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Game of May 30, 2011 at 14:44, 10 players
1. musdrive -347
2. SuperH -417
3. cipka_616 -502

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeoqrv   H4    22    22   drove
 2. efnoorr   9H    24    46   reroof
 3. acddeno   8B    66   112   deaconed
 4. aelnnqs   8L    23   135   leas
 5. efnrrtu   C7    30   165   refuter
 6. ceioptu   5D    98   263   outprice
 7. ahilnst   L1    37   300   hilts
 8. adeosty  B10    51   351   yates
 9. ?giklnp   O8   101   452   skelping
10. ?eituwy   1H    45   497   weighty
11. abdeinu  N10    44   541   daube
12. aaeghnt   2B    81   622   thanage
13. aegiosv   1A    34   656   viae
14. aegimqs  10F    43   699   qis
15. giilmor  M12    33   732   gorm
16. ailnoox  D12    47   779   lanx
17. eimnooz   4A    58   837   zoom
18. aeiijnw   3I    50   887   jawline

Remaining tiles: biinu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7096 Filemusdrive    2 20:14  -347  540     1.7096 musdrive    2 20:14  -347  540 
  2.6034 FileSuperH      1 18:18  -417  470            Group: intermediate
  3.6128 Filecipka_616   1 20:53  -502  385     1.6034 SuperH      1 18:18  -417  470 
  4.4463 Filelamlam      1 18:32  -532  355     2.6128 cipka_616   1 20:53  -502  385 
  5.6549 Fileceosickey   0 13:02  -607  280     3.6549 ceosickey   0 13:02  -607  280 
  6.  -  Filemiko        0  9:56  -772  115            Group: novice
  7.5958 Filescrab21     0  2:47  -775  112     1.5958 scrab21     0  2:47  -775  112 
  8.  -  Filehappiplay   0  1:36  -828   59            Group: not rated
  9.  -  FileZEHAVARON   0  1:04  -875   12     1.4463 lamlam      1 18:32  -532  355 
 10.  -  Filewordplay    0  0:58  -881    6     2.  -  miko        0  9:56  -772  115 
                                             3.  -  happiplay   0  1:36  -828   59 
                                             4.  -  ZEHAVARON   0  1:04  -875   12 
                                             5.  -  wordplay    0  0:58  -881    6 

On 1st draw, DROVE H4 22 --- DROVE to drive cattle or sheep [v]
Other tops: DOVER H4 22, DRAVE H4 22, RAVED H8 22, ROVED H8 22
Other moves: DOVER H8 20, DRAVE H8 20, DROVE H8 20, RAVED H4 20, ROVED H4 20
DROVE H4 22 musdrive
DROVE H8 20 lamlam, cipka_616, miko
RAVED H4 20 SuperH

On 2nd draw, REROOF 9H 24 --- REROOF to renew the roof [v] --- ROOF to provide with a roof (the external upper covering of a building) [v]
Other tops: FROREN 9G 24, FRORNE 9G 24
Other moves: FREON 9G 23, FRORE 9G 23, FRORN 9G 23, FROE 9G 22, ORFE 9G 22
FRORE 9G 23 cipka_616
FRO 9G 21 musdrive
ROOFER 6G 17 lamlam
FE I3 12 SuperH
DRONE 4H 12 miko

On 3rd draw, DEACONED 8B 66 --- DEACON to read a hymn aloud [v]
Other tops: DEACONED I8 66
Other moves: ACORNED 5E 40, DECO 8L 37, ADORNED 5E 36, DEAD 8L 34, DEAN 8L 31
DONE 8L 31 cipka_616
CODED L8 24 SuperH, musdrive
FACED M9 22 lamlam
FADED M9 20 miko

On 4th draw, LEAS 8L 23 --- LEA a meadow [n]
Other tops: LEAN 8L 23, LENS 8L 23, NEAL 8L 23, SEAL 8L 23, SEAN 8L 23, SENA 8L 23
Other moves: LASE 10F 21, FANNELS M9 20, CANNELS E8 18, ELANS 10D 18, FANNEL M9 18
SEAN 8L 23 SuperH
LEAN 8L 23 musdrive
FALSE M9 16 cipka_616
DEALS B8 8 miko
DEN I8 4 lamlam

On 5th draw, REFUTER C7 30 --- REFUTER one that refutes [n]
Other moves: FORERUN K8 28, FORTUNE K8 28, ENUF 10J 27, FORREN K8 26, FOUTER K8 26
REFT 7A 25 musdrive
FRONTER F6 20 SuperH
CURRENT E8 18 miko
FENTS O4 12 lamlam

On 6th draw, OUTPRICE 5D 98 --- OUTPRICE to offer a better price [v]
Other tops: EUTROPIC 5E 98
Other moves: CUPRITE 5E 44, ECTOPIA N2 34, PICOTED B2 30, COPOUT K6 27, POETIC K8 27
OUTPRICE 5D 48 lamlam
DEPICT 4H 22 musdrive
POET 12A 18 SuperH
PRICE 5G 18 miko
OPTIC K9 18 cipka_616

On 7th draw, HILTS L1 37 --- HILT to provide with a hilt (a handle for a weapon) [v]
Other tops: HAILS L1 37, HAINS L1 37, HALTS L1 37, HANTS L1 37, HINTS L1 37
Other moves: HAINTS 6J 36, HAILS 6J 35, HAINS 6J 35, HAINT 6J 35, HALTS 6J 35
HAILS L1 37 lamlam
HALTS L1 37 cipka_616
HANTS 6J 35 musdrive
HAST 4A 26 SuperH

On 8th draw, YATES B10 51 --- YATE a gate [n]
Other moves: DEATHY 1H 39, DEYS B8 36, DOYS B8 36, SHADY 1K 36, SYED 10H 35
DOYS B8 36 musdrive
HAYS 1L 30 cipka_616
HOYS 1L 30 SuperH
DAISY 2J 26 lamlam
ROASTED 13C 11 miko

On 9th draw, SK(E)LPING O8 101 --- SKELP to slap [v] --- SKELPING a smacking [n]
Other moves: PI(C)KLING 2G 98, POLK(A)ING K8 85, PO(R)KLING K8 85, PLINKI(N)G 2G 82, PLI(N)KING 2G 78
PONKI(N)G K8 33 musdrive
HIK(E) 1L 30 SuperH
PINK(S) 2K 20 lamlam
SLING O8 8 miko

On 10th draw, WEI(G)HTY 1H 45 --- WEIGHTY having a great weight [adj]
Other moves: THEWY 1K 42, WHITY 1K 42, WIT(C)HY 1H 42, TH(A)WY 1K 39, TH(E)WY 1K 39
WHITY 1K 42 ceosickey
(C)HEWY 1K 39 SuperH
WI(T)TY 4A 37 musdrive
WHITE 1K 33 lamlam
H(A)TE 1L 18 cipka_616

On 11th draw, DAUBE N10 44 --- DAUBE a braised meat stew [n]
Other moves: BAUD N10 31, DAUB D12 31, BEDUIN 14J 30, BANDIED B2 28, BUNDIED B2 28
BAUD N10 31 musdrive
DAUB 4A 26 ceosickey
DAB 4B 20 cipka_616
BED 2G 14 SuperH

On 12th draw, THANAGE 2B 81 --- THANAGE the land held by a thane [n]
Other moves: CHANTAGE E8 78, GATH D12 35, EATH D12 31, TANH D12 31, GATH 4A 30
HAG A13 29 cipka_616, musdrive, ceosickey, SuperH
YAH N1 18 lamlam
HEN 14M 6 wordplay

On 13th draw, VIAE 1A 34 --- VIA a way [n]
Other tops: VASE 1A 34, VISA 1A 34, VISE 1A 34
Other moves: AVISE 10E 31, VASE 10F 30, VISE 10F 30, GAVE D12 29, GOES M12 29
SOG M12 27 musdrive
VIA 1A 25 ceosickey, lamlam, SuperH
VASE A11 23 cipka_616

On 14th draw, QIS 10F 43 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MEGA D10 36, MEGS D10 36, MAISE 3A 34, MESA D10 32, MEG D10 31
MEGS D10 36 musdrive
QI 4C 26 SuperH
GAM 4B 20 cipka_616
QUA E4 12 ceosickey

On 15th draw, GORM M12 33 --- GORM to gaum [v]
Other moves: GRIM D12 31, GORI M12 29, GOR M12 27, GLIM 4A 26, GLOM 4A 26
GORM 4A 26 SuperH
GLOM 4A 26 ceosickey
OM M13 23 musdrive
MI 11E 19 cipka_616
YO N1 10 lamlam

On 16th draw, LANX D12 47 --- LANX a platter [n]
Other moves: LANX 4B 35, LOX 4C 33, NIX 4C 33, NOX 4C 33, AXION 4A 32
NOX 4C 33 musdrive
LOX 4C 33 ceosickey
AX A14 29 SuperH
XI 11E 29 scrab21, cipka_616
OXO K9 20 lamlam

On 17th draw, ZOOM 4A 58 --- ZOOM to move with a loud humming sound [v]
Other moves: MOZO 4B 54, MIZ 4B 50, MOZ 4B 50, ZEIN 4A 50, ZOON 4A 50
MOZO 4B 54 ceosickey
MOZ 4B 50 musdrive
MIZ 4B 50 scrab21
ZO 4D 46 SuperH
OOZE K9 26 happiplay
ZOO D4 24 lamlam
MI 11E 19 cipka_616

On 18th draw, JAWLINE 3I 50 --- JAWLINE the outline of the lower jaw [n]
Other moves: XENIA 15D 36, JIN 11E 33, WILJA 3J 30, JAW A9 25, WIN 11E 25
JIN 11E 33 scrab21, SuperH, happiplay, musdrive, ceosickey, cipka_616
JAIL 3I 19 lamlam

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