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Game of May 31, 2011 at 04:04, 4 players
1. AtommotA -397
2. jonb5 -448
3. lyndyloo -576

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abfosv   H4    30    30   favose
 2. bimnoop   I7    29    59   pomo
 3. aaelrtt   J5    26    85   tatler
 4. afnosvz   K3    40   125   azons
 5. aaeeosy   L3    47   172   soya
 6. ?eeiknt   M6    70   242   necktie
 7. aefilrx   G9    84   326   flaxier
 8. deiostw  15G    89   415   rowdiest
 9. abeiopu   M1    34   449   oupa
10. cdeginr  14B    37   486   grieced
11. adijmno   1J    66   552   adjoin
12. ademntw  12C    32   584   dewax
13. cehorvy   2F    43   627   chevy
14. eimnruu   1G    29   656   um
15. beeilnr   C5    65   721   linebred
16. abiinot  14J    37   758   obtain
17. egiinqr   B6    64   822   qi
18. ehlnrtu   A7    86   908   luthern

Remaining tiles: eggiru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5504 FileAtommotA    3 19:34  -397  511     1.5504 AtommotA    3 19:34  -397  511 
  2.5419 Filejonb5       2 23:09  -448  460     2.5419 jonb5       2 23:09  -448  460 
  3.3923 Filelyndyloo    1 21:10  -576  332     3.5569 Faeythe     0  0:40  -891   17 
  4.5569 FileFaeythe     0  0:40  -891   17            Group: not rated
                                             1.3923 lyndyloo    1 21:10  -576  332 

On 1st draw, FAVOS(E) H4 30 --- FAVOSE honeycombed [adj]
Other tops: FAVO(R)S H4 30, FAVO(U)S H4 30, FOV(E)AS H4 30
Other moves: FAVO(R) H4 28, FAV(A)S H4 28, FAV(E)S H4 28, FAV(U)S H4 28, FOV(E)A H4 28
FAV(E)S H4 28 jonb5
FOBS H8 18 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, POMO I7 29 --- POMO the postmodern movement [n]
Other tops: POMO G7 29
Other moves: BOP G7 28, MIB G7 28, MOB G7 28, MOP G7 28, P*M G7 28
BOOM 7F 12 lyndyloo
MOBS 8E 8 jonb5

On 3rd draw, TATLER J5 26 --- TATLER a gossip [n]
Other tops: LATTER J5 26
Other moves: FLATTER 4H 20, RATTLE J4 20, LATTE J5 19, TERATA J8 19, FALTER 4H 18
FLATTER 4H 20 jonb5
RATTLE J2 15 AtommotA
ALERT 5H 10 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, AZONS K3 40 --- AZON a radio-controlled aerial bomb [n]
Other moves: AZONS 11E 37, AZON K3 32, SAZ K9 32, AZONS K10 31, SAZ 11J 31
ZOA G3 29 AtommotA
SON 11J 13 lyndyloo

On 5th draw, SOYA L3 47 --- SOYA the soybean [n]
Other moves: AYE L4 43, OYE L4 43, SOYA L1 43, SAY L3 42, SOY L3 42
SOYA L3 47 jonb5
SAY L3 42 AtommotA
AYES 3K 14 lyndyloo

On 6th draw, NE(C)KTIE M6 70 --- NECKTIE a strip of fabric worn around the neck [n]
Other moves: NET(L)IKE M6 65, EIK(S) M1 39, INK(S) M1 39, NEK(S) M1 39, TIK(A) M1 39
K(A) M3 35 AtommotA
TASKE(D) 3J 18 jonb5
(S)TEIN 11J 14 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, FLAXIER G9 84 --- FLAXY flaxen [adj]
Other moves: FAIX L12 54, FALX L12 54, FLAX L12 54, FLEX L12 54, FLIX L12 54
FLEX N11 35 AtommotA
AXE 12K 20 lyndyloo
REX 12L 20 jonb5

On 8th draw, ROWDIEST 15G 89 --- ROWDY disorderly in behavior [adj]
Other tops: WORDIEST 15E 89
Other moves: WIDEST 13I 50, WEIDS 13I 48, WIDES 13I 48, WITES 13I 46, WEIRDOS 15D 45
WORSTED 15E 33 jonb5
ROWS 15G 21 lyndyloo
DIS H11 20 AtommotA

On 9th draw, OUPA M1 34 --- OUPA grandfather (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: APO M2 32, UPO M2 32, PEBA F11 31, PA M3 30, PO M3 30
PA M3 30 AtommotA
APEX 12D 26 jonb5
BOX 12E 12 lyndyloo

On 10th draw, GRIECED 14B 37 --- GRIECED in heraldry, placed upon steps [adj]
Other moves: CEDING 2F 34, CERING 2F 33, CRINGED 14B 33, RECOIN 1J 33, CODE 1L 30
CRINGED 14B 33 AtommotA
CORD 1L 30 lyndyloo
CODE 1L 30 jonb5
ID H12 17 Faeythe

On 11th draw, ADJOIN 1J 66 --- ADJOIN to lie next to [v]
Other moves: JOMO 1L 63, JOIN 1L 57, MOJO 1L 48, DOJO 1L 42, JINX 12D 36
ADJOIN 1J 66 lyndyloo, AtommotA
MOJO 1L 48 jonb5

On 12th draw, DEWAX 12C 32 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: MATWEED 12I 30, WAMED 2F 30, DEAW 2G 29, MAW 2H 29, MEW 2H 29
WANTER C9 26 AtommotA
DEMENT 12J 20 lyndyloo
WANED E11 18 jonb5

On 13th draw, CHEVY 2F 43 --- CHEVY to chase about [v]
Other moves: OCHERY 2E 41, OCHREY 2E 41, CHEVY 12K 40, COVEY 2F 40, HOYA 11D 40
HOVE L12 30 AtommotA
HOE 15A 23 jonb5
CREW E9 18 lyndyloo

On 14th draw, UM 1G 29 --- UM used to indicate hesitation [interj]
Other tops: EM 1G 29, MIEN 15A 29
Other moves: MINDER C9 24, MURDER C9 24, MEIN 14L 22, MIEN 14L 22, MUIR 14L 22
EM 1G 29 AtommotA
MURDER C9 24 jonb5
RUINED C7 9 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, LINEBRED C5 65 --- LINEBRED produced by interbreeding within a particular line of descent [adj]
Other moves: BIEN 15A 29, BENDER C9 24, BINDER C9 24, BIRDER C9 24, BREE 14K 24
BLENDER C8 22 jonb5
BEER 12L 14 lyndyloo

On 16th draw, OBTAIN 14J 37 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v]
Other moves: BITO B6 30, BONA B6 30, BOTA B6 30, BIOTIN D1 26, OBIIT 14K 26
BAN B6 25 jonb5
BIEN 8A 21 AtommotA
BEAT 12L 14 lyndyloo

On 17th draw, QI B6 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 15A 36, QI 6B 31, GIEN 15A 26, QI D4 24, IGNITE L10 23
QI B6 64 AtommotA, jonb5
GREEN 8A 21 lyndyloo

On 18th draw, LUTHERN A7 86 --- LUTHERN a type of window [n]
Other moves: HUNTER A7 36, HURTLE A7 36, LUTHERN O8 33, THETE L11 28, HENT A7 27
HUNTER A7 36 AtommotA
LET 5C 6 jonb5
TRUE 10B 6 lyndyloo

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