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Game sheet of annelhynz (file), Game of June 1, 2011 at 12:55

Word find
Word played
1 AEILRSZ SIZER H5 28 -22 28 4/4 ZAIRES H4 50 50 4/4
2 ADEGIMT             MIGRATED 7E 65 115 4/4
3 ?IINRSU             DISINUR(E) L7 68 183 4/4
4 EEFKLTU             FLUKE 8A 55 238 4/4
5 AAFMNSW FUM C7 15 -33 43 3/4 MANAWAS 5E 48 286 4/4
6 BILOORV             BOILOV(E)R 14F 70 356 4/4
7 EEIORTV             EVERT 15D 39 395 4/4
8 ACLNOST             COLTANS N8 98 493 4/4
9 ?BDEHIT             H(A)BITUDE C3 82 575 4/4
10 ADIQRTX             AXIL B5 58 633 5/5
11 ADEHIRY             HYDRAE B10 55 688 5/6
12 AILOORU             KAROO D8 27 715 6/6
13 EGIINOT             TOING A1 27 742 6/6
14 EGINOPW             GNOW D1 33 775 6/6
15 CEEILNP             EPIC E10 33 808 6/6
16 DEFLNPU             ELF A13 37 845 6/6
17 AEENOQU             ZOEAE 4H 37 882 6/6
18 DEQTUUY             QUEYN 11H 34 916 6/6

Total: 43/916 or -873 for 4.694%
Rank: -

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