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Game of May 29, 2011 at 05:22, 6 players
1. kellybelly -690
2. colle123 -762
3. bonggalita -781

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeglptv   H4    24    24   valet
 2. eegiort   4G    22    46   overget
 3. ?cdeiny   K4   106   152   gynecoid
 4. aahmnnt   8K    42   194   chant
 5. ahilmos   8A    92   286   mailshot
 6. aeginpw   M7    40   326   pawnage
 7. deeilru   E5    86   412   leisured
 8. aeflstx   C4    77   489   flaxiest
 9. deiinrs   O1    83   572   rindiest
10. aeiknov   B6    45   617   koan
11. bgjorru   7G    36   653   jeu
12. ?amrruu   A1    31   684   murrha
13. benosty  13H    64   748   boneyest
14. acdiorz  H11    57   805   cobza
15. befioot   N6    38   843   fino
16. abdeipw  O10    45   888   bawtie
17. aegiotu   9G    29   917   gau
18. dioqrtv  J10    65   982   qi
19. deoprtv   D1    32  1014   vote

Remaining tiles: diopr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6990 Filekellybelly  2  6:40  -690  324     1.6990 kellybelly  2  6:40  -690  324 
  2.  -  Filecolle123    0 19:17  -762  252     2.6919 bonggalita  3  4:30  -781  233 
  3.6919 Filebonggalita  3  4:30  -781  233            Group: novice
  4.3320 Filelyndyloo    0 14:40  -799  215     1.5370 jonb5       0  9:46  -812  202 
  5.5370 Filejonb5       0  9:46  -812  202            Group: not rated
  6.4426 Filejohnny55    0  3:48  -959   55     1.  -  colle123    0 19:17  -762  252 
                                             2.3320 lyndyloo    0 14:40  -799  215 
                                             3.4426 johnny55    0  3:48  -959   55 

On 1st draw, VALET H4 24 --- VALET to act as a personal servant to [v]
Other moves: GAVEL H4 22, PAGLE H4 22, PLAGE H4 22, GAVEL H8 20, PALET H4 20
PLEAT H4 20 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, OVERGET 4G 22 --- OVERGET to overcome [v]
Other tops: VERTIGO 4H 22
Other moves: GRIEVE 4D 20, REGIVE 4D 20, VOGIER 4H 20, GOITRE 9C 19, GOITER 9D 18

On 3rd draw, GYNEC(O)ID K4 106 --- GYNECOID resembling a woman [adj]
Other moves: CINDE(R)Y 3A 91, CYT(I)DINE M2 80, CYTID(I)NE M2 78, DY(S)GENIC K1 78, CY(A)NIDE 9B 77
DE(S)TINY 8E 10 colle123

On 4th draw, CHANT 8K 42 --- CHANT to recite in a singing manner [v]
Other moves: ACANTH 8J 36, THANNA J9 36, TANNAH 3B 35, HARMAN J2 34, THANA J9 33

On 5th draw, MAILSHOT 8A 92 --- MAILSHOT targeted advertising in the form of a piece of junk mail [n]
Other tops: MAILSHOT O1 92
Other moves: HOLMIAS 3A 79, HOLMIAS I7 79, HOLMIAS 9C 77, HOLMIAS 9B 73, HALIDOMS 11G 64
LASH 9F 21 lyndyloo

On 6th draw, PAWNAGE M7 40 --- PAWNAGE the act of pawning [n]
Other tops: PEASING E5 40
Other moves: AWE 9F 33, PAWING 3B 33, PAWING J10 33, WAP 9G 33, WAINAGE M7 32
PEALING D5 10 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, LEISURED E5 86 --- LEISURE freedom from the demands of work or duty [adj] --- LEISURE to have recreational time [v]
Other moves: ELUDER N10 30, EDILE N10 28, ELIDE N10 28, ELUDE N10 28, LEISURE E5 28
DESIRE E6 14 lyndyloo
DEALER B6 13 colle123

On 8th draw, FLAXIEST C4 77 --- FLAXY flaxen [adj]
Other moves: FIXATES C7 58, AX F5 52, FALSE 14J 46, FEAST 14J 46, LAXEST 14I 44
FEAST B6 18 colle123

On 9th draw, RINDIEST O1 83 --- RINDY covered in rind [adj]
Other moves: INSIDER I6 79, SNIDIER I8 74, DISINTER O3 60, INDITERS O4 60, NITRIDES O6 60
MINDERS A8 11 colle123

On 10th draw, KOAN B6 45 --- KOAN a paradox meditated on by Buddhist monks [n]
Other moves: KEA B6 42, KIVA D1 42, KOA B6 42, KIVA J10 40, KOINE J10 40
KNAVE 13I 17 lyndyloo
KNAVE 6A 14 colle123

On 11th draw, JEU 7G 36 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: BOURG J10 31, ROJI 10H 27, BON N6 26, BUN N6 26, JOR J2 26
BUN N6 26 colle123
JOB G3 24 jonb5
JOT M2 20 kellybelly
JUROR 1K 13 lyndyloo

On 12th draw, MURR(H)A A1 31 --- MURRHA an ancient Roman substance used to make fine cups and vases [n]
Other moves: AURUM(S) A1 30, MAN(E) N6 30, MAN(O) N6 30, MURRA(S) A1 30, URMA(N) J3 30
MAN(E) N6 30 kellybelly
MUF(F) 4A 22 jonb5
MARRI 2K 14 colle123
DRUM 12E 10 lyndyloo

On 13th draw, BONEYEST 13H 64 --- BONEY having bones [adj]
Other moves: BONEY N6 57, STONEY N5 48, TONEY N6 45, UEYS 9E 42, BONY D1 40
BONY D1 40 kellybelly
JOTS G7 12 colle123
SNOB G2 11 lyndyloo

On 14th draw, COBZA H11 57 --- COBZA a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: AZOTIC O10 54, CAZ 3E 45, COZ 3E 45, ADZ 3E 44, RAZO(O) 9G 44
COZ 3E 45 kellybelly
BIZ H13 42 bonggalita, jonb5
ZO(O) 9I 21 lyndyloo, colle123

On 15th draw, FINO N6 38 --- FINO a very dry sherry [n]
Other tops: FINE N6 38, FONE N6 38
Other moves: BET 9G 33, BINE N6 32, BONE N6 32, FEN N6 32, FIN N6 32
FINE N6 38 bonggalita
BONE N6 32 kellybelly
OBOE G2 11 jonb5
BITE L1 9 colle123
BITER 1K 8 lyndyloo

On 16th draw, BAWTIE O10 45 --- BAWTIE a dog [n]
Other moves: DAWTIE O10 42, WAB 9G 41, WAP 9G 41, WEB 9G 41, WAD 9G 39
WIPE D1 36 kellybelly
WADE D1 34 colle123
APTED O11 33 bonggalita
WAITED O10 33 johnny55, lyndyloo
WIPED I1 17 jonb5

On 17th draw, GAU 9G 29 --- GAU a Nazi political district [n]
Other tops: GAE 9G 29, GAT 9G 29, GEO 9G 29, GET 9G 29
Other moves: TAG 9G 27, TEG 9G 27, EAT 9G 25, EAU 9G 25, TAE 9G 25
GATE D1 24 kellybelly
OUTGAZE 14C 23 bonggalita
GAZE 14F 20 jonb5
GATE 15L 7 colle123
TOUR J1 6 lyndyloo

On 18th draw, QI J10 65 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI N2 46, QI 10J 31, QI 2N 22, DOOR I12 21, ROOD I12 21
QI J10 65 kellybelly, bonggalita
QI N2 46 colle123, jonb5
QI 2N 22 lyndyloo
DIVE 15L 10 johnny55

On 19th draw, VOTE D1 32 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other moves: DOVE D1 30, DOPE D1 28, PORE D1 28, POTE D1 28, PROTEI 2J 28
VOTE D1 32 bonggalita, kellybelly
DOZE 14F 20 jonb5
PREZ 14E 17 colle123
PREED I1 12 johnny55
DEPART 15E 9 lyndyloo

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