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Game of May 31, 2011 at 00:03, 8 players
1. sunshine12 -377
2. worsie -638
3. johnny55 -686

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??ioorr   H8    62    62   orarion
 2. eeglnsy  15H    54   116   seely
 3. cehnswy  14J    62   178   wench
 4. eilmnrt  10B    63   241   terminal
 5. oopsuwz  G13    43   284   zo
 6. beeiltv   8G    64   348   lovebite
 7. deijnos   O4   105   453   jedis
 8. eoprrsu   E5    98   551   prosumer
 9. abdegry   K5    52   603   grabbed
10. aehpsty   8A    51   654   syphs
11. aacdgot  F13    33   687   act
12. efgimno  15A    36   723   foment
13. adeinou   D8    28   751   horned
14. agklnoo  14A    35   786   oka
15. aintuuw   7B    26   812   auto
16. aaeiotw   6A    36   848   two
17. aaadiqu   A1    51   899   diquat
18. aaeinvx  15N    32   931   ax
19. agiintu   3A    38   969   quiting
20. aaegilv   D1    22   991   vita
21. aefgiln   1D    33  1024   vealing

Remaining tiles: af

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5976 Filesunshine12  4 23:41  -377  647     1.6987 bonggalita  2 13:34  -690  334 
  2.4842 Fileworsie      0 25:00  -638  386     2.6183 lastlea     0 16:22  -722  302 
  3.4483 Filejohnny55    0 21:11  -686  338            Group: novice
  4.6987 Filebonggalita  2 13:34  -690  334     1.5976 sunshine12  4 23:41  -377  647 
  5.6183 Filelastlea     0 16:22  -722  302     2.5504 AtommotA    0  5:41  -861  163 
  6.3920 Filelyndyloo    0 10:54  -854  170            Group: not rated
  7.5504 FileAtommotA    0  5:41  -861  163     1.4842 worsie      0 25:00  -638  386 
  8.4365 FileLonegan     0  9:07  -901  123     2.4483 johnny55    0 21:11  -686  338 
                                             3.3920 lyndyloo    0 10:54  -854  170 
                                             4.4365 Lonegan     0  9:07  -901  123 

On 1st draw, OR(A)RIO(N) H8 62 --- ORARION a type of stole [n]
Other tops: OR(A)RIO(N) H3 62, OR(A)RIO(N) H4 62, OR(A)RIO(N) H7 62, ROO(F)I(E)R H2 62, ROO(F)I(E)R H3 62, ROO(F)I(E)R H4 62, ROO(F)I(E)R H6 62, ROO(F)I(E)R H8 62, ROO(K)I(E)R H2 62, ROO(K)I(E)R H3 62, ROO(K)I(E)R H4 62, ROO(K)I(E)R H6 62, ROO(K)I(E)R H8 62, ROO(M)I(E)R H2 62, ROO(M)I(E)R H3 62, ROO(M)I(E)R H4 62, ROO(M)I(E)R H6 62, ROO(M)I(E)R H8 62, ROO(P)I(E)R H2 62, ROO(P)I(E)R H3 62, ROO(P)I(E)R H4 62, ROO(P)I(E)R H6 62, ROO(P)I(E)R H8 62, ROO(T)I(E)R H2 62, ROO(T)I(E)R H3 62, ROO(T)I(E)R H4 62, ROO(T)I(E)R H6 62, ROO(T)I(E)R H8 62, (A)R(B)ORIO H3 62, (A)R(B)ORIO H6 62, (A)R(B)ORIO H7 62, (A)R(B)ORIO H8 62, (M)OORI(E)R H2 62, (M)OORI(E)R H3 62, (M)OORI(E)R H6 62, (M)OORI(E)R H8 62, (M)ORRIO(N) H2 62, (M)ORRIO(N) H3 62, (M)ORRIO(N) H7 62, (M)ORRIO(N) H8 62, (P)ORRI(G)O H2 62, (P)ORRI(G)O H3 62, (P)ORRI(G)O H6 62, (P)ORRI(G)O H8 62, (W)OOR(A)RI H2 62, (W)OOR(A)RI H3 62, (W)OOR(A)RI H6 62, (W)OOR(A)RI H7 62
Other moves: OR(A)RIO(N) H2 60, OR(A)RIO(N) H5 60, OR(A)RIO(N) H6 60, ROO(F)I(E)R H5 60, ROO(F)I(E)R H7 60
(P)OOR(E)R H3 10 worsie
(H)ORRI(D) H8 10 sunshine12
ROO(T)(E)R H4 10 johnny55
(C)(H)OIR H8 8 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, SEELY 15H 54 --- SEELY fortunate [adj]
Other moves: GLEYS 15D 51, LYNES 15D 45, SEYEN 15H 45, GENES 15D 42, GLEES 15D 42
GLEYS 15D 51 johnny55
GLEES 15D 42 sunshine12
SLY 15H 36 worsie, lyndyloo
LYES G12 23 lastlea

On 3rd draw, WENCH 14J 62 --- WENCH to consort with prostitutes [v]
Other moves: HE(N)NY 14F 41, WE(N)NY 14F 41, OWCHES 13H 36, HENS 14J 35, WENS 14J 35
WENCH 14J 62 sunshine12
CHEWY L11 32 johnny55
WENCH I4 21 worsie
CREWS 11G 20 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, TERMIN(A)L 10B 63 --- TERMINAL an end or extremity [n]
Other tops: TR(A)MLINE 10F 63
Other moves: METRIC M9 26, MEINY L11 20, MINNY L11 20, ELM G11 19, ME 15N 19
LOME 13G 16 sunshine12
MORE 13G 16 lyndyloo
ME(A)NT 10F 14 worsie
TIMER 11D 14 johnny55
M(A)NLIER 10G 10 lastlea

On 5th draw, ZO G13 43 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: SWOOP 9B 35, MOZOS E10 32, PUZEL K11 32, WOOPS J6 32, ZOOMS E7 32
ZO G13 43 sunshine12
SWOOP 9B 35 lastlea
OOZES C7 25 worsie
OOZE C7 24 AtommotA
MOWS E10 18 johnny55

On 6th draw, LOVEBITE 8G 64 --- LOVEBITE a mark inflicted by a lover [n]
Other moves: VERBILE D8 32, BELIEVE C9 30, BELIVE C9 28, BEVEL C9 26, VERITE D8 26
BELIEVE C9 30 lastlea
VIBE 9A 23 sunshine12
BELIEVE C4 17 AtommotA
RIVET D10 16 johnny55
BEET B7 6 worsie

On 7th draw, JEDIS O4 105 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JOINS O4 102, JONES O4 102, DJINS O4 87, JOINDERS D4 86, JINS O5 75
JOINS O4 102 worsie, sunshine12, lastlea
JONES O4 102 AtommotA
JOINTED M4 17 johnny55

On 8th draw, PROSUMER E5 98 --- PROSUMER a consumer who uses professional standard equipment [n]
PROBERS K5 44 johnny55
PREES J6 27 sunshine12
POURERS J4 25 lastlea
SUPERIOR L3 20 AtommotA

On 9th draw, GRABBED K5 52 --- GRAB to grasp suddenly [v]
Other moves: BRAYS 8A 42, BREYS 8A 42, DYE F13 41, AYE F13 39, DRAYS 8A 39
YARDS 8A 33 sunshine12
GRABBY K4 28 johnny55
BERRY 6B 24 worsie
BRAE F2 16 bonggalita

On 10th draw, SYPHS 8A 51 --- SYPH a venereal disease [n]
Other moves: SHAYS 8A 45, YEAHS 8A 45, HYPES 8A 42, PATHS 8A 42, SPAYS 8A 42
SHAYS 8A 45 sunshine12
HAYS 13B 33 johnny55
HEAPS C9 28 bonggalita
SHARPY 6B 22 lastlea
TASTY B10 16 worsie

On 11th draw, ACT F13 33 --- ACT to do something [v]
Other moves: GARDAI 12C 28, ADO F13 27, AGA F13 27, AGO F13 27, AD F13 26
ACT F13 33 bonggalita
DA F14 14 sunshine12
TODAY B4 13 lastlea
GOADS A4 9 worsie
DOGS A5 6 johnny55

On 12th draw, FOMENT 15A 36 --- FOMENT to promote the development of [v]
Other moves: HORME D8 30, FIGMENT M2 28, FOGIE F2 27, FEME N5 25, FEM L10 24
FOMENT 15A 36 bonggalita
FEME N5 25 lastlea
OF 15N 20 sunshine12
OMEN D12 18 johnny55
FEY B6 17 worsie

On 13th draw, HORNED D8 28 --- HORN to form a horn (a hard, bonelike projection of the head) [v]
Other moves: HORDE D8 27, IDEA 14A 27, ODEA 14A 27, EOAN 14A 23, IDE 14A 23
OD 15N 14 bonggalita
ED 15N 14 sunshine12
DENY B5 10 worsie
DEAF A12 10 johnny55

On 14th draw, OKA 14A 35 --- OKA a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: KA 14B 28, KO 14B 28, OAKEN N5 24, KAGO F2 23, KAGO D2 22
KO 7B 21 sunshine12
KOA D4 20 bonggalita
GOOKS A4 12 worsie
GOAD 13A 12 Lonegan
LOOKS A4 10 johnny55

On 15th draw, AUTO 7B 26 --- AUTO to ride in an automobile [v]
Other moves: WATE N5 21, WITE N5 21, AW 15N 20, AWNY L12 20, WANY L12 20
AW 15N 20 sunshine12
WANY L12 20 johnny55
WAY B6 17 bonggalita, lastlea
WAITS A4 12 worsie
TWINS A4 9 lyndyloo

On 16th draw, TWO 6A 36 --- TWO a number [n]
Other tops: EWT 6A 36, OWT 6A 36
Other moves: WO 6B 35, AW 6A 30, OW 6A 30, AWATO D1 22, AWETO D1 22
TWO 6A 36 sunshine12
AW 6A 30 bonggalita
OW 6A 30 worsie
WOE L4 17 Lonegan
WITHE N11 11 johnny55

On 17th draw, DIQUAT A1 51 --- DIQUAT an herbicide [n]
Other moves: QADI F2 38, QUAI F2 37, DIQUAT M3 34, QADI L2 31, QUAI L2 29
QADI F2 38 sunshine12
QUAI F2 37 bonggalita
QUAIL G4 15 lyndyloo
QUIT A3 14 worsie
QUAG 5H 14 Lonegan

On 18th draw, AX 15N 32 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX 15N 32
Other moves: NIXE N5 29, XENIC M10 28, AXE N6 26, NIX L10 25, ANI B1 24
AX 15N 32 sunshine12
AXE N6 26 bonggalita
IXIA 2A 22 Lonegan
TAXI M8 12 worsie
EX N8 9 lyndyloo

On 19th draw, QUITING 3A 38 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v]
Other moves: QUAINT 3A 30, QUINTA 3A 30, QUAG 3A 28, QUANT 3A 28, QUINA 3A 28
QUAINT 3A 30 lyndyloo, Lonegan, bonggalita
TIG B2 26 sunshine12

On 20th draw, VITA D1 22 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other tops: GALEA 2C 22, VITE D1 22
Other moves: AZOLE 13F 21, AGA 13J 20, AGAVE 2G 20, VINY L12 20, AAL 5A 19
AGAVE 2G 20 bonggalita
VAE J4 15 sunshine12
GATE D1 14 lyndyloo
VITAL M6 10 worsie
GAVE G3 8 Lonegan

On 21th draw, VEALING 1D 33 --- VEAL to kill and prepare a calf for food [v]
Other moves: VAGILE 1D 30, FUG B2 27, VALINE 1D 27, VEGAN 1D 27, VEINAL 1D 27
VALINE 1D 27 bonggalita
FRIEND 6J 20 Lonegan
FELTING M5 13 lyndyloo
DEAF 11K 8 sunshine12
TANG M8 6 worsie

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