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Game of May 30, 2011 at 11:44, 13 players
1. banjowren -282
2. SuperH -335
3. sunshine12 -344

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefinpr   H4    82    82   firepan
 2. ?ceeiou  10E    63   145   eupnoeic
 3. abehnnt   I7    38   183   hebona
 4. aeeflru  H12    42   225   free
 5. aadehno   G4    35   260   odah
 6. ijlprsy  L10    34   294   crispy
 7. ailostw  13C    31   325   tailors
 8. aegiswy  15L    39   364   yawy
 9. abeelot  14J    30   394   lepta
10. eeimnos   E5    36   430   enemies
11. adegint   8A    33   463   enigma
12. abeglst   J1    74   537   gablets
13. adoqrru  12A    56   593   quad
14. ?iinuvx   1E    48   641   vexing
15. celmnor  13L    26   667   seco
16. dimotuw  A12    45   712   quim
17. dgnortu   A3    61   773   trudgeon
18. ikoortz   6J    34   807   trooz
19. diklort   M3    36   843   drookit

Remaining tiles: jltvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7350 Filebanjowren   5 21:21  -282  561     1.7350 banjowren   5 21:21  -282  561 
  2.6017 FileSuperH      2 18:22  -335  508     2.7003 kellybelly  1  8:45  -561  282 
  3.5926 Filesunshine12  1 17:18  -344  499     3.7096 musdrive    1  2:43  -765   78 
  4.6108 Filecipka_616   2 22:44  -362  481            Group: intermediate
  5.6404 Fileyab         1 21:27  -404  439     1.6017 SuperH      2 18:22  -335  508 
  6.4593 Filenaomiari    0 18:36  -422  421     2.6108 cipka_616   2 22:44  -362  481 
  7.3852 Filelyndyloo    0 22:24  -524  319     3.6404 yab         1 21:27  -404  439 
  8.7003 Filekellybelly  1  8:45  -561  282            Group: novice
  9.  -  Filecris1974    0 11:48  -670  173     1.5926 sunshine12  1 17:18  -344  499 
 10.5540 FileFaeythe     0  6:02  -672  171     2.5540 Faeythe     0  6:02  -672  171 
 11.5934 Filepattern     1  4:13  -697  146     3.5934 pattern     1  4:13  -697  146 
 12.7096 Filemusdrive    1  2:43  -765   78     4.5415 cullej      0  4:09  -806   37 
 13.5415 Filecullej      0  4:09  -806   37            Group: not rated
                                             1.4593 naomiari    0 18:36  -422  421 
                                             2.3852 lyndyloo    0 22:24  -524  319 
                                             3.  -  cris1974    0 11:48  -670  173 

On 1st draw, FIREPAN H4 82 --- FIREPAN an open pan for holding live coals [n]
Other moves: FIREPAN H8 80, FIREPAN H2 76, FIREPAN H3 76, FIREPAN H6 76, FIREPAN H7 76
FIREPAN H4 32 yab
FRAPE H4 28 SuperH, sunshine12
FINER H4 24 naomiari
PAIN H6 12 lyndyloo
PAIN H5 12 banjowren

On 2nd draw, EU(P)NOEIC 10E 63 --- EUPNOEA normal breathing [adj] --- EUPNOEIC pertaining to eupnoea [adj]
Other moves: EUP(N)OEIC 8F 62, (S)OUCE 11H 24, CEE(S) 11E 22, CUE(S) 11E 22, ECO(S) 11E 22
CEE(S) 11E 22 yab
CUE(S) 11E 22 SuperH
ICE(S) 11E 22 cipka_616
FIE(R)CE 4H 20 sunshine12
CONE 10F 12 naomiari
CURE 6F 12 banjowren
CRUE(L) 6G 8 lyndyloo

On 3rd draw, HEBONA I7 38 --- HEBONA anything with a poisonous juice [n]
Other moves: BATHE 11I 37, BATH 11I 35, BETH 11I 35, BAHT 11C 30, BATHE 11C 30
BAHT 11C 30 cipka_616
BATHE 11C 30 banjowren
HENBANE E4 24 yab
CHANT L10 20 naomiari
HABIT K7 20 lyndyloo
EH G6 20 sunshine12
HATE I3 20 SuperH
HARE 6F 15 cullej

On 4th draw, FREE H12 42 --- FREE not subject to restriction or control [adj] --- FREE to set at liberty [v]
Other tops: FARE H12 42, FARL H12 42, FAUR H12 42, FEAL H12 42, FEAR H12 42, FEEL H12 42, FEER H12 42, FERE H12 42, FLEA H12 42, FLEE H12 42, FLUE H12 42, FRAE H12 42, FRAU H12 42, FUEL H12 42, FURL H12 42
Other moves: FECULAE L8 32, FECULA L8 30, FACER L8 28, FECAL L8 28, ALEF H12 27
FLEA H12 42 banjowren
FUEL H12 42 SuperH
FARE H12 42 cipka_616
FACER L8 28 naomiari
FEARFUL 4D 26 yab
REEF 11B 24 sunshine12
FLEER E7 16 cullej
FLEER 4H 16 lyndyloo

On 5th draw, ODAH G4 35 --- ODAH a room in a harem [n]
Other moves: AHA G6 30, DAH G5 29, DOH G5 29, COHEAD L10 28, DONAH 11A 28
DAH G5 29 banjowren
NOAH 11B 24 sunshine12
HAND 11B 22 yab
CHAD L10 20 SuperH
OH 11D 20 cipka_616
HAD I3 19 naomiari
AHEAD E8 18 lyndyloo
HIN 5G 6 cullej

On 6th draw, CRISPY L10 34 --- CRISPY crisp [adj]
Other moves: CYPRIS L10 28, PRYS J4 27, JAR 6F 26, LISP J5 25, PRYS J12 25
PRYS J4 27 lyndyloo
JAR 6F 26 yab, SuperH, naomiari, cipka_616, sunshine12, banjowren

On 7th draw, TAILORS 13C 31 --- TAILOR to fit with clothes [v]
Other moves: YAWL 15L 30, YAWS 15L 30, YOWL 15L 30, YOWS 15L 30, YWIS 15L 30
YOWL 15L 30 sunshine12, yab
YAWS 15L 30 cipka_616
YAWL 15L 30 banjowren
PAWS 14L 18 SuperH
SWELT E8 16 lyndyloo

On 8th draw, YAWY 15L 39 --- YAWY having yaws [adj]
Other moves: WIPES 14J 36, YIPES 14J 36, SWAY 12A 34, SWEY 12A 34, WAYS 12B 34
YAWY 15L 39 cipka_616
WAYS 12B 34 banjowren
SWAY 12A 34 sunshine12
YWIS 15L 30 yab
WAYS D12 22 naomiari
SWAY 13L 20 lyndyloo
WAP 14J 16 SuperH

On 9th draw, LEPTA 14J 30 --- LEPTON a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: BLEAT 12A 28, TABLE 12B 28, ABLE 12C 26, AB 14N 25, OB 14N 25
BLEAT 12A 28 SuperH
OB 14N 25 Faeythe, cipka_616
BOAT 12A 24 sunshine12
*B* 12C 22 banjowren
ELBOW N11 20 yab
BLOW N12 18 lyndyloo
BAR 6F 11 naomiari

On 10th draw, ENEMIES E5 36 --- ENEMY one that is antagonistic toward another [n]
Other moves: IODINES 5E 32, MEINS 12A 28, MIENS 12A 28, NEEMS 12A 28, MONIES J2 26
MEINS 12A 28 SuperH
SEMI 13L 26 Faeythe
EMO 12C 22 banjowren
DIMES 5G 16 lyndyloo
MAIN D12 14 naomiari
MEN 14B 14 yab
MASE D12 14 cris1974
MAR 6F 11 sunshine12

On 11th draw, ENIGMA 8A 33 --- ENIGMA something that is hard to understand or explain [n]
Other tops: DEGAMI 8A 33
Other moves: GAINED D4 32, GAITED D4 32, NIDATE D3 28, ASIDE 13K 27, DENIM 8A 27
DENIM 8A 27 sunshine12, naomiari
GATED D1 21 kellybelly
SED 13L 21 cipka_616
GATED D3 21 banjowren
DIET 12A 20 SuperH
DINGED 5G 18 lyndyloo
DAG D7 17 Faeythe
GIANT C9 8 cris1974

On 12th draw, GABLETS J1 74 --- GABLET a small gable [n]
Other moves: BLASTIE K5 40, SABE J7 28, BAGELS J2 27, BELGAS J2 27, BLEATS J2 26
BEAT 12A 24 SuperH
STAB 12A 24 sunshine12, banjowren
BLEAT D1 22 kellybelly, Faeythe
GAB 12B 22 musdrive
SETS 13L 20 cipka_616
BASTE D2 18 yab
BANGS B6 16 naomiari
BEAGLES A7 11 cris1974
BEAST A7 7 lyndyloo

On 13th draw, QUAD 12A 56 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: QUOAD D1 53, ROQUE 7A 52, QUAG 1G 42, QUOAD 14A 37, QUAD 14A 33
QUAD 12A 56 SuperH, banjowren, kellybelly, musdrive, sunshine12
QUAG 1G 42 Faeythe, naomiari, cipka_616
QUA 14A 26 yab
FAQUIR 12H 18 cris1974

On 14th draw, V(E)XING 1E 48 --- VEX to annoy [v] --- VEXING the act of vexing [n]
Other moves: GIVIN(G) 1J 39, GU(A)NXI 1J 39, NIX 7A 39, NIXI(N)G 1E 39, QUIN A12 39
V(E)XING 1E 48 banjowren, yab
QUIN A12 39 sunshine12, Faeythe, lyndyloo, cipka_616, naomiari
GIVIN(G) 1J 39 kellybelly
XI K5 38 pattern
QUI(Z) A12 36 cris1974
QUI(D) A12 36 SuperH

On 15th draw, SECO 13L 26 --- SECO dry (of wine) [adj]
Other moves: CLEM 14A 25, CREM 14A 25, CROME D2 24, EMONG D4 24, SEC 13L 24
CREM 14A 25 kellybelly
SEC 13L 24 SuperH, banjowren
COME D3 22 cipka_616
BROME 3J 18 yab
BREN 3J 12 naomiari
(E)M F1 9 sunshine12
CLONE B5 9 lyndyloo

On 16th draw, QUIM A12 45 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: QUID A12 42, QUOD A12 42, QUIT A12 39, MID 2F 33, MUD 2F 33
QUIM A12 45 banjowren, pattern
QUOD A12 42 kellybelly, cipka_616
QUID A12 42 naomiari, sunshine12, SuperH
QUIT A12 39 yab, lyndyloo, cris1974

On 17th draw, TRUDGEON A3 61 --- TRUDGEON a swimming stroke [n]
Other moves: DRONGO O8 30, DUN 2F 25, DUO 2F 25, RUD 2F 21, OBTUND 3I 20
DRONGO O8 30 banjowren, yab
DUN 2F 25 kellybelly, naomiari
DOG 7A 17 sunshine12
BRUNG 3J 16 lyndyloo
BOUND 3J 16 cipka_616
DO B14 16 SuperH
TONGUE A3 8 cris1974

On 18th draw, TROOZ 6J 34 --- TROOZ trews [n]
Other tops: BORZOI 3J 34
Other moves: DZO 6A 33, BORTZ 3J 32, TROOZ 11K 32, BOZO 3J 30, ORZO 11K 30
TROOZ 6J 34 banjowren
DZO 6A 33 pattern
BOZO 3J 30 kellybelly
ZOO B1 26 SuperH, cipka_616
RITZ 4A 26 cris1974
ZIT C7 23 sunshine12
BOOK 3J 20 naomiari
IROKO O9 14 yab
KOORI C4 10 lyndyloo

On 19th draw, DROOKIT M3 36 --- DROOKIT drenched [adj]
Other moves: DROOK L4 30, DROOK M3 30, DIT 2F 25, IDOL 7L 25, DIOL 7L 23
DROOK M3 30 pattern
DOT 7M 22 naomiari, kellybelly
DO 7M 21 sunshine12
BIRK 3J 20 banjowren
KID D3 19 cipka_616
LOOK L4 16 SuperH
RITZ N3 13 cris1974
LORD 4J 10 lyndyloo

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