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Game sheet of Alain_Paul (file), Game of June 1, 2011 at 15:55

Word find
Word played
1 ABBEERS             BARBES H4 26 26  
2 ?EFHIMQ             F(A)QIR 6D 36 62  
3 ?CHNORT             CH(A)NTOR(S) E4 94 156  
4 AEOPSXZ             EXPATS 8A 48 204  
5 EINRTUV             UNRIVET G9 68 272  
6 EGIORTU TIGER 15G 18 -56 18 5/7 PORTIGUE C8 74 346 7/7
7 AADENOT ATTEND 15E 21 -6 39 4/6 DENTATE 15B 27 373 7/7
8 ADLNRSY RAID 12A 12 -64 51 6/6 LANYARDS 5G 76 449 7/7
9 GINOOST STIR L2 8 -62 59 6/6 ROOSTING L5 70 519 7/7
10 AEEEMTU MEETS N1 14 -40 73 6/6 METE A12 54 573 7/7
11 CDDEILN             DECLINED A2 65 638 7/7
12 AEGLORZ             GROSZE N2 72 710 7/7
13 AEHIIKO             HIKOI O7 41 751 7/7
14 AEEFOPU             FAX B6 36 787 7/7
15 ELMOPUW             POEM O1 45 832 7/7
16 AILOUWY             YEW 14F 35 867 7/7
17 AAELOUV             LAEVO N10 26 893 7/7
18 AEJLUUW             JEU M1 30 923 7/7
19 AAIILUW             ANI 7D 21 944 7/7

Total: 73/944 or -871 for 7.733%
Rank: 3103

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