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Game of June 1, 2011 at 04:28, 6 players
1. blue.sand -359
2. TwoFold -479
3. icbear56 -567

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadefil   H4    28    28   failed
 2. ?dehlpu   6C    71    99   sulphide
 3. eeginrt   D1    74   173   geniture
 4. aeeirtv   1B    86   259   ergative
 5. eiknprt   8A    33   292   piker
 6. ?emnoux   2I    62   354   exonym
 7. emnottt   1L    31   385   omen
 8. dorsttu   K6    28   413   stroud
 9. aailosz   8K    45   458   rizas
10. aaglntu  J10    23   481   galant
11. aefoswy  15H    39   520   fetwas
12. aehoqsy   9B    35   555   oys
13. abcinow   3M    33   588   cow
14. adejott  I11    41   629   taj
15. abbiort  14B    81   710   rabbito
16. deeinor  15A    40   750   renied
17. eghilnv   O8   107   857   shelving
18. aciooqy  N13    37   894   qi
19. acoouuy  13C    30   924   coo

Remaining tiles: auuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6574 Fileblue.sand   6 14:59  -359  565     1.6574 blue.sand   6 14:59  -359  565 
  2.5989 FileTwoFold     3 17:19  -479  445            Group: novice
  3.4595 Fileicbear56    1 21:34  -567  357     1.5989 TwoFold     3 17:19  -479  445 
  4.3589 Filedenbay      0 23:01  -688  236     2.5518 Bez         1  5:16  -782  142 
  5.5518 FileBez         1  5:16  -782  142            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileVNess       0  2:06  -911   13     1.4595 icbear56    1 21:34  -567  357 
                                             2.3589 denbay      0 23:01  -688  236 
                                             3.  -  VNess       0  2:06  -911   13 

On 1st draw, FAILED H4 28 --- FAIL to be unsuccessful in an attempt [v]
Other tops: AFIELD H3 28
Other moves: FELID H4 26, FIELD H4 26, FILED H4 26, FLIED H4 26, AEFALD H7 24
FAILED H4 28 blue.sand, TwoFold, Bez
FILED H8 22 denbay

On 2nd draw, (S)ULPHIDE 6C 71 --- SULPHIDE a sulfur compound [n]
Other moves: U(N)HELPED 8B 67, U(N)HELPED 8E 65, PLEU(C)HED 8B 64, PLEU(C)HED 8F 64, PLEU(G)HED 8B 64
HEP(S) G3 22 TwoFold
PEH I3 21 blue.sand
FLUED 4H 18 Bez
PLE(A)D 7G 11 denbay

On 3rd draw, GENITURE D1 74 --- GENITURE birth [n]
Other moves: REE(S)TING C3 70, (S)TEERING C6 70, (S)TREIGNE C6 70, GREENLIT E1 68, TEERING G8 66
FREEING 4H 22 Bez, TwoFold
THERE G5 21 blue.sand
DIRT 9H 6 denbay
TEE J5 3 icbear56

On 4th draw, ERGATIVE 1B 86 --- ERGATIVE a certain grammatical inflection [n] --- ERGATIVE denoting a certain grammatical case [adj]
Other moves: EVIRATE C8 80, EVIRATE E8 72, EVIRATE G9 66, EVIRATE I9 66, PERVIATE F6 65
GRIEVE 1D 30 icbear56
GIVER 1D 27 blue.sand
GRAVE 1D 27 Bez
VERGE 1A 27 TwoFold
DRIVE 9H 10 denbay

On 5th draw, PIKER 8A 33 --- PIKER a stingy person [n]
Other tops: KREEP 8A 33
Other moves: KIPE 8A 30, PEKE 8A 30, PERENTIE 8A 30, PERKIN C8 30, PIKE 8A 30
PIKER 8A 33 blue.sand, TwoFold
PREEN 2A 22 icbear56
PINK 3B 20 denbay

On 6th draw, EXON(Y)M 2I 62 --- EXONYM a name for a people used by outsiders and not by the people themselves [n]
Other moves: (E)XEEM 2A 50, EX(E)EM 2A 49, MEN(I)NX 3B 44, UNM(I)X 3C 42, XEN(I)UM 2I 41
ROUX C1 37 blue.sand
OX 2A 36 TwoFold
FOX 4H 13 denbay
DUX 9H 12 icbear56

On 7th draw, OMEN 1L 31 --- OMEN to be an omen (a prophetic sign) of [v]
Other moves: MEET 2B 24, DOMETT I6 22, FOMENT 4H 22, MEN 1M 22, MET 1M 22
OMEN 1L 31 TwoFold
MOT 1M 22 blue.sand
DOME I6 20 icbear56
EMOTE J6 9 denbay

On 8th draw, STROUD K6 28 --- STROUD a coarse woollen blanket [n]
Other moves: ODORS K2 26, ORDOS K2 26, STROUT K6 26, DOS 9B 25, DOST K4 24
STROUD K6 28 blue.sand
ODORS K2 26 icbear56
STOUT K6 19 denbay
TRODS 5J 14 TwoFold

On 9th draw, RIZAS 8K 45 --- RIZA an ornamental plate [n]
Other moves: SAZ F8 44, SAZ 12K 32, ZOA J9 32, AZO J8 31, ZOLS 12H 31
ZONAL 3B 28 blue.sand
ZA 2A 26 TwoFold
SILO F8 18 icbear56
TAILS 7K 6 denbay

On 10th draw, GALANT J10 23 --- GALANT musical style [adj]
Other moves: GALANT L10 22, GALUT J10 22, GAULT J10 22, GAUNT J10 22, NOTAL 9J 22
ANT 9M 20 icbear56
AG 9M 19 TwoFold
GNAT J9 17 blue.sand
SLANG O8 8 denbay

On 11th draw, FETWAS 15H 39 --- FETWA a religious decree of death [n]
Other moves: FAYEST 15E 36, FETWA 15H 36, SAFETY 15F 36, SWEATY 15F 36, WYTES 15H 36
WAFTS 15G 33 icbear56
WAY I11 31 blue.sand
WASTE 15G 24 TwoFold
FAZES M6 19 denbay
PEAS A8 6 VNess

On 12th draw, OYS 9B 35 --- OY a grandchild [n]
Other moves: HALSE 12H 32, HAY I11 31, HEY I11 31, QOPHS F4 31, YAH I11 31
HAY I11 31 blue.sand
NOYES 14J 28 icbear56
HOYS 14L 27 TwoFold
HAZY M6 24 denbay
KA C8 7 VNess

On 13th draw, COW 3M 33 --- COW the female of the bovine animals [n] --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other moves: COB 3M 31, WABAIN 13I 30, CON 3M 27, WAB I11 27, BOW L10 26
BACON 13I 24 blue.sand
BOW 14L 22 TwoFold
CAW N7 8 denbay
AWN N8 8 icbear56

On 14th draw, TAJ I11 41 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: AJEE I12 40, JEE I13 37, JOE I13 37, JADE 14L 35, JATO 14L 33
TAJ I11 41 blue.sand
JOE I13 37 TwoFold
ADO 9M 22 icbear56
JADE 13I 20 denbay

On 15th draw, RABBITO 14B 81 --- RABBITO (Australia) an itinerant seller of rabbits for eating [n]
Other moves: RABBITO G8 69, NABOB 14J 29, JABOT 13I 28, BARBITAL 12C 26, *B* 9M 24
*B* 9M 24 blue.sand
BARB 14L 22 TwoFold
ART 9M 20 icbear56
BRAT N6 12 denbay

On 16th draw, RENIED 15A 40 --- RENY to renounce [v]
Other tops: NEREID 15A 40
Other moves: ZEROED M8 34, REEDEN 2B 33, DEERE 2B 30, INHERED G4 29, REEDE 2B 29
REDE 15A 28 blue.sand
REDO 15A 28 TwoFold
DENI 15A 27 icbear56

On 17th draw, SHELVING O8 107 --- SHELVING material for shelves [n]
Other moves: JAVELIN 13I 34, ZINGEL M8 34, JAVEL 13I 30, GHEE 2A 28, HEEL 2B 28
SHELVING O8 57 blue.sand
HIVE 14L 27 TwoFold
HINGS M11 18 icbear56
SHINGLE O8 13 denbay

On 18th draw, QI N13 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: COO 13C 30, YA N10 28, QI G3 26, QIS M13 24, QI(S) C4 24
QI N13 37 blue.sand, icbear56
QI(S) C4 24 Bez
COOP F3 8 denbay

On 19th draw, COO 13C 30 --- COO to make the sound of a dove [v]
Other moves: UNCOY 3C 28, YA N10 28, YAW K13 24, YOW K13 24, COZY M6 23
COO 13C 30 blue.sand
COZY M6 23 Bez
ZOO M8 13 icbear56
COUP F3 8 denbay

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