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Game of May 31, 2011 at 02:32, 9 players
1. johnny55 -589
2. Faeythe -649
3. krissy -658

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeilnw   H4    28    28   windle
 2. aaeltux   I8    38    66   axle
 3. adeeinw  H11    42   108   dwine
 4. dilorsz   G9    50   158   zo
 5. ?filort  15A    83   241   fluorite
 6. ?aeghqr  11E    52   293   headers
 7. abegiry   6B    78   371   beraying
 8. bcenpsu  12A    33   404   punces
 9. cdeiors   3H    87   491   scodier
10. afostuv   D1    34   525   favours
11. aeeinop   K1    72   597   oedipean
12. adiknoo  14F    40   637   kinda
13. bejnorv   2J    56   693   jeon
14. aemnqtu  15J    58   751   manque
15. aortuvy   2A    40   791   votary
16. aghostt  10E    34   825   tho
17. aeilmst   O8    83   908   metalise
18. aegiort   A1    27   935   avert
19. bggiotu   1F    31   966   bigg

Remaining tiles: otu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4473 Filejohnny55    2 22:30  -589  377     1.6172 lastlea     1 11:20  -750  216 
  2.5577 FileFaeythe     0 14:47  -649  317            Group: novice
  3.2951 Filekrissy      0 24:51  -658  308     1.5577 Faeythe     0 14:47  -649  317 
  4.3549 Filepaulineasb  1 24:40  -675  291     2.5926 pattern     1  9:17  -722  244 
  5.3924 Filelyndyloo    1 17:01  -694  272     3.5405 jonb5       1  1:58  -879   87 
  6.4825 Fileslebbarc    0 14:11  -702  264            Group: not rated
  7.5926 Filepattern     1  9:17  -722  244     1.4473 johnny55    2 22:30  -589  377 
  8.6172 Filelastlea     1 11:20  -750  216     2.2951 krissy      0 24:51  -658  308 
  9.5405 Filejonb5       1  1:58  -879   87     3.3549 paulineasb  1 24:40  -675  291 
                                             4.3924 lyndyloo    1 17:01  -694  272 
                                             5.4825 slebbarc    0 14:11  -702  264 

On 1st draw, WINDLE H4 28 --- WINDLE to wind [v]
Other tops: WAILED H4 28, WAINED H4 28, WANDLE H4 28
Other moves: INDEW H8 26, WAIDE H4 26, WALED H4 26, WANED H4 26, WEALD H4 26
WAILED H4 28 johnny55
WIELD H4 26 lastlea
WINED H8 22 paulineasb
WAND H8 16 lyndyloo
WEIL H5 14 krissy

On 2nd draw, AXLE I8 38 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [n]
Other tops: AXAL I8 38, AXEL I8 38
Other moves: AXE I8 37, AX I8 36, XU I9 34, LUXATE G1 30, EUTAXIA 5C 28
AXLE I8 38 lastlea
LATEX 9E 21 paulineasb
EXALT 9H 20 lyndyloo
TEX 9G 19 johnny55, krissy

On 3rd draw, DWINE H11 42 --- DWINE to pine or waste away [v]
Other moves: AWNED H11 41, WAIDE H11 35, WAINED 12D 35, WANED H11 35, WEANED 12D 35
DAWN 12I 29 lastlea
WINED 12E 23 lyndyloo
WEANED 11E 20 johnny55
WANED 4H 18 paulineasb
WIND 6F 16 krissy

On 4th draw, ZO G9 50 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZORILS 3C 43, DZOS J5 37, DZOS 3H 36, DZO 3H 35, ZOS J6 35
ZIN 6F 32 krissy
LORDS 3E 20 johnny55
DOZES 15E 15 lyndyloo
SOIL 5F 4 paulineasb

On 5th draw, FL(U)ORITE 15A 83 --- FLUORITE a mineral form of calcium fluoride [n]
Other moves: FLORI(S)T 3C 82, FIRLOT(S) 3B 80, TRIFOL(D) 3B 80, FL(A)TIRON 14A 74, INFL(A)TOR 14G 74
FLORI(S)T 3C 32 lastlea
TRODE 11E 24 Faeythe
FLORI(S)T 5D 18 lyndyloo
ZOO G9 16 paulineasb
F(A)N 6F 13 krissy
FL(E)W 4E 9 johnny55

On 6th draw, HEADER(S) 11E 52 --- HEADER a grain harvester [n]
Other moves: QAT G13 45, Q(A)T G13 43, HEGIRA(S) 5E 40, GERAH(S) 3C 36, Q(U)AIGH 5E 36
QAT G13 45 Faeythe, lastlea
QI F14 31 lyndyloo
GRADE(R) 11E 26 slebbarc
QI 13G 21 paulineasb, krissy
Q(U)IRE 13F 14 johnny55

On 7th draw, BERAYING 6B 78 --- BERAY to befoul [v]
Other moves: BINGY 14F 37, YERBA 12A 33, BARYE 12A 31, BINARY 14F 31, YEBO 10D 30
YEAR F10 28 Faeythe, lastlea
WAGER 4H 18 paulineasb
GYRO D12 16 slebbarc
BIG 13G 11 krissy
GRIEF A11 10 johnny55
GREW 4E 8 lyndyloo

On 8th draw, PUNCES 12A 33 --- PUNCE to prod or poke [v]
Other tops: BUNCES 12A 33, BUNCES 3C 33, PUNCES 3C 33
Other moves: BUNCES 14F 30, PUNCES 14F 30, BUNCE 12A 29, BUNCE 14F 29, PUB 14D 29
SCRUB D4 24 Faeythe
SUPERB D2 20 paulineasb
PUBES C3 20 slebbarc
PERNS D4 16 krissy
BEANS E4 14 johnny55
CENSU(S) K6 7 lyndyloo

On 9th draw, SCODIER 3H 87 --- SCODY (New Zealand) unkempt, dirty [adj]
Other moves: DISCOER 3H 84, CROWDIES 4E 78, DISCOER 3F 75, SCODIER 3E 74, IDOCRASE E1 72
SCRIP A8 27 Faeythe
SCRIBED B2 24 slebbarc, lyndyloo
COSIER D1 22 johnny55
CORDS D4 18 paulineasb
CARDS E5 16 krissy

On 10th draw, FAVOURS D1 34 --- FAVOUR to regard with goodwill [v]
Other moves: TUFA 5C 33, FAS I13 32, FAVOUR D1 32, OAFS 4J 31, SAFT 4J 31
FAVOURS D1 34 lyndyloo
STOUP A8 21 Faeythe
VOTES C3 18 johnny55
STAVE C2 16 slebbarc
FIST L2 14 paulineasb
FARS D4 14 krissy

On 11th draw, OEDIPEAN K1 72 --- OEDIPEAN pertaining to a child's sexual feeling to a parent [adj]
Other moves: PIANO 2J 47, PEAN 2J 29, PEON 2J 29, PIAN 2J 29, PION 2J 29
PIANO 2J 47 pattern
PAIN E5 22 krissy
NAIF 1A 21 slebbarc
PAIN L1 18 johnny55
PRONE N2 18 Faeythe
PREEN N2 18 lastlea
PARE N1 12 lyndyloo
PINE L2 12 paulineasb

On 12th draw, KINDA 14F 40 --- KINDA kind of [adv]
Other tops: DRANK N2 40, DRINK N2 40, DROOK N2 40
Other moves: DAK 14D 39, KIDNAP A7 39, NOOK 14C 39, AKIN 14E 38, DUKA 5C 38
KED 2J 37 pattern
DAIKON 1G 36 jonb5
KAIF 1A 33 johnny55
DANK C10 18 lyndyloo
KI F14 16 slebbarc
KID 13G 15 krissy
KIND 13G 15 paulineasb

On 13th draw, JEON 2J 56 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: REJON 1H 39, BRINE L1 37, JOBE 13J 35, BEVOR 1H 33, BEIN L1 31
JOUR B10 27 slebbarc
JEAN 2B 22 johnny55
JOB 13J 21 Faeythe
JOR N1 20 pattern
JOBBER B4 17 paulineasb
JOY F4 13 krissy
BORE 4C 6 lyndyloo

On 14th draw, MANQUE 15J 58 --- MANQUE frustrated in the fulfillment of one's aspirations [adj]
Other moves: EQUANT 15J 50, EQUANT C8 50, QUANT C9 48, QUENA C9 48, QUAT 10B 39
QUATE 2B 32 johnny55
QUANT 2B 32 lyndyloo, slebbarc
MOIT L1 29 pattern
QI G5 22 paulineasb
QAT J13 12 krissy
QAT 7J 12 Faeythe

On 15th draw, VOTARY 2A 40 --- VOTARY a person who is bound by religious vows [n]
Other moves: OVARY 2B 38, FAVOUR 1D 36, FAVOR 1D 33, FORAY 1D 33, FORTY 1D 33
FORAY 1D 33 slebbarc
FORTY 1D 33 johnny55
YES F10 27 krissy, Faeythe, pattern
PARTY 5K 10 paulineasb

On 16th draw, THO 10E 34 --- THO though [conj]
Other moves: AHS 13C 29, OHS 13C 29, SH*T E4 28, HES F10 27, HO 10F 27
THO 10E 34 pattern
OHS 1M 21 Faeythe
HONS C10 14 johnny55
VAST A2 8 lyndyloo
HOST B1 7 krissy

On 17th draw, METALISE O8 83 --- METALISE to treat with metal [v]
Other moves: FEMALS 1D 42, FAMES 1D 39, FEMAL 1D 39, FEALS 1D 31, FEAST 1D 31
FEATS 1D 31 Faeythe
MAIL 1F 25 pattern
NAMES 8K 24 jonb5
MATE E5 22 krissy
MINE C10 12 johnny55
NAME 8K 7 paulineasb

On 18th draw, AVERT A1 27 --- AVERT to turn away [v]
Other tops: OVATE A1 27, OVERT A1 27, RAGTOP A7 27
Other moves: AVER A1 24, GRAIP A8 24, OVER A1 24, GRATE N6 22, RAVE 3B 22
AVERT A1 27 jonb5, paulineasb
OVERT A1 27 johnny55
GIRL 12L 10 slebbarc
GATE 9L 6 krissy

On 19th draw, BIGG 1F 31 --- BIGG a four rowed barley [n]
Other moves: BIOG 13G 29, BIOG 1F 28, BIG 1F 25, BITO 1F 25, BOG 1F 25
BIG 1F 25 pattern
OBIT 1F 23 slebbarc
OBI 1M 18 Faeythe
BOIL 12L 12 johnny55
BOUT B10 12 krissy
POUF A12 9 paulineasb

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