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Game of May 30, 2011 at 01:53, 7 players
1. sunshine12 -461
2. TwoFold -473
3. bmurf84 -643

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fgiinrs   H4    80    80   firings
 2. ?bgiirv   G3    22   102   vibe
 3. ?aeirtu   G9    64   166   aureity
 4. aaeilnu   F8    20   186   ulnae
 5. dinoost  14C    63   249   odontist
 6. bcdeeht  15A    48   297   eched
 7. aeeglos   J8    63   360   segolate
 8. aeeinwy   8J    48   408   sawney
 9. aaeghpr   C9    36   444   pharaoh
10. eflnosw   6A    74   518   enflowers
11. eginrtz   D1    52   570   zingel
12. aeiiklp   A1    51   621   palkee
13. aiorttu   7L    20   641   auto
14. eimootv   E4    29   670   omov
15. aceimrt   A8    89   759   cemitare
16. beiiort   1D    48   807   zibet
17. dijortu   6M    35   842   jud
18. diorrtx  K10    50   892   oxid

Remaining tiles: oqrrty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5906 Filesunshine12  0 17:56  -461  431     1.5906 sunshine12  0 17:56  -461  431 
  2.5975 FileTwoFold     0 18:56  -473  419     2.5975 TwoFold     0 18:56  -473  419 
  3.4140 Filebmurf84     0 19:36  -643  249            Group: not rated
  4.3625 Filetonikay     0 19:38  -671  221     1.4140 bmurf84     0 19:36  -643  249 
  5.  -  FileLouis1      0  0:54  -821   71     2.3625 tonikay     0 19:38  -671  221 
  6.  -  FileGrace_Tjie  0  5:05  -835   57     3.  -  Louis1      0  0:54  -821   71 
  7.4806 Fileslebbarc    0  4:36  -849   43     4.  -  Grace_Tjie  0  5:05  -835   57 
                                             5.4806 slebbarc    0  4:36  -849   43 

On 1st draw, FIRINGS H4 80 --- FIRING the process of maturing ceramic products by heat [n]
Other moves: FIRINGS H7 76, FIRINGS H2 74, FIRINGS H3 74, FIRINGS H6 74, FIRINGS H8 74
FIRINGS H4 30 TwoFold, sunshine12
FIGS H6 16 tonikay
FIG H8 14 bmurf84

On 2nd draw, VIB(E) G3 22 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: VIBRI(O)S 10B 21, FIBRI(L) 4H 20, FIBRI(N) 4H 20, FIV(E)R 4H 20, VIBI(E)R 5E 20
FIV(E)R 4H 20 sunshine12
RIV(E)R 6H 15 bmurf84
VIG(A)S 10D 12 tonikay
BR(A)G 9E 6 TwoFold

On 3rd draw, AUREIT(Y) G9 64 --- AUREITY properties of gold [n]
Other moves: RUI(N)ATES 10A 61, SAUT(O)IRE 10H 61, SURI(C)ATE 10H 61, URA(L)ITES 10A 61, URA(N)ITES 10A 61
(S)ITE 7G 12 TwoFold
(S)IRE 7G 12 sunshine12, tonikay
(S)IT 7G 11 bmurf84

On 4th draw, ULNAE F8 20 --- ULNA a bone of the forearm [n]
Other moves: ALUNITE 14B 18, LUN(Y)IE 15D 18, NEAL F10 17, ULNA F8 17, BILIAN 5G 16
NEAL F10 17 sunshine12
AA H14 11 bmurf84
LIFE 4F 7 TwoFold
(Y)A 15G 3 tonikay

On 5th draw, ODONTIST 14C 63 --- ODONTIST a dentist [n]
Other moves: OOTIDS E10 27, SOON E9 26, SOOT E9 26, OOTID E10 25, OONTS E10 23
BINDS 5G 16 TwoFold
SIN 7G 15 sunshine12
SEED 12E 7 tonikay
SOON(E)R 6C 7 bmurf84

On 6th draw, ECHED 15A 48 --- ECHE to increase [v]
Other moves: ETCHED 15J 47, ECHE 15A 39, THEED 15A 39, ECHED 13A 38, H*B* 15A 38
ETHE 15A 33 sunshine12
CHE 15A 26 TwoFold
BED 15A 21 tonikay
HEAR 11D 14 bmurf84

On 7th draw, SEGOLATE J8 63 --- SEGOLATE a disyllabic noun form [n]
Other moves: EAGLES 15J 29, SOG 13C 29, ELOGES 15J 26, SOL 13C 26, SAG E9 25
GALES K10 22 sunshine12
GLEES K10 22 TwoFold
GAS K12 14 bmurf84
AGLEE A11 8 tonikay

On 8th draw, SAWNEY 8J 48 --- SAWNEY a foolish person [n]
Other moves: SINEWY 8J 39, SWEENY 8J 39, WAY K11 35, YAW K11 35, LEEWAY 12J 32
WAY K11 35 TwoFold
YAW K11 35 sunshine12
LAWN 12J 14 bmurf84
YEAR 11D 14 slebbarc

On 9th draw, PHARAOH C9 36 --- PHARAOH a ruler of ancient Egypt [n]
Other moves: PAH 13A 34, PEH 13A 34, EPHOD E11 33, HAP 13A 32, HEP 13A 32
PAH K11 31 TwoFold
POH C13 16 sunshine12
H(E)RE 6F 14 bmurf84
LAP 12J 10 slebbarc
PYRE O7 9 tonikay

On 10th draw, ENFLOW(E)RS 6A 74 --- ENFLOWER to cover with flowers [v]
Other moves: FOWL E9 47, SOWF E9 47, FOES K11 38, FONS K11 38, SOWL E9 38
FOES K11 38 bmurf84
FONS K11 38 TwoFold
ANOW K8 29 sunshine12
W(E)RE 6F 14 tonikay

On 11th draw, ZINGEL D1 52 --- ZINGEL a fish [n]
Other moves: GRENZ A4 51, ENTREZ 15J 48, ENTREZ A6 45, GEEZ A5 42, NERTZ A5 42
ZONER 11I 28 TwoFold
ZO E5 22 tonikay, sunshine12

On 12th draw, PALKEE A1 51 --- PALKEE a palanquin (a carried passenger-box) [n]
Other moves: KELPIE A1 45, APELIKE A4 42, PEALIKE A5 39, APEEK A4 36, KELPIE A5 36
PEAK A5 30 TwoFold, sunshine12
KELPY O4 19 slebbarc
ZIP 1D 14 bmurf84
ZAP 1D 14 tonikay

On 13th draw, AUTO 7L 20 --- AUTO to ride in an automobile [v]
Other moves: ATT E10 19, RATIO K7 19, ROUT B8 19, TATOU K7 19, TOUT B8 19
AT E1 15 sunshine12
OAT 9L 14 TwoFold
RAPT 9A 6 tonikay
YAR O8 6 bmurf84

On 14th draw, OMOV E4 29 --- OMOV a voting system of one man, one vote [n]
Other moves: OMIT K10 27, MOI B2 26, MOO B2 26, ATOM K8 25, OOM E10 25
MOOT B8 21 sunshine12
MOVIE 11I 20 TwoFold
MOVE 11I 18 tonikay
TERM 12A 14 bmurf84

On 15th draw, CEMITARE A8 89 --- CEMITARE a curved oriental sword [n]
Other moves: ZIRAM 1D 48, ZAIRE 1D 42, CAM E9 35, MAIRE D8 35, CRAM 6L 34
ZAIRE 1D 42 sunshine12
CAME D8 24 TwoFold
LACER 12J 14 tonikay
TERM N7 12 Grace_Tjie
ARM 13J 5 bmurf84

On 16th draw, ZIBET 1D 48 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other moves: BOITE D8 35, BOET E9 32, BROOD E11 29, BOT E9 27, OBIT K10 27
ROB K11 20 TwoFold
BLITE 12I 14 tonikay
ABORT 13J 14 Grace_Tjie
ZIT 1D 12 sunshine12

On 17th draw, JUD 6M 35 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: JUT 6M 33, DOJO 11I 24, EDITOR 15J 24, JOUR 11I 22, OUTDRAW L2 22
JUT 6M 33 Louis1
JO D8 21 sunshine12
JAR 11E 20 TwoFold
JOT 11I 20 bmurf84
JOY O6 13 Grace_Tjie
JAW L6 13 tonikay

On 18th draw, OXID K10 50 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: VIB(E)X G3 41, XI 7G 41, OX B1 40, OX K10 39, XI B2 38
OX B1 40 TwoFold
OX K10 39 sunshine12
XI K11 38 Louis1, bmurf84
OX 11J 18 Grace_Tjie
AX K8 18 tonikay

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