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Game of May 29, 2011 at 15:14, 8 players
1. dannyboy -467
2. remij -653
3. lesft -657

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?alntvy   H3    30    30   sylvan
 2. aadhipx   3H    36    66   spadix
 3. aeinort   5E    82   148   taileron
 4. abistuy   2L    31   179   bays
 5. adeeirz   4K    59   238   zee
 6. aehiopt   E5    76   314   thiotepa
 7. ?ilnoou   O2    74   388   solution
 8. aelnrvw   8A    48   436   reavow
 9. afilmnr   B2    80   516   inflamer
10. beekmrs  D12    42   558   kemb
11. ginorst   N8    74   632   sorting
12. degiiou   M9    35   667   guide
13. adejoor  15A    45   712   jerboa
14. eilostu  15H    83   795   outlies
15. aefhitt  F10    45   840   heft
16. cegoqrt  12I    28   868   ergodic
17. aeistuw  13C    34   902   westie
18. acdnqtu   K9    28   930   quag

Remaining tiles: cddnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5860 Filedannyboy    2 18:47  -467  463     1.6927 bonggalita  1  6:17  -803  127 
  2.3871 Fileremij       0 21:34  -653  277            Group: novice
  3.3887 Filelesft       0 20:35  -657  273     1.5860 dannyboy    2 18:47  -467  463 
  4.5860 Filern.roselle  1 13:03  -676  254     2.5860 rn.roselle  1 13:03  -676  254 
  5.6927 Filebonggalita  1  6:17  -803  127     3.5897 una         0  4:47  -839   91 
  6.5897 Fileuna         0  4:47  -839   91            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileWordKing    0  2:25  -895   35     1.3871 remij       0 21:34  -653  277 
  8.2977 Filecennet77    0  1:42  -904   26     2.3887 lesft       0 20:35  -657  273 
                                             3.  -  WordKing    0  2:25  -895   35 
                                             4.2977 cennet77    0  1:42  -904   26 

On 1st draw, (S)YLVAN H3 30 --- SYLVAN one that lives in a forest [n]
Other tops: VAN(I)TY H4 30, VAN(I)TY H7 30, VA(I)NLY H4 30, VA(I)NLY H7 30, VA(S)TLY H4 30, VA(S)TLY H7 30, VA(U)LTY H4 30, VA(U)LTY H7 30, VA(U)NTY H4 30, VA(U)NTY H7 30
Other moves: L(E)AVY H8 28, NAV(V)Y H8 28, NA(V)VY H8 28, VA(S)TY H4 28, VA(S)TY H8 28
VAN(I)TY H4 30 rn.roselle
VAL(E) H8 12 lesft
VAT(S) H7 12 remij

On 2nd draw, (S)PADIX 3H 36 --- SPADIX a flower cluster [n]
Other moves: HAPAX G7 35, HAPAX I7 35, PAX G7 32, PIX G7 32, HAPAX 7E 28
PAX G7 32 rn.roselle
PIX G7 32 dannyboy
HAIL 5E 14 lesft
PAID 7G 11 remij

On 3rd draw, TAILERON 5E 82 --- TAILERON a part of a two-piece tailplane [n]
TINE 4L 23 dannyboy
NIT 4L 19 una
TORE 2L 19 rn.roselle
RAINY 4D 16 lesft
TIN L2 6 remij

On 4th draw, BAYS 2L 31 --- BAY to howl [v]
Other tops: BAY 6D 31, BAYT 2L 31
Other moves: STAY 6C 30, BAY 2L 29, SAY 6D 29, TAY 6D 29, YA 2J 29
BAY 6D 31 dannyboy
BAY 2L 29 una
YA 2J 29 rn.roselle
BAYS 7G 16 remij, lesft

On 5th draw, ZEE 4K 59 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZERDA 4A 52, ZAIRE 4A 50, ZERDA G7 49, ZAIRE G7 48, ZED G7 48
ZAIRE G7 48 dannyboy
ZEE G7 46 rn.roselle
DAZER 7G 27 lesft
SIZED O2 25 una
SADE O2 7 remij

On 6th draw, THIOTEPA E5 76 --- THIOTEPA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: THIOTEPA E1 63, HOVE 6F 35, PITHY 4D 35, HEAPY 4D 34, OPAH 6C 32
POH 6D 31 dannyboy
PAH 6D 31 rn.roselle
ASH O1 18 una
HAP 7G 15 remij
APT F5 11 lesft

On 7th draw, SOLU(T)ION O2 74 --- SOLUTION a homogeneous liquid mixture [n]
Other moves: POLONIU(M) 11E 68, (S)OU 1M 27, IN(S)OUL 13C 25, LINU(M) D8 23, LINO(S) 13A 21
LOON(S) 13A 21 dannyboy
(S)O 1M 16 rn.roselle
(S)YLVAN(S) H3 11 remij
PIN 11E 5 lesft

On 8th draw, REAVOW 8A 48 --- AVOW to declare openly [v] --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other moves: LAEVO 8A 36, NAVEW 12D 30, WAVER I7 30, WAVE I7 29, WALER F8 27
WAVER I7 30 dannyboy
WAVER 12D 24 remij
WAVER 7G 19 lesft
NAW D8 17 rn.roselle

On 9th draw, INFLAMER B2 80 --- INFLAMER one that inflames [n]
Other moves: RIFLEMAN B4 73, RIFLEMAN 10A 71, FIRMAN F10 40, FILAR F10 37, FINAL F10 37
FARM D12 34 rn.roselle
FLAM D12 34 dannyboy
FARM 12D 18 remij
MAFIA 7G 17 lesft

On 10th draw, KEMB D12 42 --- KEMB to comb [v]
Other moves: SKEE A1 41, KEMBS 13A 40, SMEEK 10B 39, BERK D12 38, KERB D12 38
SKEE A1 41 dannyboy
REMAKES 12B 28 remij
BAKERS 7G 20 lesft

On 11th draw, SORTING N8 74 --- SORT to arrange according to kind, class, or size [v] --- SORTING the act of sorting [n]
Other moves: TRIGONS 10I 70, ROSTING I7 67, SORTING I7 67, STORING N7 66, GENITORS 10D 63
BORING 15D 27 dannyboy
SORTING I7 17 WordKing
MIG 14D 10 remij
MIST 14D 8 lesft

On 12th draw, GUIDE M9 35 --- GUIDE to show the way to [v]
Other moves: BODGIE 15D 30, BOGIED 15D 30, BOUGED 15D 30, BUDGIE 15D 30, BODGE 15D 27
BOUGED 15D 30 dannyboy
DOGIE I7 18 WordKing
DIM 14B 12 lesft
GONE 13L 10 remij

On 13th draw, JERBOA 15A 45 --- JERBOA a small rodent [n]
Other moves: JADE C11 41, MAJORED 14D 37, ROADEO C10 35, JOE A1 34, RODEO C11 33
MAJORED 14D 37 lesft
JAM 14B 24 remij

On 14th draw, OUTLIES 15H 83 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other moves: OUTLIES G9 75, OUTLIES I8 61, STEIL O11 32, LOUIE A1 30, LISTER C10 27
OUTLIES G9 25 bonggalita
LOUTS G11 22 dannyboy
INFLAMERS B2 16 remij
POST 11E 6 lesft

On 15th draw, HEFT F10 45 --- HEFT to lift up [v]
Other tops: HAFT F10 45
Other moves: FATE F10 39, FETA F10 39, FETT F10 39, FITT F10 39, HAET F10 39
FAT 14F 29 bonggalita
HAM 14B 28 remij
HA A1 17 dannyboy
HATE 13A 14 lesft

On 16th draw, ERGODIC 12I 28 --- ERGODIC pertaining to the probability that any state will recur [adj]
Other moves: COVER D6 27, GEODIC 12J 26, QAT 7G 23, THROVE 6D 22, COEDIT 12J 20
QAT 7G 23 bonggalita
GOE A1 16 dannyboy
CREE 13A 12 lesft
QI 2A 11 remij

On 17th draw, WESTIE 13C 34 --- WESTIE (Australian slang) a young working-class person from the western suburbs [n]
Other moves: TWEEST 13A 32, WEMS 14B 32, EWEST 13B 30, WEEST 13B 30, VAES 6H 29
WEMS 14B 32 dannyboy
WAE A1 22 bonggalita
WAGS K10 16 remij
WIRE J10 15 cennet77
WARS J10 15 lesft

On 18th draw, QUAG K9 28 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QANAT 7G 25, DAM 14B 24, AQUA 7H 23, AUDIT 11J 23, QAT 7G 23
QUAG K9 28 dannyboy, bonggalita
QUA J1 14 remij
CART J10 12 lesft
QI 2A 11 cennet77

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