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Game of May 30, 2011 at 01:09, 6 players
1. TwoFold -445
2. sunshine12 -524
3. Louis1 -557

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?iinntt   H8    64    64   tinting
 2. ?diloru  11D    82   146   dilutors
 3. eiiopry  12A    32   178   yipe
 4. acefoot   J7    67   245   footrace
 5. denorsz  15D    93   338   zones
 6. eikqrst  15A    51   389   trizones
 7. aceorsv   8A    92   481   overcast
 8. adeflmu   K3    32   513   malfed
 9. imnorsw   C2    84   597   winsomer
10. beghiks  15J    59   656   skeigh
11. aaeghin   B6    40   696   haven
12. beopqtx   L2    46   742   box
13. aadelqw   M1    48   790   lawed
14. aeelruy   N2    53   843   yale
15. abeenor  N10    30   873   barong
16. aeggjru   A1    57   930   jagger
17. adeittu  13A    32   962   adieu
18. eipttuv   O6    30   992   puttie

Remaining tiles: quv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5974 FileTwoFold     3 17:20  -445  547     1.6506 monthree    0  7:06  -849  143 
  2.5919 Filesunshine12  1 19:49  -524  468            Group: novice
  3.  -  FileLouis1      1 18:39  -557  435     1.5974 TwoFold     3 17:20  -445  547 
  4.4156 Filebmurf84     0 23:10  -612  380     2.5919 sunshine12  1 19:49  -524  468 
  5.6506 Filemonthree    0  7:06  -849  143            Group: not rated
  6.3682 Filetonikay     0 13:55  -868  124     1.  -  Louis1      1 18:39  -557  435 
                                             2.4156 bmurf84     0 23:10  -612  380 
                                             3.3682 tonikay     0 13:55  -868  124 

On 1st draw, TINTIN(G) H8 64 --- TINTING the process of one that tints [n]
Other tops: TINTIN(G) H2 64, TINTIN(G) H3 64, TINTIN(G) H4 64, TINTIN(G) H7 64
Other moves: TINTIN(G) H5 62, TINTIN(G) H6 62, INTIN(E) H3 12, INTIN(E) H4 12, INTIN(E) H8 12
INT(E)NT H4 12 TwoFold
INT(E)NT H8 12 bmurf84
TINT(S) H4 10 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, DILUTOR(S) 11D 82 --- DILUTOR one that dilutes [n]
Other moves: (F)LUORID G3 67, (F)LUORID I3 67, UTIL(I)DOR 11G 66, UT(I)LIDOR 11G 66, U(T)ILIDOR 12D 66
(S)OLID 15H 39 TwoFold, bmurf84
(S)LID 15H 30 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, YIPE 12A 32 --- YIPE used to express fear or surprise [interj]
Other moves: DOPEY D11 30, PYRE 12A 30, PYRO 12A 30, PERDY D8 28, PREDY D8 28
PRIORY J10 19 bmurf84
PRE 12B 16 Louis1
DRIP D11 14 sunshine12
POETRY 8E 11 TwoFold
PRI(G) 14E 7 tonikay

On 4th draw, FOOTRACE J7 67 --- FOOTRACE a race run on foot [n]
Other moves: COYOTE A10 33, FOOTY A8 33, COOEY A8 30, YOOF A12 30, FAE 13B 29
FOOTY A8 33 TwoFold, sunshine12
TOE 13B 20 Louis1
PACE C12 16 bmurf84
FATE 8F 7 tonikay

On 5th draw, ZONES 15D 93 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ZEROS 15D 93
Other moves: DOZENS 15C 72, DOZERS 15C 72, DOZES 15D 72, ZONERS 15C 69, ZEINS B10 68
DOZES 15D 72 bmurf84
DOZERS 15C 72 Louis1
OZONES 8J 48 TwoFold
FOOTRACES J7 14 sunshine12

On 6th draw, TRIZONES 15A 51 --- TRIZONE a country formed of three zones [n]
Other moves: STRIKE 15J 47, SKYIER A10 39, TRYKES A10 39, KEIRS B10 38, KYRIE A11 36
STRIKE 15J 47 TwoFold
RISKY A8 36 Louis1, sunshine12
QI 9G 21 bmurf84
KITS B11 16 tonikay

On 7th draw, OVERCAST 8A 92 --- OVERCAST to become cloudy or dark [v]
Other moves: COVARY A7 42, COVEYS A8 42, CARVY A8 39, COVEY A8 39, VOICER B10 38
OVARY A8 33 TwoFold
SCARY A8 30 sunshine12
VISA E10 17 bmurf84
FACES 7J 11 tonikay

On 8th draw, MALFED K3 32 --- MALFED badly fed [adj]
Other tops: DEF 13B 32, FLAMED K3 32, FLUMED K3 32
Other moves: DELF 13B 31, FLAME K5 31, DEFAME C3 30, FAMED K4 30, FUMED K4 30
FLAMED K3 32 TwoFold
FLAME K5 31 sunshine12
FLAM F6 17 bmurf84
MODE A7 7 tonikay

On 9th draw, WINSOMER C2 84 --- WINSOME charming [adj]
Other moves: SOWM 13B 35, INWORN 13C 32, SWIM L1 32, NOWS 13B 31, SOWN 13B 31
SNOW L1 30 Louis1
SWIM 15J 24 sunshine12
SWORN 15J 23 bmurf84
MEW C7 15 TwoFold
MAW F7 8 tonikay

On 10th draw, SKEIGH 15J 59 --- SKEIGH proud [adj]
Other moves: KHIS L1 40, SEIK B3 40, EIK B4 37, HIES L4 37, BEKAHS 4H 36
EH B5 28 TwoFold
SIKE 15J 27 bmurf84
EH L3 24 Louis1
SKI 15J 22 sunshine12

On 11th draw, HAVEN B6 40 --- HAVEN to shelter [v]
Other moves: ANIGH 13A 38, AGAIN B2 37, HAEN L4 37, HAVE B6 37, HAEING N10 36
HAVEN B6 40 sunshine12
NAH L2 26 TwoFold
HANG 4A 24 Louis1
MAGE 3K 14 bmurf84
AH 14L 12 tonikay

On 12th draw, BOX L2 46 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other tops: POX L2 46
Other moves: EXPO 13C 45, EXO L3 44, BOX B1 43, POX B1 43, TEX L2 42
POX L2 46 TwoFold
BOX L2 46 Louis1
OX 14B 31 sunshine12
EXIT 3A 11 tonikay
QI E10 11 bmurf84

On 13th draw, LAWED M1 48 --- LAW to take a complaint to court for settlement [v]
Other tops: WEALD M3 48
Other moves: AWED M2 46, QAWWAL 2A 46, AWE M2 42, WADE M1 42, WALED M1 42
LAWED M1 48 TwoFold
WED M3 40 Louis1
WADE B1 31 sunshine12
MOWED 3K 22 bmurf84
WAXED 4J 16 tonikay

On 14th draw, YALE N2 53 --- YALE a mythical animal [n]
Other moves: RALE N2 41, ALEYE N3 39, YA N2 35, LAYER N4 30, ALEE N3 29
YA N2 35 bmurf84
AY N1 28 monthree, TwoFold
LAY 1M 18 sunshine12
YEAR F6 15 Louis1
RILE 3B 4 tonikay

On 15th draw, BARONG N10 30 --- BARONG a broad-bladed knife [n]
Other tops: BORANE O5 30, BOREEN O5 30
Other moves: BENE D1 29, BONA D1 29, BONE D1 29, ENROBE O5 28, NABE 13B 28
BONE D1 29 monthree
BONER O5 27 Louis1, sunshine12
BEAN O5 24 TwoFold
BEG N13 12 bmurf84
BORN 13E 7 tonikay

On 16th draw, JAGGER A1 57 --- JAGGER one that jags [n]
Other moves: JAGGER O6 51, JAGER O7 45, GAUJE O5 44, GAUJE O6 43, JAI M13 40
JAGGER O6 51 Louis1, monthree
JAG M11 39 TwoFold
JAG B1 35 sunshine12
JAG F7 11 bmurf84

On 17th draw, ADIEU 13A 32 --- ADIEU a farewell [n]
Other moves: TATUED O6 28, TAUTED O6 28, DAUTIE O6 27, AUDIT L6 26, DIET 13B 25
EDIT O8 21 monthree
DIET O8 21 TwoFold, sunshine12
DIRT 12L 12 bmurf84
TIDE L12 10 tonikay
DUTIES G3 10 Louis1

On 18th draw, PUTTIE O6 30 --- PUTTIE a legging formed from a cloth wound around the leg [n]
Other moves: VITE O5 28, PETIT O7 27, UPTIE O7 27, PERV 12L 26, PETTI O6 25
PIET O8 24 Louis1
PE O1 21 sunshine12
VET D1 17 TwoFold
VIA F6 14 monthree
FEET 7J 8 tonikay

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