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Game of May 30, 2011 at 10:16, 8 players
1. SuperH -536
2. Bez -670
3. lastlea -729

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abcelu   H7    76    76   bullace
 2. ?eioptz  11E   122   198   topazine
 3. eegkrrt  10B    42   240   greek
 4. adelopw   C4    66   306   poleward
 5. dijorsu   D1    52   358   judos
 6. aeeehrs   8A    39   397   hewers
 7. aefhnst   1A    51   448   fanjets
 8. aeinosw  12G    38   486   icones
 9. aginotx   2A    41   527   ax
10. deinorv   K5    74   601   environed
11. aafnotu  10J    32   633   foot
12. adgilmy   N6    45   678   midgy
13. aelnoru   O1    80   758   aleuron
14. acimnot  13A    82   840   coinmate
15. aegilrr   M1    77   917   glarier
16. abhntuw  A11    33   950   nucha
17. abiiqtt   F6    32   982   qis
18. abiitwy  14D    39  1021   yaw

Remaining tiles: biittv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6014 FileSuperH      1 17:09  -536  485     1.6014 SuperH      1 17:09  -536  485 
  2.5392 FileBez         1 18:31  -670  351     2.6150 lastlea     1 14:12  -729  292 
  3.6150 Filelastlea     1 14:12  -729  292            Group: novice
  4.3885 Filelyndyloo    0 22:43  -763  258     1.5392 Bez         1 18:31  -670  351 
  5.5918 Filesunshine12  2  6:51  -778  243     2.5918 sunshine12  2  6:51  -778  243 
  6.4978 Filebramms22    0 13:50  -822  199     3.5415 cullej      0  5:08  -953   68 
  7.5415 Filecullej      0  5:08  -953   68            Group: not rated
  8.4342 FileMel012      0  6:43  -963   58     1.3885 lyndyloo    0 22:43  -763  258 
                                             2.4978 bramms22    0 13:50  -822  199 
                                             3.4342 Mel012      0  6:43  -963   58 

On 1st draw, BU(L)LACE H7 76 --- BULLACE a purple plum [n]
Other tops: BAUC(H)LE H4 76, BA(S)CULE H4 76, BLUECA(P) H4 76, BLUECA(P) H8 76, BUL(L)ACE H4 76, BUL(L)ACE H7 76, BU(L)LACE H4 76, CU(R)ABLE H4 76, CU(R)ABLE H8 76
Other moves: BAUC(H)LE H2 72, BAUC(H)LE H3 72, BAUC(H)LE H6 72, BAUC(H)LE H7 72, BA(S)CULE H3 72
BUC(K)LE H4 24 bramms22
BLAC(K) H4 22 Bez
BLEAC(H) H6 18 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, TOPAZI(N)E 11E 122 --- TOPAZ a mineral [adj] --- TOPAZINE like topaz [adj]
Other moves: POETIZE(D) 13B 106, POETIZE(R) 13B 106, POETIZE(S) 13B 106, EPIZO(I)TE 13H 92, EP(I)ZOITE 13H 92
P(R)IZE 13D 25 Bez
(R)EZ 13G 21 SuperH
(S)PITE 14H 18 lyndyloo
POLE 10F 12 bramms22

On 3rd draw, GREEK 10B 42 --- GREEK something unintelligible [n]
Other moves: TEREK 10B 39, GEEK 10C 37, KEET 10J 37, KETE 10J 37, KET 10J 36
GREEK L8 24 Bez
KITER J10 21 SuperH
TREK L9 16 bramms22
KEG L10 16 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, POLEWARD C4 66 --- POLEWARD in the direction of either extremity of the earth's axis [adv]
Other moves: DEWLAP 12A 40, PAWED 10J 37, DOWP 12L 32, PACO 12F 32, PROWLED C9 32
PLOWED L7 26 lyndyloo
WIPED J10 23 SuperH, Bez

On 5th draw, JUDOS D1 52 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other moves: JUDO D1 48, JOWS 8A 45, JOW 8A 39, ROJIS 14D 39, SIJO 14H 38
JOWS 8A 45 SuperH, lastlea
JOW 8A 39 Bez
SOD 14H 19 lyndyloo
PRODS 4C 16 bramms22

On 6th draw, HEWERS 8A 39 --- HEWER one that hews [n]
Other tops: HAWSER 8A 39, REWASH 8A 39
Other moves: HAWSE 8A 36, HEWER 8A 36, JEERS 1D 36, HAERES 10J 35, HEARES 10J 35
JEERS 1D 36 bramms22, Bez, lastlea
HERSE 10J 34 SuperH
SHEER 13F 13 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, FANJETS 1A 51 --- FANJET a type of jet engine [n]
Other moves: FANJET 1A 48, CANEHS 12H 46, CANEH 12H 44, CAFES 12H 41, HAFTS 10J 40
JANES 1D 36 SuperH
SHAFT 14H 24 Bez
SHEAF L9 22 lyndyloo
FEAST L10 16 bramms22

On 8th draw, ICONES 12G 38 --- ICON a symbol or image [n]
Other moves: CANOES 12H 34, CANES 12H 32, CANOE 12H 32, CONES 12H 32, AWES E3 31
WINES L8 24 SuperH
WISE J10 15 lastlea
BOWS 7H 10 Bez

On 9th draw, AX 2A 41 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: NIXE 13E 39, AXE 13F 38, AGOUTI 2A 37, OXGATE 13C 36, TOXINE 13C 34
AX 2A 41 SuperH
AXE 13F 38 lastlea
POX 4C 12 lyndyloo
(N)EXT K11 10 bramms22

On 10th draw, ENVIRO(N)ED K5 74 --- ENVIRON to encircle [v]
Other moves: VERDIN 10J 39, VERD 10J 35, VOR 10J 33, ERODE E1 29, VIREO 13E 29
VOR 10J 33 SuperH
VINED J10 21 bramms22
OVINE 13D 15 Bez
(L)OVED 9H 9 lyndyloo

On 11th draw, FOOT 10J 32 --- FOOT the terminal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves [n] --- FOOT to walk [v]
Other moves: FIAUNT 8J 30, FAUNA L1 26, FAUNAE 13C 26, FOUAT L1 26, FOUNT L1 26
FOOT 10J 32 sunshine12, lastlea
FOUNT L1 26 Bez
FONT L2 16 SuperH
FRONT 9J 9 lyndyloo

On 12th draw, MIDGY N6 45 --- MIDGY full of midges [adj]
Other tops: DIGAMY 8J 45
Other moves: MADLY N6 44, DIAMYL N6 43, DIGAMY N5 42, DIMLY N6 42, GAMILY N5 41
MADLY N6 44 sunshine12
GLADY N6 41 SuperH
YAM N10 35 lastlea
DIMLY 8J 14 Bez
SLAY G1 8 lyndyloo
SAM G1 8 Mel012

On 13th draw, ALEURON O1 80 --- ALEURON a protein found in some seeds [n]
Other moves: ALEURONE 13A 74, ALEURON I2 66, ANELED 13F 35, ALONE O4 33, URENA O4 33
ALONE O4 33 lastlea
LANE O5 27 sunshine12, SuperH, cullej
LOOSEN 5A 12 lyndyloo
ODE 8M 12 bramms22
BRAVE 7H 11 Bez
DARN 3D 6 Mel012

On 14th draw, COINMATE 13A 82 --- COINMATE a fellow inmate [n]
Other moves: COINMATE 3H 76, CONIMA L1 32, NOTICE 13C 32, ACMITE 13C 28, CAMOTE 13C 28
MICE 13E 21 SuperH
NAM N1 20 sunshine12
MINT L2 14 lastlea
MOST 5B 12 bramms22
COMA 1L 11 Bez
MINT 6I 8 cullej
MINE 5H 6 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, GLARIER M1 77 --- GLARY glaring [adj]
Other moves: GLARIER I2 67, IRADE 8K 45, IDE 8M 36, ALEURONE O1 33, DE 8N 33
RACER A11 24 bramms22, sunshine12
CIG A13 18 cullej
GLARE L1 18 lastlea
AG 14E 18 SuperH
GLARE L2 16 Bez
GOAL B12 10 lyndyloo
GALE 5H 5 Mel012

On 16th draw, NUCHA A11 33 --- NUCHA the nape of the neck [n]
Other moves: HA 14F 32, AH 14E 30, AW 14E 30, UH 14E 30, BA 14F 26
HA 14F 32 sunshine12
AW 14E 30 SuperH
CUB A13 21 lyndyloo
THAW F1 18 Mel012

On 17th draw, QIS F6 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BA 14F 26, AB 14E 24, TOIT B12 22, QAT I6 20, BATE B5 19
QIS F6 32 Bez, sunshine12
BA 14F 26 lastlea
AB 14E 24 SuperH, lyndyloo
QI 8J 11 Mel012

On 18th draw, YAW 14D 39 --- YAW to deviate from an intended course [v]
Other moves: ABY 14E 37, BY 14F 32, YA 14F 32, BAWTY I3 31, AW 14E 30
YA 14F 32 sunshine12
AW 14E 30 SuperH
BAY I5 23 Bez
TWIT F1 15 lyndyloo
BI G5 15 cullej
WITH A5 10 Mel012

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