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Game sheet of mylover81 (file), Game of May 28, 2011 at 19:23

Word find
Word played
1 AENSTYY YEASTY H4 32   32 2/4   H7   32 2/4
2 ?AAEGRW AW I8 20 -66 52 2/4 WA(T)ERAGE 8A 86 118 2/4
3 DEFMNOO FOOTED 11E 20 -28 72 4/4 FOOTMEN 11E 48 166 2/4
4 EEIINRV RIVEN 12B 23 -51 95 2/5 REINVI(T)E C2 74 240 2/5
5 EGHLMOO HOSE 10F 34 -5 129 2/5 OHMS 10E 39 279 2/5
6 ?ADILNU DUAL 10J 18 -50 147 2/3 DILU(V)IAN 4B 68 347 2/5
7 ADFLOST FAST 10J 30 -16 177 4/4 DAFTLY 12C 46 393 2/5
8 AEGIPST PIGS 10J 25 -71 202 3/4 GAPIEST 1A 96 489 2/5
9 BEIORRS BORERS 10J 28 -36 230 3/4 BROWSIER A5 64 553 2/5
10 AEEINOZ NAZE J8 33 -2 263 2/4 AZIONE 3I 35 588 2/5
11 DELNOTU DONUT 10J 21 -5 284 2/4 NOULD 4K 26 614 2/5
12 BDEIOTW WITED 10J 36   320 1/4 BELOW N2   650 2/5
13 ADEHJOS JO O1 31 -15 351 4/5 JOSH I6 46 696 2/6
14 ACEGIRU DE O4 5 -21 356 3/3 ERICA O6 26 722 2/6
15 AEEIRUX XI O1 31 -4 387 3/3 REX 13B 35 757 2/6
16 ADILNQT QI O1 37   424 1/4       794 2/6
17 AEELNUV NEVEL 14A 37   461 1/4       831 2/6
18 AGIKPTU KAPUT N10 58   519 1/3       889 2/6
19 CDGITTU DICT 15D 25 -8 544 1/4 DITT 15L 33 922 2/6

Total: 544/922 or -378 for 59.00%
Rank: 6686

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