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Game of May 30, 2011 at 00:23, 4 players
1. Faeythe -391
2. bmurf84 -655
3. lastlea -738

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adinww   H8    84    84   windway
 2. abkmors  15D    90   174   krabs
 3. bchinsu  14E    28   202   uh
 4. lnooptv  13G    34   236   vanpool
 5. ainorrt  11E    32   268   tridarn
 6. acegiln   I2    69   337   anglice
 7. eeeprst   3C    72   409   preteens
 8. achosyz  12L    58   467   hazy
 9. aeinoqs  14J    31   498   anise
10. afilmmo   O6    45   543   foamily
11. ?adgjsu  12A    43   586   judge
12. deeiino  A12    36   622   jeed
13. aeimqrt  B11    37   659   quate
14. adeotxy   N8    63   722   yex
15. eilmnoo   5E    36   758   moellon
16. bceiior   N1    31   789   corbie
17. afiostt   C9    43   832   foids
18. adegiit   1J    36   868   gedact
19. iortuuv   F9    20   888   tirr

Remaining tiles: iotuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5511 FileFaeythe     1 19:45  -391  497     1.6178 lastlea     0  7:04  -738  150 
  2.4135 Filebmurf84     0 15:47  -655  233            Group: novice
  3.6178 Filelastlea     0  7:04  -738  150     1.5511 Faeythe     1 19:45  -391  497 
  4.2950 Filecennet77    0  8:28  -768  120            Group: not rated
                                             1.4135 bmurf84     0 15:47  -655  233 
                                             2.2950 cennet77    0  8:28  -768  120 

On 1st draw, WINDWA(Y) H8 84 --- WINDWAY a passage for air [n]
Other tops: WINDWA(Y) H4 84
Other moves: WINDWA(Y) H2 78, WINDWA(Y) H3 78, WINDWA(Y) H7 78, WINDWA(Y) H5 76, WINDWA(Y) H6 76
WADIN(G) H4 26 Faeythe
WIND H7 16 cennet77
AW(E)D H5 14 lastlea

On 2nd draw, KRABS 15D 90 --- KRAB a steel link used in mountaineering [n]
Other tops: KBARS 15D 90
Other moves: BARKS 15D 84, BOAKS 15D 84, BORKS 15D 84, BRAKS 15D 84, KORAS 15D 84
BARKS 15D 84 lastlea
SOAK 15H 66 Faeythe
WARMS 8H 11 cennet77

On 3rd draw, UH 14E 28 --- UH used to express hesitation [interj]
Other tops: CHINK D11 28, CHUNK D11 28, SHUCK D11 28
Other moves: BUNCH 10F 26, CHIK D12 26, DUNCISH 11H 26, HICK D12 26, HUCK D12 26
HAN 13G 11 Faeythe

On 4th draw, VANPOOL 13G 34 --- VANPOOL an arrangement whereby several commuters travel in one van [n]
Other moves: TOPO G7 24, OOP G11 23, LOOP G6 22, NOOP G6 22, LOP G7 21
OOP G11 23 Faeythe
VOL G7 19 lastlea
POWN 8F 9 cennet77

On 5th draw, TRIDARN 11E 32 --- TRIDARN a Welsh dresser [n]
Other moves: AROINT 14J 28, ARIOT 14J 26, RATIO G7 20, INRO 14J 18, ORRA 14J 18
AIN 14J 15 Faeythe
WORN 8H 7 cennet77

On 6th draw, ANGLICE I2 69 --- ANGLICE in readily understood English [adv]
Other moves: LACEWING 8D 65, ENIAC 14J 30, LAIC 12L 24, CLINE 12A 22, GLACE 12A 22
COIL L12 14 Faeythe
WAGE 8H 8 cennet77

On 7th draw, PRETEENS 3C 72 --- PRETEEN a child under the age of thirteen [n]
Other moves: REPLETES 5F 70, ESTREPE G2 69, PEERIEST 6E 64, PESTERER F4 64, STEEPIER 6D 64
PREPS J10 17 Faeythe
WEEPERS 8H 13 cennet77
TE H1 8 bmurf84

On 8th draw, HAZY 12L 58 --- HAZY unclear [adj]
Other moves: ZHOS N10 49, CORYZAS D1 48, ZAS 12L 48, CORYZA D1 46, ZA 12L 46
ASHY N12 33 lastlea
ZOOS L12 28 Faeythe, cennet77
ZOO L12 24 bmurf84

On 9th draw, ANISE 14J 31 --- ANISE a North African plant [n]
Other tops: ISNAE 14J 31
Other moves: QIS 13C 27, AYINS O11 24, NOISY O8 24, NOSEY O8 24, QI 12D 24
YINS O12 21 Faeythe
YEAN O12 21 bmurf84
YON O12 6 cennet77

On 10th draw, FOAMILY O6 45 --- FOAMILY in a foamy manner [adv]
Other moves: FAMILY O7 42, FILMY O8 39, FLAMY O8 39, FOAMY O8 39, LAMMY O8 36
FA 15N 20 Faeythe
MAA 2H 15 bmurf84
FILM 6H 11 cennet77

On 11th draw, JUDG(E) 12A 43 --- JUDGE to decide on critically [v]
Other moves: J(I)RGAS D1 42, JARU(L)S D1 40, JURA(T)S D1 40, J(I)RDS D1 40, J(I)RGA D1 40
JUR(Y) D1 36 bmurf84
JUST E8 11 cennet77
(H)A 15N 4 Faeythe

On 12th draw, JEED A12 36 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: JEDI A12 36
Other moves: JEON A12 33, JOIN A12 33, IODINE N1 25, DIENE 4B 24, NEED N7 24
JEED A12 36 Faeythe
DORE D1 14 bmurf84

On 13th draw, QUATE B11 37 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other tops: QUARE B11 37
Other moves: QAT G7 32, QUAT B11 32, QI 10N 31, ITEM N7 30, TEAM N7 30
QI 10N 31 Faeythe
QI 9G 21 bmurf84

On 14th draw, YEX N8 63 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: DEX N8 59, TAX N8 57, TEX N8 57, AX N9 54, EX N9 54
TAX N8 57 Faeythe
TIX 6H 26 bmurf84

On 15th draw, MOELLON 5E 36 --- MOELLON rubble in mason-work [n]
Other moves: LOONIE 2B 30, MOLINE N1 27, NOMOI G7 26, MEIN 10A 25, MENO 10A 25
MEIN 10A 25 Faeythe
LIME 6H 12 bmurf84

On 16th draw, CORBIE N1 31 --- CORBIE a raven or crow [n]
Other moves: AEROBIC 2I 30, CORBE N2 29, CEBOID C7 28, CRIB 6C 28, ROBE 6D 28
REB 10A 24 Faeythe
AERO 2I 10 bmurf84

On 17th draw, FOIDS C9 43 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other moves: FACT 1L 39, FICO 1L 39, FOCI 1L 39, FIASCO 1J 36, FIATS L1 34
FACT 1L 39 Faeythe
FA 15N 20 bmurf84

On 18th draw, GEDACT 1J 36 --- GEDACT a flutelike organ stop. Also GEDECKT [n]
Other moves: EDICT 1K 30, IDEAL H1 28, DACE 1L 27, DIACT 1K 27, DICE 1L 27
EDICT 1K 30 Faeythe
TACE 1L 21 bmurf84

On 19th draw, TIRR F9 20 --- TIRR to strip [v]
Other tops: TORR F9 20, VROU 2A 20
Other moves: VROU 6B 19, AUTO 2I 17, VROU 6C 17, RAIT 2H 16, RIOT 6D 16
DOUR L1 10 Faeythe
BI 4N 5 bmurf84

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