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Game of May 29, 2011 at 12:10, 11 players
1. Faeythe -432
2. slebbarc -472
3. lamlam -494

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bgnoost   H4    24    24   bongos
 2. ?agnruz   4H    36    60   brazing
 3. abceiit   G7    77   137   abietic
 4. ?adirtu   M3    72   209   antidrug
 5. egnorst   N9    75   284   tongers
 6. aefklno  15H    45   329   fankles
 7. aceioor   K4    36   365   zooecia
 8. adelnrw   N2    39   404   waged
 9. ehijosw   1L    77   481   josh
10. aefrsux   O7    54   535   faux
11. eelmnou   F8    29   564   olm
12. aeiopru   J9    25   589   opera
13. elmtvwy   J2    42   631   vealy
14. aeinrsy  12A    82   713   yersinia
15. deilnrv   A6    42   755   devilry
16. eeiimtu   C9    20   775   mitre
17. ehiqtuu  13I    44   819   haique
18. deeintu   D3    72   891   detinue

Remaining tiles: ptw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5468 FileFaeythe     0 17:13  -432  459     1.7116 musdrive    0  4:50  -775  116 
  2.4777 Fileslebbarc    0 19:40  -472  419            Group: novice
  3.4119 Filelamlam      0 22:33  -494  397     1.5468 Faeythe     0 17:13  -432  459 
  4.4288 FileCruiser     0 12:46  -496  395     2.5254 megzee      0  7:58  -783  108 
  5.  -  FileBobdylan77  0 21:50  -501  390            Group: not rated
  6.3446 Filelyndyloo    0 18:10  -577  314     1.4777 slebbarc    0 19:40  -472  419 
  7.3185 Filebmurf84     0 15:10  -639  252     2.4119 lamlam      0 22:33  -494  397 
  8.7116 Filemusdrive    0  4:50  -775  116     3.4288 Cruiser     0 12:46  -496  395 
  9.4501 Filenaomiari    0 10:04  -778  113     4.  -  Bobdylan77  0 21:50  -501  390 
 10.5254 Filemegzee      0  7:58  -783  108     5.3446 lyndyloo    0 18:10  -577  314 
 11.  -  Fileernz57      0  1:22  -877   14     6.3185 bmurf84     0 15:10  -639  252 
                                             7.4501 naomiari    0 10:04  -778  113 
                                             8.  -  ernz57      0  1:22  -877   14 

On 1st draw, BONGOS H4 24 --- BONGO a small drum [n]
Other tops: BOONGS H4 24
Other moves: BONGO H4 22, BONGS H4 22, BOONG H4 22, BOONGS H8 22, BOSTON H4 22
BONGS H4 22 Faeythe, slebbarc
BOONS H4 20 Cruiser
BOOST H8 16 lamlam
BOOST H6 14 Bobdylan77

On 2nd draw, BRAZ(I)NG 4H 36 --- BRAZE to solder together [v]
Other tops: GAUZ(E) G5 36
Other moves: RAZ(I)NG 6D 35, AZURN G7 34, GAZ(O)N 6D 34, AZUR(E) G7 33, AZUR(N) G7 33
Z(I)NG 6F 33 Faeythe, lamlam
NAZ(E) 6H 32 Cruiser
BRAZ(E)N 4H 32 Bobdylan77
GAZ(E)R I1 29 slebbarc

On 3rd draw, ABIETIC G7 77 --- ABIETIC as in abietic acid, a soap ingredient [adj]
Other moves: ABIETIC G9 66, BATE 5J 41, BAT 5J 37, BA 5J 34, BAIZE K1 32
BATE 5J 41 Faeythe
BAT 5J 37 Bobdylan77
BAIZE K1 32 slebbarc
BIZE K2 30 lamlam
ZIT K4 24 Cruiser
SCAB 9H 11 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, ANTIDRU(G) M3 72 --- ANTIDRUG opposed to illicit drugs [adj]
Other tops: UNITARD(S) M3 72
Other moves: INDURAT(E) M3 70, TRI(P)UDIA 12A 70, RUINAT(E)D M1 66, TRI(P)UDIA 12E 66, URINAT(E)D M1 66
TAD 5J 34 Faeythe, Bobdylan77
DAZ(E)R K2 28 Cruiser
DAZ(E) K2 26 slebbarc
AZUR(E) K3 26 lamlam
ZIT K4 24 lyndyloo

On 5th draw, TONGERS N9 75 --- TONGER one that tongs [n]
Other moves: GENITORS 12D 70, ROSETING 12B 70, TONGERS I8 69, TONGSTER 11B 68, TONGERS F1 66
ZEST K4 26 lamlam, bmurf84
GROT 8L 21 slebbarc
GORES 8K 21 Cruiser
STORING 12C 18 lyndyloo, Bobdylan77
STRONG 11F 14 Faeythe

On 6th draw, FANKLES 15H 45 --- FANKLE to entangle [v]
Other moves: FLAKE F6 42, LOFT 5J 42, LOAF F7 40, FLAKE O5 39, FLASK 15K 39
FLASK 15K 39 Cruiser, bmurf84
FLANK J2 30 slebbarc
ASK 15M 21 Faeythe
KNIFE 6K 20 lamlam
FLAT 11D 14 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, ZOOECIA K4 36 --- ZOOECIUM a sac secreted and lived in by an aquatic organism [n]
Other moves: COZIER K2 34, ZOECIA K4 34, ROOT 5J 33, AZOIC K3 32, COOZE K1 32
CRAZE K1 32 Cruiser
ZOO K4 24 slebbarc
CROOK K11 22 lyndyloo, lamlam
CROAK K11 22 Faeythe
CORGI 12K 18 Bobdylan77
CAGE 7F 8 bmurf84

On 8th draw, WAGED N2 39 --- WAGE to engage in or carry on [v]
Other moves: AWED F9 37, WARNED O5 36, DAWNER O5 35, RANGED N1 35, WANDER O5 35
AWED F9 37 Faeythe
WANDER O5 35 slebbarc
WARDEN F2 24 Bobdylan77
WEANED 13J 20 megzee
WADER 13K 18 Cruiser
WATER 11E 16 lyndyloo
RAGE 12L 12 bmurf84
WAGE 7F 9 lamlam

On 9th draw, JOSH 1L 77 --- JOSH to tease [v]
Other moves: WHOSE 1K 56, J*WS J10 55, JOSH J10 55, JOWS J10 55, J*W J10 54
J*WS J10 55 lamlam
JOES J10 52 Bobdylan77
JOW F7 35 Faeythe
WOES O7 26 slebbarc
J*W 13M 26 bmurf84, Cruiser
JIGS 12L 26 lyndyloo
WHITE 11D 22 megzee

On 10th draw, FAUX O7 54 --- FAUX not genuine; fake [adj]
Other moves: XERUS O5 53, FAX O8 51, FIXURES 12F 50, SAXE O8 47, REFIX 12D 46
SEX O8 42 slebbarc
AXES O7 38 Faeythe
FAXES 13K 30 lyndyloo
FIXER 12F 23 bmurf84
FIXES 12F 23 lamlam
REX 13M 20 Cruiser
SEX 13M 20 megzee

On 11th draw, OLM F8 29 --- OLM a cave-dwelling European salamander [n]
Other moves: OLEUM F8 27, ALME J4 26, LOME F7 26, MOLE F7 26, NOME F7 26
ME J6 22 bmurf84
MOLE J10 22 Faeythe
ME F10 22 Bobdylan77
MOULIN 12C 18 slebbarc
MOULTEN 11C 18 lyndyloo
MEAL J2 14 naomiari
MOUNT 11C 14 megzee
MO 2K 13 lamlam
MONK K12 10 Cruiser

On 12th draw, OPERA J9 25 --- OPERA a form of musical drama [n]
Other moves: APER J9 24, APE J9 23, APO J9 23, OPE J9 23, EURIPI 12D 22
PARE J10 22 Faeythe
PRO 2J 20 lamlam
PURGE 12K 18 Bobdylan77
PAGE 12L 16 megzee
PRIG 12K 14 naomiari
PARE 13K 12 Cruiser
PIER 13L 12 lyndyloo
PEA J2 11 bmurf84
PRICE 13D 9 slebbarc

On 13th draw, VEALY J2 42 --- VEALY immature [adj]
Other moves: MEALY J2 39, MEATY J2 39, YEALM J2 36, WAVELET 13I 34, WALY J3 33
YEA I13 19 Faeythe
WEY 13M 18 Cruiser
YEW 13M 18 lyndyloo
MEW 13M 16 megzee, Bobdylan77
LIVERY 12F 16 slebbarc
TREW 12I 14 ernz57
WAVE 13I 14 lamlam
YAW J3 14 bmurf84
YO 6J 13 naomiari

On 14th draw, YERSINIA 12A 82 --- YERSINIA a bacterium [n]
Other moves: REASTY 11C 24, SAGY 12L 24, YAE M13 24, YAREST 11B 24, AY M12 23
YAE M13 24 musdrive, Faeythe
SAGY 12L 24 lyndyloo
ARSENIC 13A 18 Bobdylan77
VIA 2J 15 naomiari
CANARY 13G 12 slebbarc
IVY 2I 9 Cruiser
JA L1 9 bmurf84
OLMS F8 8 lamlam

On 15th draw, DEVILRY A6 42 --- DEVILRY deviltry [n]
Other moves: NERVILY A6 39, LIVERY A7 36, VERILY A7 36, VINERY A7 36, NERVY A8 33
LIVERY A7 36 Cruiser, lamlam
NERVY A8 33 lyndyloo
LIVENED B9 26 Bobdylan77
YERD A12 24 Faeythe
RAVINED 13I 24 musdrive
DEVEIN B9 24 slebbarc
DRIVE C11 18 naomiari, bmurf84

On 16th draw, MITRE C9 20 --- MITRE to raise to the rank of a bishop [v]
Other tops: EMERITI C9 20, MEE M13 20, MET 13B 20, METRE C9 20
Other moves: UM M12 19, EM 11D 18, ITERUM C9 18, UM 11D 18, EMIT E10 17
ITEM B4 17 slebbarc
EMIT E10 17 musdrive
MERIT C10 14 bmurf84
TRIM C11 12 Cruiser, lyndyloo
TERM C10 12 Faeythe
MITE E11 12 lamlam
MUTES D8 10 Bobdylan77
DIME 6A 9 naomiari

On 17th draw, HAIQUE 13I 44 --- HAIQUE an Arab head covering [n]
Other moves: QUITE B2 37, TUQUE B2 37, QI D8 25, EUGH 12L 24, HUE M13 24
QUITE B2 37 Bobdylan77
QI D8 25 musdrive
QI E11 22 Faeythe, Cruiser, slebbarc, naomiari, lamlam, lyndyloo
HOLM F7 16 bmurf84

On 18th draw, DETINUE D3 72 --- DETINUE an action to recover property wrongfully detained [n]
Other moves: EIDENT 14A 27, ENDITE 14A 27, UNITED B2 26, UNTIED B2 26, IDENT 14B 25
UNITED B2 26 musdrive
TED 14A 17 Faeythe
DENT 14C 16 Cruiser
DENTED 6A 14 bmurf84
DIET B4 14 slebbarc
DINTED 6A 14 lyndyloo
TUNED D6 14 Bobdylan77
NID D8 12 lamlam
DIVE 2H 8 naomiari

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