:58  -927   28 
  4.5478 FileFaeythe     2 19:14  -573  382            Group: novice
  5.3848 Fileremij       0 23:33  -703  252     1.5765 rn.roselle  2 21:50  -502  453 
  6.4354 Filestana       0 14:48  -822  133     2.5478 Faeythe     2 19:14  -573  382 
  7.5750 Filedannyboy    0  8:34  -829  126     3.5750 dannyboy    0  8:34  -829  126 
  8.  -  Fileguitarbaby  1  1:23  -894   61            Group: not rated
  9.6171 Filelastlea     1  0:58  -927   28     1.3848 remij       0 23:33  -703  252 
 10.2613 Filesathish     0  1:50  -938   17     2.4354 stana       0 14:48  -822  133 
                                             3.  -  guitarbaby  1  1:23  -894   61 
                                             4.2613 sathish     0  1:50  -938   17 

On 1st draw, AXOID H8 30 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other moves: AXOID H4 28, AXOID H5 26, AXOID H6 26, AXOID H7 26, OXID H5 24
POX H7 24 remij, rn.roselle
TAXI H5 22 yab
TAXI H8 22 bonggalita

On 2nd draw, MODISTS 11E 40 --- MODIST a follower of fashion [n]
Other moves: MOYS G8 31, MYSOST 13F 30, DOYS G8 29, MOSSY 13E 29, YODS G8 29
MOSSY 13E 29 bonggalita
MOY G8 28 rn.roselle
MYSOST 13D 27 yab
SOX 9F 11 remij

On 3rd draw, REFED 12D 30 --- REFEED to feed again [v]
Other moves: FREET 10B 26, TERFE G5 25, FEE G7 23, REEF 12C 23, TREF 12C 23
REEF 12C 23 rn.roselle
TEFF 12K 22 yab
FE G8 21 Faeythe
FORGE F10 19 stana
FEET J8 9 remij

On 4th draw, HUNS I8 25 --- HUN a barbarous, destructive person [n]
Other tops: HUES I8 25
Other moves: HAE G7 23, HENNA 12K 23, HENNA G5 22, HA G8 21, HAEN 13B 21
HUNS I8 25 bonggalita
HENNA 12K 23 yab
HE G8 21 Faeythe, rn.roselle
THANE J11 10 remij

On 5th draw, HALED 10B 37 --- HALE to compel to go [v]
Other tops: HELED 10B 37
Other moves: HEALED 10A 32, GLEED 10B 31, EAGLED 10A 30, GEALED 10A 30, AHED 10C 28
HEDGE 12K 27 Faeythe
HALED 13A 26 bonggalita, rn.roselle
HEAL 12K 19 yab
GASHED K9 11 remij

On 6th draw, PEACHIER B6 71 --- PEACHY dandy [adj]
Other moves: CHARPIE B9 28, CHEAPER B9 28, CHEAPIE B9 28, PHAEIC B9 26, CAPE 9A 25
CHEAPER B9 28 yab
CAPE 9A 25 bonggalita
RAPE 9A 23 rn.roselle
APE 9B 22 guitarbaby
CIPHER B7 13 Faeythe
CREEPS K6 10 stana
SPACE K11 9 remij

On 7th draw, BARD A12 39 --- BARD to cover a horse with armour [v]
Other moves: BRAID A11 36, DARBAR 8A 36, DARB A12 34, DARG A12 31, BRAIRD C3 30
BARD A12 39 guitarbaby, bonggalita, rn.roselle, Faeythe, yab
RABID 8A 27 stana
BARD 8A 27 remij

On 8th draw, MOWN A5 42 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other moves: COME A5 38, COWMEN C2 35, OWE A6 33, OWN A6 33, NOME A5 32
MOWN A5 42 bonggalita
WAME 8A 30 yab
WANE 8A 24 rn.roselle, stana
MAW 8A 24 Faeythe
ARM 13A 10 remij

On 9th draw, DULC(I)TOL 15A 89 --- DULCITOL a saccharine substance derived from plants [n]
Other moves: OUTC(A)LLS K4 68, OUTC(A)LL G2 66, LOCUST(A)L K7 59, COLL(E)T C2 27, CULL(E)T C2 27
(S)COUT 13H 22 rn.roselle
LOCU(S)T C1 19 yab
OUTC(A)LLS K4 18 bonggalita
AXOID(S) H8 13 remij
CULL G5 13 Faeythe
CLOUTS K6 8 stana
TOLL J11 6 sathish

On 10th draw, SOKAIYA 13H 94 --- SOKAIYA a corporate racketeer who threatens to disturb shareholders' meetings [n]
Other moves: SOKAIYA 7I 75, SOKAIYA G2 75, SOKAIYA J2 74, KAYOS C2 29, OKAYS C2 29
YAKS C3 27 rn.roselle
OAKY G5 25 yab
SKY G6 24 Faeythe
OAKY 12K 24 bonggalita
SAKI K11 8 remij
SKIS K8 8 stana

On 11th draw, ALI(M)ONY G2 70 --- ALIMONY an allowance paid to a woman by her divorced husband [n]
Other tops: A(C)YLOINS K4 70, (P)OLYNIAS K4 70
Other moves: (P)OLYNIA G2 67, (P)OLYNIA J2 67, A(C)YLOIN G2 66, AN(N)OY 14J 44, A(N)NOY 14J 44
A(N)NOY 14J 44 bonggalita
YA 14N 20 yab, Faeythe
(S)OILY 7I 18 rn.roselle
NAY(S) N12 12 remij

On 12th draw, RETRAINS K4 66 --- RETRAIN to train again [v]
Other tops: TERRAINS K4 66, TRAINERS K4 66
Other moves: RANTER 14I 39, INTER 14J 35, IRATER H1 31, IRATE H1 26, RAINE 14I 26
TARE 14L 19 Faeythe
TRAINERS K4 16 bonggalita
ATE 14M 15 rn.roselle
RETINAL 3A 14 yab
TRAINER 2E 11 sathish
TIRE L12 10 remij
LINEAR 3G 7 stana

On 13th draw, EATERIE L1 76 --- EATERIE a restaurant [n]
Other moves: EATERIE J1 71, IRATE H1 26, REATE H1 26, ARETE C3 24, IRATE C3 24
IRATE H1 26 bonggalita, yab
TAE 14L 17 dannyboy
ATE C5 16 rn.roselle
ATE 14M 15 Faeythe
RETAIL 3B 12 stana
TIRE L12 10 remij

On 14th draw, JEANS 2J 56 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: JEUNE 1H 36, JEUNE 1K 36, SUJEE 1H 36, JUNGLES 3C 32, JANES 2F 30
JEANS 2J 56 rn.roselle, bonggalita, Faeythe
JOGS 6F 28 yab
JAGS 2F 28 dannyboy
JAGS 2K 24 remij

On 15th draw, VIVO M7 28 --- VIVO lively [adj]
Other tops: VIVE M7 28
Other moves: VEGO M4 26, VIVE C3 25, VOGIE M7 25, VOGUE M7 25, VEGO M7 24
VIVE M7 28 lastlea, bonggalita
GIVE L12 18 rn.roselle, remij
VAG 2F 15 Faeythe
GO 3I 14 yab

On 16th draw, QUIPO 1D 90 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: PIQUING 4C 40, QUIP 1D 37, QUOP 1D 37, GIPON 1E 36, QI H1 35
QI H1 35 dannyboy
QUAG N11 28 rn.roselle
QI L12 22 yab, remij, Faeythe, bonggalita
QUIP 4E 18 stana

On 17th draw, BEGAT N10 38 --- BEGET to cause to exist [v]
Other tops: BIGAE N10 38
Other moves: FUB 14L 34, BEFIT 2A 33, FAB 2F 33, BEGIFT 4D 32, QUBIT D1 32
BEFIT 2A 33 yab
QUIET D1 28 dannyboy, bonggalita
NIFE M2 27 Faeythe
FIT 2C 19 rn.roselle
GIFT L12 18 remij

On 18th draw, FUGIE O7 34 --- FUGIE a runaway [n]
Other moves: FUGIE O6 32, FUNGI O6 32, NEIF O8 31, NIEF O8 31, UNFIT O7 31
FUNGI O6 32 bonggalita
QUIT D1 26 Faeythe
FINE O7 26 rn.roselle
UNIT 2B 21 yab
TUG F4 18 dannyboy
GU(M) 5E 6 remij

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