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Game of June 1, 2011 at 22:02, 11 players
1. beckysharp -431
2. worsie -442
3. Dbuggle -507

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abcdry   H3    34    34   cybrid
 2. ilmnors   5E    98   132   nombrils
 3. adimruy   4A    35   167   myriad
 4. cenostu   8A    86   253   contused
 5. aeeghil   6F    36   289   hire
 6. aeeoosx   7G    43   332   six
 7. aeiirtu   A1    24   356   uremia
 8. aefiklp   4J    34   390   kaif
 9. gnoorsw   3K    35   425   gnows
10. ?aallrt   O2    74   499   astrally
11. egijnoz   B8    36   535   oozing
12. eeflrtt   N9    78   613   fettler
13. deeiouv  15J    42   655   devore
14. aginnqw   E7    28   683   quina
15. aabenpv   7B    27   710   be
16. agioptu   2A    30   740   ragtop
17. adhoptu   1D    37   777   adopt
18. aeijnuv   N6    52   829   ja
19. eeiouvw  13I    32   861   weevil
20. eehnouu   N1    22   883   hew

Remaining tiles: einouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.  -  Filebeckysharp  0 23:25  -431  452     1.7883 buzzboy     4  8:04  -620  263 
  2.4829 Fileworsie      1 21:29  -442  441            Group: intermediate
  3.4173 FileDbuggle     1 16:51  -507  376     1.6094 SuperH      2 14:29  -515  368 
  4.6094 FileSuperH      2 14:29  -515  368     2.6049 dannyboy    0  6:09  -731  152 
  5.4500 Filejohnny55    0 16:50  -597  286     3.6044 sunshine12  0  7:19  -766  117 
  6.7883 Filebuzzboy     4  8:04  -620  263     4.6264 Louis1      0  3:59  -825   58 
  7.4382 FileAndy1990    0 13:14  -711  172            Group: not rated
  8.6049 Filedannyboy    0  6:09  -731  152     1.  -  beckysharp  0 23:25  -431  452 
  9.6044 Filesunshine12  0  7:19  -766  117     2.4829 worsie      1 21:29  -442  441 
 10.6264 FileLouis1      0  3:59  -825   58     3.4173 Dbuggle     1 16:51  -507  376 
 11.4400 Filecindyjo     0  2:49  -840   43     4.4500 johnny55    0 16:50  -597  286 
                                             5.4382 Andy1990    0 13:14  -711  172 
                                             6.4400 cindyjo     0  2:49  -840   43 

On 1st draw, CYBR(I)D H3 34 --- CYBRID a type of cell [n]
Other moves: CARBY H8 32, CARB(O)Y H7 32, CRAB(B)Y H7 32, CRA(B)BY H7 32, CYBR(I)D H4 32
CRAB(B)Y H7 32 worsie
CARBY H8 32 dannyboy
YARD(S) H4 24 Dbuggle
BRAY(S) H4 24 beckysharp
BAC(K) H6 14 johnny55

On 2nd draw, NOMBRILS 5E 98 --- NOMBRIL a point on a heraldic shield [n]
Other moves: MISBORN 5E 44, NOMBRIL 5E 44, MILORS 9C 26, MINORS 9C 26, CLONISM 3H 24
CRIMSON 3H 24 Dbuggle
RIMS 9E 23 worsie
ROMS 9E 23 beckysharp
LIONS 9D 20 dannyboy
SNOB 5E 12 johnny55

On 3rd draw, MYRIAD 4A 35 --- MYRIAD a very large number [n]
Other moves: MYRIAD 6A 33, DAIRY 6J 32, DISMAY L3 32, DRAY 6C 31, MAY 6D 31
MAY 6D 31 dannyboy
ARMY 4L 30 worsie
MAIDS L1 22 johnny55
DIARY G7 19 beckysharp
DAISY L2 18 Dbuggle

On 4th draw, CONTUSED 8A 86 --- CONTUSE to bruise [v]
Other moves: CONTUSE 9C 78, ECONUTS 9B 77, UNCOEST 9C 76, CORNUTES C2 74, TROUNCES C3 74
SCUM A1 24 beckysharp
MOUNTS A4 24 johnny55
MOUSE A4 21 worsie
CENTS L1 20 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, HIRE 6F 36 --- HIRE to engage the services of for payment [v]
Other tops: HARE 6F 36, HERE 6F 36
Other moves: HER 6F 33, HIEMAL A1 33, LAH 6D 32, AH 6E 31, EH 6E 31
HELM A1 27 johnny55, dannyboy, beckysharp
GLAM A1 21 worsie
LEASH L2 16 Dbuggle

On 6th draw, S(I)X 7G 43 --- SIX a number [n]
Other moves: EXAMS A1 42, EXAM A1 39, MIXES G5 39, SOX 9E 39, AXE 3C 36
EXAMS A1 42 dannyboy, worsie
SOX 9E 39 beckysharp
SEXES L1 26 Dbuggle
SOX 9H 25 johnny55

On 7th draw, UREMIA A1 24 --- UREMIA an abnormal condition of the blood [n]
Other moves: TREMA A1 21, TURME A1 21, TUYER B2 20, EAU 3A 19, ARUM A1 18
REAM A1 18 johnny55
TRIM A1 18 Dbuggle
TERM A1 18 worsie
RITES L1 12 beckysharp

On 8th draw, KAIF 4J 34 --- KAIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: KAIFS L1 34, KIEFS L1 34
Other moves: FAIKS L1 32, FAKES L1 32, FIKES L1 32, FLAKS L1 32, KELPS L1 32
KELPS L1 32 worsie
FIKES L1 32 johnny55
FAKES L1 32 beckysharp, cindyjo
KEPIS L1 32 SuperH
RIFLE 2A 16 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, GNOWS 3K 35 --- GNOW West Australian aboriginal name for Mallee fowl [n]
Other tops: SWOON 3K 35, SWORN 3K 35, WRONGS B6 35
Other moves: WRONG B6 34, GNOW 3K 33, W*GS 3L 32, YOW B4 32, WOONS B6 31
WRONGS B6 35 Dbuggle
W*GS 3L 32 SuperH
SWOON 9H 26 johnny55
GROWN B6 22 worsie
YON B4 14 beckysharp
CROWN A8 11 cindyjo

On 10th draw, ASTRALL(Y) O2 74 --- ASTRALLY in a stellar manner [adv]
Other moves: A(W)A 2L 23, HIRER(S) 6F 23, LAW(S) N1 23, RAW(S) N1 23, TAW(S) N1 23
LASTL(Y) O1 18 Dbuggle
STAL(E)R O3 18 worsie, johnny55
(S)TALL 9H 18 SuperH
TALL(E)R D8 10 beckysharp
TAS(K) O1 9 Andy1990

On 11th draw, OOZING B8 36 --- OOZE to flow or leak out slowly [v]
Other moves: GONZO B7 35, SOZINE F8 35, SOZIN F8 34, AZON 6A 33, OOZE B8 33
OOZING B8 36 worsie
ZA 6N 31 SuperH
JA 6N 25 beckysharp
JO(Y) 9M 17 Dbuggle
ZOO B7 12 Andy1990
JOG B7 11 johnny55

On 12th draw, FETTLER N9 78 --- FETTLER a railway maintenance worker [n]
Other moves: FEE N6 31, EF N5 28, FE N6 28, FELTER N9 26, FETTER N9 26
FEE N6 31 SuperH, buzzboy, beckysharp
FILER 11A 16 johnny55
FEER C1 14 Andy1990
GREET 13B 12 Dbuggle

On 13th draw, DEVORE 15J 42 --- DEVORE (of velvet or satin), having a design etched with acid [adj] --- DEVORE something etched with devore [n]
Other moves: VERD 15L 36, VIRE 15L 33, EIDE O12 32, DERV 15L 30, OEUVRE 15J 30
DEVORE 15J 42 SuperH
VIRE 15L 33 buzzboy
ENVIED 12A 22 worsie
DERO 15L 21 Andy1990
ODE C10 20 beckysharp
VOTE 12L 16 Dbuggle
DEVOUR 15I 11 johnny55

On 14th draw, QUINA E7 28 --- QUINA tree bark [n]
Other tops: RAWING 2A 28
Other moves: GNAWING 13B 26, QI A11 26, QAT 12L 24, WINNA C6 24, WINNA 14F 23
QUINA E7 28 buzzboy
GNAWING 13B 26 Andy1990
QAT 12L 24 SuperH
GNAW 14H 20 beckysharp
WAIT 11K 14 Dbuggle
WANT 12K 14 johnny55
ZING 10B 14 worsie

On 15th draw, BE 7B 27 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other tops: BA 7B 27
Other moves: PAVAN D11 26, PAVEN D11 26, ABA N5 25, APE N5 25, APNEA C6 25
BA 7B 27 buzzboy
PA N6 22 SuperH
APE A13 18 beckysharp
ANE C10 18 sunshine12
GAVE 13B 16 Andy1990, johnny55
VENT 11K 14 Dbuggle
PAVED J11 13 worsie

On 16th draw, RAGTOP 2A 30 --- RAGTOP a convertible automobile [n]
Other moves: OUPA A12 27, OP N5 22, PA N6 22, UP N5 22, UTOPIA D10 22
PA N6 22 SuperH
APT A13 18 sunshine12
PIGOUT 12I 18 worsie, buzzboy
POUT 11K 12 Dbuggle
PUT 12L 10 Andy1990
NAP 12B 10 beckysharp

On 17th draw, ADOPT 1D 37 --- ADOPT to take into one's family by legal means [v]
Other moves: OUPH A12 36, PUHA 1E 35, OUPH 1E 33, TOPH 1E 33, DOTH 1E 31
PUHA 1E 35 buzzboy
HA N6 28 SuperH
OATH 1F 25 beckysharp
KID J4 25 sunshine12
PHAT 11K 18 worsie
HUP 1E 17 Andy1990
ADOPT 11J 16 Dbuggle

On 18th draw, JA N6 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JIVE D11 37, JUVE D11 37, JUVENAL 13H 36, JEU 2J 35, JANE D11 31
JA N6 52 SuperH
JIVE D11 37 buzzboy, sunshine12, beckysharp
JAW N1 30 Dbuggle
JAIL 13K 22 Louis1
JIVED J11 18 worsie
JANE 10K 11 Andy1990

On 19th draw, WEEVIL 13I 32 --- WEEVIL a small beetle [n]
Other moves: VIEWED J10 23, VIEW 14H 22, VOWEL 13J 22, EUOI A12 21, VOW 14I 21
WEEVIL 13I 32 buzzboy
VIEWED J10 23 worsie
VOWEL 13J 22 beckysharp
WOVE 14G 17 Andy1990
GIVE 13B 16 Dbuggle, SuperH
VOTE 12L 16 Louis1
ZO 10B 11 sunshine12

On 20th draw, HEW N1 22 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other moves: EH I2 20, HONE 12H 20, HONE 14F 20, OH I2 20, UH I2 20
HEW N1 22 buzzboy
HONE 12H 20 Louis1, beckysharp
HONE 14F 20 worsie
HEN 14H 19 Andy1990
ONE C10 18 SuperH
HUNT 11K 14 Dbuggle
UH A13 8 sunshine12

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