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Game of June 2, 2011 at 00:24, 4 players
1. sunshine12 -463
2. FourShores -506
3. Lucylulu -630

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efortuw   H3    32    32   twofer
 2. dfgilno   5E   102   134   flooding
 3. aaehilt   K4    72   206   anthelia
 4. ?eeinor   L1    80   286   eringoes
 5. abelnpt  11G    62   348   pantable
 6. aaeisvz   O6    67   415   avizes
 7. ?acdeuu   3A    76   491   aqueduct
 8. adehios   N1    49   540   eadish
 9. aemoprw   1G    39   579   wampee
10. emorsxy   2D    62   641   yex
11. eorstuy  N10    47   688   yester
12. abinrtv   A1    42   730   bravi
13. dginoor   E5    76   806   fordoing
14. aagmoru   O1    32   838   maa
15. iinoqrs   M8    32   870   sirloin
16. cklnotu   1A    32   902   buck
17. ejlnoot   8A    42   944   joled
18. gnoqttu  10B    36   980   quoin

Remaining tiles: gtt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6057 Filesunshine12  2 18:52  -463  517     1.6057 sunshine12  2 18:52  -463  517 
  2.5835 FileFourShores  1 19:24  -506  474            Group: novice
  3.3936 FileLucylulu    0 23:19  -630  350     1.5835 FourShores  1 19:24  -506  474 
  4.2938 Filecennet77    0 13:35  -856  124            Group: not rated
                                             1.3936 Lucylulu    0 23:19  -630  350 
                                             2.2938 cennet77    0 13:35  -856  124 

On 1st draw, TWOFER H3 32 --- TWOFER something that is sold at the rate of two for the price of one [n]
Other moves: FOUTER H4 26, FOUTRE H4 26, TWOFER H4 26, TWOFER H7 26, TWOFER H8 26
FORTE H4 24 sunshine12
WROTE H4 24 FourShores
TOWER H4 18 Lucylulu
WROTE H7 16 cennet77

On 2nd draw, FLOODING 5E 102 --- FLOOD to inundate [v] --- FLOODING the act of flooding [n]
Other moves: FOLDING G7 80, FLOODING 5F 76, DIF G5 28, DOF G5 28, FOWLING 4F 28
WOLFING 4H 28 sunshine12
FOG G7 24 FourShores
FLOWING 4E 14 Lucylulu
FED 7G 13 cennet77

On 3rd draw, ANTHELIA K4 72 --- ANTHELIA halolike areas seen in the sky opposite the sun [n] --- ANTHELION a halolike area seen in the sky opposite the sun [n]
Other moves: HIATAL 4J 33, ATHLETA 3G 30, ALTHEA 4A 27, HEAL 4J 27, HEAT 4J 27
HEAL 4J 27 sunshine12
HALT G7 23 FourShores
LIGHT L3 18 Lucylulu
HILL F2 15 cennet77

On 4th draw, ERINGOE(S) L1 80 --- ERINGO a medicinal herb [n]
Other moves: ORIEN(T)ER 8A 74, ORNE(R)IER 8A 74, O(R)NERIER 8A 74, ONE(R)IER L9 70, ER(I)ONITE 3B 68
RO(S)E 9F 17 FourShores
RINE(S) 9D 17 sunshine12
TONER 6K 10 Lucylulu
HORN 7K 8 cennet77

On 5th draw, PANTABLE 11G 62 --- PANTABLE a slipper [n]
Other moves: BELEAPT 1I 33, BEPAT J8 33, PLEBEAN 1H 33, PEBA J8 32, BAP J8 29
PLEBE 1H 27 sunshine12
TABLE 4A 21 FourShores
PLANET 3C 18 Lucylulu
PITA 10J 12 cennet77

On 6th draw, AVIZES O6 67 --- AVIZE to advise [v]
Other moves: AVIZE H11 63, AVIZES 1H 54, ZEAS O8 52, AVIZE 1H 51, ZILAS M9 48
SEIZE 1H 42 sunshine12
SIZE N8 33 Lucylulu
ZEES N10 33 FourShores
ZA H10 11 cennet77

On 7th draw, A(Q)UEDUCT 3A 76 --- AQUEDUCT a pipe or channel for conveying water [n]
Other moves: CADEAU H10 33, (F)ACADE H10 33, CAU(M)ED N1 31, CAU(S)ED N1 31, DECA(D)E N10 31
AC(R)ED H11 30 sunshine12
ACU(T)E H11 27 FourShores
PACED G11 13 cennet77, Lucylulu

On 8th draw, EADISH N1 49 --- EADISH pasturage [n]
Other moves: DEASH N2 47, DOSEH N2 47, HEADS N10 47, HEEDS N10 47, HEIDS N10 47
HEADS A1 33 FourShores
ASHED H11 30 sunshine12
SHADE 1H 27 Lucylulu
THIS J11 9 cennet77

On 9th draw, WAMPEE 1G 39 --- WAMPEE edible Asiatic fruit [n]
Other moves: AWARE H11 36, MEARE N10 36, PEARE N10 36, PEREA N10 36, WRAP A1 36
WRAP A1 36 Lucylulu
WEAR A1 24 FourShores
EWER 1L 21 sunshine12

On 10th draw, YEX 2D 62 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: SOREX 12D 61, YEXES N10 59, REX 2D 56, EX 2E 53, OX 2E 53
YEX 2D 62 FourShores
SEXY 12F 48 sunshine12
OXES 7F 20 Lucylulu

On 11th draw, YESTER N10 47 --- YESTER pertaining to yesterday [adj]
Other moves: EYOT O1 41, RYES O1 41, RYOT O1 41, TYES O1 41, STAYER A1 39
STAYER A1 39 sunshine12
STAY A1 33 Lucylulu
YEARS A1 27 FourShores
TOYS J11 9 cennet77

On 12th draw, BRAVI A1 42 --- BRAVI to shout" well done" to a number of persons [interj] --- BRAVO a hired killer [n]
Other tops: BRAVA A1 42
Other moves: BINT 4A 40, AVANTI A3 39, INVAR 1A 38, ATABRIN A1 36, AVANT H11 36
BRAVA A1 42 sunshine12
BARN 15L 27 FourShores
BRAVE 7D 14 Lucylulu
BIT 13L 10 cennet77

On 13th draw, FORDOING E5 76 --- FORDO to destroy [v]
Other moves: AGOOD H11 27, DARING H10 27, DROOG 12D 27, GANOID H10 27, ADORN H11 24
DARING H10 27 sunshine12
INDOOR 12C 23 FourShores
BOOR 1A 14 Lucylulu

On 14th draw, MAA O1 32 --- MAA to bleat like a goat [v]
Other moves: AGAMA H11 30, AMOUR H11 30, MARG 15L 30, MUGGAR 12C 29, AMA O1 28
GOURD 8A 24 FourShores
AM D8 13 sunshine12
MAT 13L 10 Lucylulu
MOR 15L 8 cennet77

On 15th draw, SIRLOIN M8 32 --- SIRLOIN a cut of beef [n]
Other moves: VINS 4A 29, QI D10 24, SIGNOR 12C 23, SOD I3 22, RAISIN H10 21
QI D10 24 sunshine12, FourShores
RYES D1 16 Lucylulu

On 16th draw, BUCK 1A 32 --- BUCK to leap forward and upward suddenly [v]
Other tops: BOCK 1A 32
Other moves: BOK L11 31, ACTON H11 30, BONK 1A 30, BOUK 1A 30, BULK 1A 30
CLUNG 12A 22 FourShores
TOCK J11 20 sunshine12
CLONK 9C 19 Lucylulu

On 17th draw, JOLED 8A 42 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: JETTON J8 31, JENNET 14J 29, JEON D6 29, BOTEL L11 28, JOE D6 26
JOE D6 26 FourShores
JOG 12C 22 sunshine12, Lucylulu

On 18th draw, QUOIN 10B 36 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other tops: QUOIT 10B 36
Other moves: TAUTOG H10 24, BOG L11 22, GLUTTON C7 22, GOUT D10 21, QUINO 10C 20
QUOIT 10B 36 sunshine12
QUIT 10C 15 Lucylulu
QUIT 13K 13 FourShores

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