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Game of June 1, 2011 at 19:39, 9 players
1. scrab21 -368
2. cullej -454
3. woofy1 -470

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beefknn   H8    32    32   nebek
 2. aeellrs  10F    64    96   labelers
 3. adhmtwy  11D    36   132   thawed
 4. ?ottvvy  12A    30   162   vivo
 5. adfmotu   9G    39   201   defat
 6. ?eiiopr   M7    76   277   presidio
 7. eioorsx   K5    56   333   xerotes
 8. acehinz   L1    71   404   zechin
 9. aagmnor   1G    54   458   romanza
10. agrstty   N1    37   495   stagy
11. adlorrt   O5    23   518   ardor
12. eeimnsw   2B    82   600   misween
13. adfginq   1A    55   655   qadi
14. befgiou   3A    40   695   bufo
15. aeegiln   A9    33   728   leaving
16. giloptu  14J    30   758   pigout
17. ciilotu   8A    69   827   coutil
18. einotuy  14A    34   861   ninety

Remaining tiles: ejou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5952 Filescrab21     0 17:18  -368  493     1.6057 woofy1      1 18:47  -470  391 
  2.5399 Filecullej      0 18:22  -454  407     2.6379 Davina      0  1:05  -814   47 
  3.6057 Filewoofy1      1 18:47  -470  391            Group: novice
  4.5987 FileTwoFold     1 13:48  -483  378     1.5952 scrab21     0 17:18  -368  493 
  5.5797 FileSPIDER767   1 11:47  -509  352     2.5399 cullej      0 18:22  -454  407 
  6.5596 FileAtommotA    0  9:11  -694  167     3.5987 TwoFold     1 13:48  -483  378 
  7.6379 FileDavina      0  1:05  -814   47     4.5797 SPIDER767   1 11:47  -509  352 
  8.  -  Filerelto       0  0:37  -831   30     5.5596 AtommotA    0  9:11  -694  167 
  9.  -  Filewordeater   0  0:40  -845   16            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  relto       0  0:37  -831   30 
                                             2.  -  wordeater   0  0:40  -845   16 

On 1st draw, NEBEK H8 32 --- NEBEK a prickly shrub, the Christ's-thorn [n]
Other moves: NEBEK H4 24, KEEF H5 22, KEEF H6 22, KEEF H7 22, KEEF H8 22
BEEF H5 18 Davina, AtommotA, TwoFold, scrab21
KEEN H8 16 wordeater

On 2nd draw, LABELERS 10F 64 --- LABELER one that labels [n]
Other tops: RELABELS 10D 64
Other moves: RELEASE 11E 28, ALLEES 13C 26, LAREES 13C 26, LEARES 13C 26, LEEARS 13C 26
LEASER 13E 20 TwoFold
SLEEK 12D 18 scrab21
SEER 13H 17 cullej
SELLER 9G 8 AtommotA

On 3rd draw, THAWED 11D 36 --- THAW to melt [v]
Other tops: WARMTH L8 36
Other moves: HEW 9G 35, HEY 9G 35, YEH 9G 35, YEW 9G 35, AHEM 9F 34
THAWED 11D 36 TwoFold
WHEATY K8 30 cullej
AHEM I8 28 AtommotA
HEM I9 25 scrab21

On 4th draw, V(I)VO 12A 30 --- VIVO lively [adj]
Other moves: VET 9G 29, YET 9G 29, V(U)TTY D8 28, S(A)VVY M10 26, TO(E)Y 12C 26
YET 9G 29 SPIDER767, TwoFold
VET 9G 29 Davina
(L)OVEY K7 20 AtommotA
VOTED I7 19 cullej, woofy1
STOV(E) M10 14 scrab21

On 5th draw, DEFAT 9G 39 --- DEFAT to remove fat from [v]
Other moves: FEM 9G 37, DEF 9G 33, FETA 9G 32, FORMAT L8 30, FET 9G 29
FEM 9G 37 TwoFold, woofy1, SPIDER767
FORMAT L8 30 relto
FROM L9 18 scrab21
DOAT 9K 14 cullej

On 6th draw, PRESI(D)IO M7 76 --- PRESIDIO a Spanish fort [n]
Other moves: IRIS(C)OPE M7 72, P(R)IORIES M3 72, RIPIE(N)OS M3 72, (L)IRIOPES M3 72, PIRO(G)IES M3 70
VIER A12 21 woofy1
(S)PORE 13H 20 SPIDER767
(S)PIRE 13H 20 cullej
FEDOR(A) I9 16 scrab21
PROVE(S) A9 10 TwoFold
REPOSI(T) M6 10 AtommotA

On 7th draw, XEROTES K5 56 --- XEROTES abnormal dryness of body parts [n]
Other moves: OREXIS 15H 52, OXO N13 40, SEX 15M 40, SIX 15M 40, SOX 15M 40
SIX 15M 40 scrab21
SOX 15M 40 woofy1
XI N14 36 SPIDER767, AtommotA
OXO L12 33 TwoFold
EX L12 29 cullej

On 8th draw, ZECHIN L1 71 --- ZECHIN an former Italian gold coin [n]
Other moves: AVIZE A11 51, CANEH J2 46, AZINE L3 44, AZINE J1 43, ZINE J2 42
ZINE L4 42 scrab21
HAZE 6H 36 AtommotA
REZ 8M 36 TwoFold
NAH J4 36 woofy1
ZA N6 35 cullej

On 9th draw, ROMANZA 1G 54 --- ROMANZA a short instrumental piece of songlike character [n]
Other moves: ORGANZA 1G 51, ZONA 1L 39, MANOAO 14J 28, MAROON 14J 28, MONAL J6 28
AM M1 19 TwoFold, woofy1, cullej
COMA 3L 16 scrab21
ROAMING 13I 11 AtommotA

On 10th draw, STAGY N1 37 --- STAGY having a theatrical quality [adj]
Other tops: TASTY 15K 37
Other moves: SAGY N1 35, SATYR N1 35, STRAY N1 35, RAY 2H 33, SAY 2H 33
RAY 2H 33 TwoFold, scrab21
SAY 15M 28 cullej, woofy1

On 11th draw, ARDOR O5 23 --- ARDOR intensity of emotion [n]
Other moves: DATAL J6 22, DOTAL J6 22, RAD 2H 21, ROD 2H 21, VOAR A12 21
RAD 2H 21 scrab21
LOAD O3 17 woofy1
DA J6 17 TwoFold
TOLD 13D 10 cullej

On 12th draw, MISWEEN 2B 82 --- MISWEEN to judge wrongly [v]
Other moves: ENMEWS 15H 55, NEWSIE 15J 49, NEWIES 15H 40, ENSEW 15K 37, MEW 2H 37
MEW 2H 37 TwoFold
WEM 2H 33 scrab21
VIEW A12 30 cullej
SEW 15M 28 SPIDER767
SIM 15M 25 woofy1

On 13th draw, QADI 1A 55 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QADI 3A 40, WAQF E2 38, FANAL J6 34, QA(I)D B10 33, GADI 1A 31
FAG 1A 28 woofy1
QI 1C 26 scrab21, TwoFold
WING E2 16 cullej

On 14th draw, BUFO 3A 40 --- BUFO a black tincture [n]
Other moves: FUGAL J6 36, BEFOG 14J 34, FIGO 3A 34, FOE 3C 34, UFO 3B 34
FIB 3A 33 scrab21
VIBE A12 27 TwoFold, SPIDER767
FEG 3G 26 woofy1
GIBE 13D 12 cullej

On 15th draw, LEAVING A9 33 --- LEAVING a leftover [n]
Other moves: BALING A3 30, BANGLE A3 30, BEAGLE A3 30, BEIGEL A3 30, BEIGNE A3 30
LEAVING A9 33 woofy1
VANG A12 24 cullej
GENAL J6 22 scrab21

On 16th draw, PIGOUT 14J 30 --- PIGOUT an instance of eating to excess [n]
Other moves: PILOT 14J 26, GLOOP 14J 24, PO J6 23, PUGIL B6 22, PUTLOG 14I 22
PILOT 14J 26 scrab21
GULP 13D 14 cullej
EGO 10A 8 woofy1

On 17th draw, COUTIL 8A 69 --- COUTIL a type of cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: CLOUT 8A 66, CULTI 8A 66, CITO 8A 63, CLOT 8A 63, CLOU 8A 63
COLT 8A 63 cullej
CULT 8A 63 scrab21
COTT O12 27 woofy1

On 18th draw, NINETY 14A 34 --- NINETY a number [n]
Other moves: YETI O12 33, YETT O12 33, YITE O12 33, YE J6 29, YO J6 29
YE J6 29 scrab21
NUTTY O11 27 cullej
UNITY O11 27 woofy1

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