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Game of May 29, 2011 at 10:36, 12 players
1. kellybelly -406
2. una -438
3. Davina -450

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?fiirtu   H4    24    24   fruit
 2. ?aeiimt   G7    71    95   miniate
 3. aeelrsu  14D    70   165   leasure
 4. aeinoov  15A    32   197   novae
 5. aeiloot  15H    28   225   telia
 6. deeillr  11E    86   311   reallied
 7. abeegmp  13I    33   344   peage
 8. abdijnr   F6    38   382   jab
 9. afiorst   N7    71   453   faitors
10. ?degnrs   O3    89   542   genders
11. egimntw   O1    30   572   engenders
12. aciorsw   L8    30   602   wardog
13. ainopqs  J10    31   633   qi
14. bimnovx   M9    39   672   xi
15. cehmnoz  B11    38   710   zhomo
16. cdgnoov  C10    34   744   good
17. aceinvw   A7    42   786   vinca
18. cinosty   1H    92   878   cytosine
19. bhknotu   K4    27   905   bunko
20. dehtuwy   L3    38   943   wyte

Remaining tiles: dhpu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7008 Filekellybelly  1 19:04  -406  537     1.7008 kellybelly  1 19:04  -406  537 
  2.5861 Fileuna         2 24:39  -438  505            Group: intermediate
  3.6264 FileDavina      4 19:15  -450  493     1.6264 Davina      4 19:15  -450  493 
  4.5828 Filesunshine12  2 16:21  -596  347            Group: novice
  5.4293 FileCruiser     1 21:05  -610  333     1.5861 una         2 24:39  -438  505 
  6.4426 Filejohnny55    0 17:21  -636  307     2.5828 sunshine12  2 16:21  -596  347 
  7.3815 Fileremij       1 15:45  -690  253            Group: not rated
  8.3387 Filelyndyloo    0 15:18  -769  174     1.4293 Cruiser     1 21:05  -610  333 
  9.4053 Filelemur_24    0 15:26  -810  133     2.4426 johnny55    0 17:21  -636  307 
 10.4354 FileMel012      1  5:44  -858   85     3.3815 remij       1 15:45  -690  253 
 11.  -  Filesalast      0  1:14  -920   23     4.3387 lyndyloo    0 15:18  -769  174 
 12.  -  Fileladdie123   0  0:17  -937    6     5.4053 lemur_24    0 15:26  -810  133 
                                             6.4354 Mel012      1  5:44  -858   85 
                                             7.  -  salast      0  1:14  -920   23 
                                             8.  -  laddie123   0  0:17  -937    6 

On 1st draw, FRUIT H4 24 --- FRUIT to bear fruit (usually edible reproductive bodies of a seed plant) [v]
Other tops: FRUIT(S) H4 24, FRUIT(Y) H4 24, FRUI(C)T H4 24
Other moves: FIRI(E) H4 22, FIRT(H) H4 22, FIR(S)T H4 22, FI(X)IT H4 22, FRIT(H) H4 22
FRUIT(Y) H4 24 Mel012
FRUIT H4 24 Davina
F(L)IRT H4 22 kellybelly, una
F(L)IRT H8 16 Cruiser

On 2nd draw, MI(N)IATE G7 71 --- MINIATE to paint vermilion [v]
Other moves: AMITIE(S) 9B 70, AIRTIME(S) 5F 68, ATIMIE(S) 9B 68, MARITI(M)E 5F 68, METAIRI(E) 5C 68
MATE G7 19 kellybelly
MITE G7 19 Davina
F(R)AME 4H 18 Cruiser
F(L)AME 4H 18 una
(S)TEAM 9H 15 lyndyloo
FAME 4H 9 Mel012
TIME 8H 6 laddie123

On 3rd draw, LEASURE 14D 70 --- LEASURE leisure [n]
Other tops: RESALUTE 12A 70
Other moves: SEALER H10 30, LEASURE 11E 28, SURREAL 5E 28, ALURES 14B 25, EALES H11 25
LEASE H11 25 una
LEARS 14C 16 kellybelly
LARES 14C 16 Davina
FEELS 4H 16 johnny55
SLATER 12D 14 Cruiser
RULERS 5D 12 Mel012

On 4th draw, NOVAE 15A 32 --- NOVA a type of star [n]
Other tops: AVION 15A 32
Other moves: NEVI 15A 27, NOVA 15A 27, VENA 15A 27, VINA 15A 27, VINO 15A 27
VINO 15A 27 kellybelly
VENA 15A 27 una
NAVE I1 16 Davina
VINAL D10 16 johnny55
VALE D12 16 Cruiser
VINO 10F 15 lyndyloo
VINE 10F 15 Mel012

On 5th draw, TELIA 15H 28 --- TELIUM the cluster of spore cases of the rust fungi [n]
Other tops: TELOI 15H 28
Other moves: TEAL 15H 22, TELA 15H 22, ETUI H12 20, FOLIATE 4H 20, ALIT F7 19
TEAL 15H 22 una, kellybelly
ALOOF 4D 16 Mel012
FLOAT 4H 16 Davina
ROOT 5H 8 remij
LOOT 12D 8 johnny55
FILE 4H 7 Cruiser
FAIL 4H 7 lyndyloo

On 6th draw, REALLIED 11E 86 --- REALLIE to form again [v]
Other moves: REFILLED 4F 74, TILLERED 12G 70, TREDILLE 12G 70, DIALLER 11E 32, LEADIER 11E 32
REFILLED 4F 24 kellybelly
FRILLED 4H 22 una, Cruiser, sunshine12
FELLED 4H 20 lyndyloo
FILLER 4H 18 johnny55
DRILL 13J 16 Davina
DIEL 10F 9 Mel012
MID 7G 8 remij

On 7th draw, PEAGE 13I 33 --- PEAGE a form of currency once used by North American Indians [n]
Other moves: GAMBE 13C 32, PEAGE 10J 31, AMP 10I 29, BEAM 10J 29, BEEP 10J 29
BEAM 10J 29 sunshine12, kellybelly
MEGA 12K 24 Davina
BREAM 5G 18 remij, johnny55
REMAP 5H 18 Cruiser
PEG 14L 16 una
GRAM 5G 7 lyndyloo

On 8th draw, JAB F6 38 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: RABID 12K 37, JAR F6 34, BRAID 10J 33, BRAND 10J 33, RAJ 13C 33
JAB F6 38 Davina, sunshine12
RAJ 14M 22 kellybelly
JA I3 22 una
BRAND 5G 16 lyndyloo
RABID 5H 16 remij
BRIAR 5D 14 Cruiser
BRAIN 5G 14 johnny55

On 9th draw, FAITORS N7 71 --- FAITOR an imposter [n]
Other moves: FROSTBIT 8A 42, F*TS* N10 41, FIRST N10 41, FOIST N10 41, FRIST N10 41
FROSTBIT 8A 42 una
FIRST N10 41 kellybelly
RAFTS 12K 36 Davina
FIRST 4H 16 johnny55
FROST 5G 16 remij
FROST 4H 16 Cruiser
STIFF 4E 11 sunshine12
FAIR 4H 7 lemur_24

On 10th draw, GEND(E)RS O3 89 --- GENDER to engender [v]
Other moves: D(A)NGERS O3 87, D(I)NGERS O3 87, D(U)NGERS O3 87, G(A)NDERS O3 87, G(A)RDENS O3 87
D(A)NGERS O3 37 Davina
GR(A)ND O5 31 kellybelly
REDS O6 31 una
FR(I)DGES 4H 22 sunshine12
GRAN 8L 21 johnny55
(B)READ 8K 18 Cruiser
SNAG 8L 18 lyndyloo
GR(I)EF 7J 9 lemur_24
DA(Y) 8M 9 remij

On 11th draw, ENGEND(E)RS O1 30 --- ENGENDER to bring into existence [v]
Other moves: MEINT 10J 28, WEFTING 4F 28, WINGE 12A 28, GWINE 12A 24, MEWING 3J 24
ENGEND(E)RS O1 30 una
MEWING 3J 24 Cruiser, kellybelly, Davina
GRIME 5G 16 remij
ME I3 12 sunshine12
WIF(E) 7L 10 lemur_24

On 12th draw, WARDOG L8 30 --- WARDOG a dog used in war [n]
Other moves: SCRAW 13A 29, CRAW 13B 27, ROARS 12K 27, SCAW 13B 27, CAW 13C 25
CROWN 2K 20 Davina, kellybelly
CRAWS 5G 20 remij
SWORE 4K 16 johnny55
SWORN 2K 16 una
SWORN A11 12 Cruiser
CROWD L7 12 sunshine12
CROWN A11 11 lemur_24

On 13th draw, QI J10 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: SINOPIA 10B 31
Other moves: PIANO N1 29, QI G3 26, PIAN N1 25, NOPAL I7 24, PAR 10J 23
QI J10 31 kellybelly, Davina, Cruiser, remij, sunshine12
QI G3 26 una
SPINE 4K 14 johnny55
SPAIN 2K 14 lyndyloo
PAIN 2L 12 lemur_24

On 14th draw, XI M9 39 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: BOXING 3J 32, NOX I7 32, BONXIE 4J 30, MOXIE 4K 28, OXIME 4K 28
XI M9 39 Davina, una
BOXING 3J 32 kellybelly
MOXIE 4K 28 johnny55
BOVINE 4J 22 lyndyloo
OXO B13 20 sunshine12
VIBE 1L 13 Cruiser
FOX 4H 13 remij, lemur_24

On 15th draw, ZHOMO B11 38 --- ZHOMO a female from a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZONE 10B 35, COZE 12B 32, COZEN 2K 32, COZEN 5K 32, CROZE 5G 32
ZONE 10B 35 Davina, sunshine12
COZEN 5K 32 kellybelly
MOZE 4L 30 una
ZONE 4L 26 johnny55, Cruiser
ZONE 1L 23 lemur_24, salast
ZO B14 22 remij

On 16th draw, GOOD C10 34 --- GOOD having positive or desirable properties [adj] --- GOOD something that is good [n]
Other moves: COON C10 32, DOON C10 30, GOON C10 30, CHOG 12A 26, DOC I7 26
COON C10 32 kellybelly
CHOG 12A 26 sunshine12, johnny55
HOG 12B 14 Cruiser
COVE 1L 12 Davina, una
VOW 8J 9 lemur_24
FOOD 4H 8 remij
GOON 5L 5 lyndyloo

On 17th draw, VINCA A7 42 --- VINCA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: AWN A11 39, VAW A10 38, CAW A10 37, WEAVING 3I 36, NAW A10 35
VINA A8 33 kellybelly
WAVING 3J 26 johnny55
WAVE 4L 20 lyndyloo
WAVE G1 19 Davina
HOW 12B 18 remij
WAE I3 17 sunshine12
AWE I2 15 una
WIVE 1L 14 Cruiser

On 18th draw, CYTOSINE 1H 92 --- CYTOSINE a component of DNA and RNA [n]
Other moves: COSYING 3I 32, S(N)Y 9F 30, SHOO 12A 28, SHOT 12A 28, COSTING 3I 26
S(N)Y 9F 30 una
SHOT 12A 28 kellybelly
COSTING 3I 26 johnny55
FISTY 4H 22 sunshine12
HOY 12B 18 remij
ROSY 5H 14 Cruiser, Davina
CONE 1L 9 lemur_24

On 19th draw, BUNKO K4 27 --- BUNKO to swindle [v]
Other moves: HE F10 26, HI 10F 26, KNOT K6 25, KOB E7 25, NOH I7 24
HE F10 26 Davina, una
STUNK L1 18 kellybelly, johnny55
KO G3 16 sunshine12
SHOT L1 14 remij
BUNG 3L 14 Cruiser
SHUT L1 14 lemur_24

On 20th draw, WYTE L3 38 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other tops: HYTE L3 38
Other moves: SWEY L1 34, YEH L3 31, HIE 10F 29, HUED 2H 29, DEW I7 28
SWEY L1 34 sunshine12, kellybelly, una
YEH L3 31 Davina
HOW 12B 18 remij
BYE 4K 16 lemur_24
EH I8 15 lyndyloo
BED 4K 12 Cruiser

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