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Game sheet of pattern (file), Game of May 29, 2011 at 19:47

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEINOU (T)INE H7 6 -58 6 5/6 (M)OINEAU H8 64 64 5/6
2 AELNRTZ TREZ G6 46 -8 52 1/8 LAZARET 13G 54 118 2/9
3 ADEMRSW SWARM 15H 60 -59 112 3/8 SWARMED 15H 119 237 3/9
4 ADDEILO LADED 12J 26 -10 138 1/8 ADENOID 11E 36 273 1/9
5 ACEGILS CASED N11 33 -34 171 2/8 CALIGOES 9C 67 340 1/10
6 EGNSUVY USED N12 27 -62 198 3/8 UNGYVES N7 89 429 1/10
7 AGIKLOP KING 8L 42 -3 240 1/8 AKING 8K 45 474 1/10
8 ACEFILO FEEL 12L 28 -41 268 1/8 COALIFIED F3 69 543 1/10
9 ABLNOWX XI M7 34 -1 302 3/8 WOX 12C 35 578 1/10
10 EIOOPRT TROPE 13A 38   340 2/7       616 1/10
11 EFHINTT FEET 12L 28 -12 368 4/7 FITCHET 3C 40 656 1/10
12 EMNOORU MEER 12L 24 -7 392 3/7 MOONER 4H 31 687 1/10
13 ?ABDILN BIA(S) N1 18 -131 410 4/7 BID(E)NTAL A8 149 836 2/10
14 HIOPSTU HIES 12L 28 -6 438 2/7 PHUT 5I 34 870 2/10
15 EINOQRT QI 2D 24 -6 462 4/7 QINTAR 5B 30 900 2/10
16 AEIJORU JURE 3L 36 -1 498 2/7 RAJ 2H 37 937 2/10
17 BEOSUVY YOBS 3L 28 -5 526 1/7 YOB 6I 33 970 2/10
18 EEINSUV VIES N1 23 -3 549 5/7 VEERS M1 26 996 2/10

Total: 549/996 or -447 for 55.12%
Rank: 6778

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