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Game sheet of naomiari (file), Game of May 30, 2011 at 11:00

Word find
Word played
1 ??AAEEN             E(M)ANA(T)E H8 62 62  
2 BDEEFLT             FETED 15D 60 122  
3 CDDERSU             ADDUCERS 12H 76 198  
4 ACEIRSW             WISEACRE 8A 92 290  
5 EEIORST             EROTISE I3 76 366  
6 AEHHKLO             KOHA H1 44 410  
7 ENNORTV             INVENTOR B8 88 498  
8 AEHILRU             HAULIERS O5 83 581  
9 GLNOSTU             LANGOUSTE E7 70 651  
10 AAELOWX WAX J1 28 -14 28 5/6 EARWAX N10 42 693 8/8
11 EINPQTU QUITE 6F 36 -11 64 2/6 PIQUET N1 47 740 8/8
12 ABDILNZ DI O2 17 -33 81 7/8 ZA A14 50 790 8/10
13 FIMMNOR FIX 15L 17 -26 98 6/7 MI O14 43 833 8/10
14 IJMOPVY JOYS C5 18 -42 116 5/7 JIMPY 1K 60 893 7/10
15 ABILOTY BOT 2J 22 -15 138 3/6 BLEAT M10 37 930 7/10
16 BIINOPY PUNY K11 18 -11 156 3/5 BIOPSY C4 29 959 7/10
17 DGILNOR GOBLIN 4A 22 -6 178 1/7 NOIL C11 28 987 7/10
18 DFGGOOR FOG 6B 15 -20 193 4/5 DROOG B2 35 1022 7/10

Total: 193/1022 or -829 for 18.88%
Rank: 5440

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