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Game of June 2, 2011 at 01:08, 4 players
1. johnny55 -469
2. Lucylulu -550
3. monthree -616

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahilnos   H4    26    26   halons
 2. ?denoow   I7    80   106   woodhen
 3. eijlosu   5G    80   186   jalousie
 4. aeirrtx   6N    50   236   xi
 5. agmmoru   8H    45   281   nomogram
 6. adeglrt   4K    32   313   geld
 7. aceistu   L8    74   387   gauciest
 8. ?cnrrty  H12    40   427   yirr
 9. aefknpr  14B    48   475   franker
10. beeoqrs  15A    31   506   beer
11. aafhist   O1    41   547   fahs
12. aenoptw   N2    43   590   podex
13. aceiotv  14J    38   628   vesica
14. aenortw   6J    34   662   wet
15. adiltuy   O8    45   707   multiday
16. egiiopt  G11    25   732   topee
17. adginno   6B    24   756   digonal
18. ainrtvz   B1    38   794   vizard
19. aeiintu   1B    33   827   vauntie

Remaining tiles: beinqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4497 Filejohnny55    0 15:30  -469  358     1.6463 monthree    0  9:42  -616  211 
  2.3952 FileLucylulu    0 24:11  -550  277            Group: not rated
  3.6463 Filemonthree    0  9:42  -616  211     1.4497 johnny55    0 15:30  -469  358 
  4.2924 Filecennet77    0  6:31  -738   89     2.3952 Lucylulu    0 24:11  -550  277 
                                             3.2924 cennet77    0  6:31  -738   89 

On 1st draw, HALONS H4 26 --- HALON a chemical used in fire extinguishers [n]
Other moves: HAILS H4 24, HAINS H4 24, HALON H4 24, HALOS H4 24, SOLAH H8 24
HAILS H7 16 cennet77
SLOAN H5 10 Lucylulu

On 2nd draw, WOOD(H)EN I7 80 --- WOODHEN a flightless bird [n]
Other tops: WOOD(H)EN G7 80, WOOD(M)EN G7 80, WOOD(M)EN I7 80
Other moves: WOODEN(S) G7 79, WOODEN(S) I7 79, DOWNHO(L)E 4D 78, HOEDOWN(S) 4H 78, WOODHEN(S) 4D 78
SWOONED 9H 16 Lucylulu
WOODENS 9B 13 cennet77

On 3rd draw, JALOUSIE 5G 80 --- JALOUSIE a type of window [n]
Other moves: JO G7 41, JEELS 12H 40, JOES 14F 38, JOLS 14F 38, SJOE 14I 38
JOULES 14D 26 johnny55
JAILS 5G 24 cennet77
JOWLS 7G 23 Lucylulu

On 4th draw, XI 6N 50 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: TAXI H12 41, OXER J5 36, AXE 4L 35, AXE H13 32, AX 4L 31
TAXI H12 41 johnny55
EXIT 12I 22 cennet77
TAXER 12F 20 Lucylulu

On 5th draw, NOMOGRAM 8H 45 --- NOMOGRAM a type of graph [n]
Other moves: MARM H12 42, AMOUR H11 40, MARG H12 39, MORA H12 36, MURA H12 36
GRAMS L1 20 Lucylulu
GAMMER 12E 14 johnny55
GAME 12F 10 cennet77

On 6th draw, GELD 4K 32 --- GELD to castrate [v]
Other moves: DARG H12 31, EARD 4L 30, GEAL 4K 29, GEAR 4K 29, GEAT 4K 29
TARE H12 20 johnny55
DRAGNET 13E 10 Lucylulu
GUT K4 4 cennet77

On 7th draw, GAUCIEST L8 74 --- GAUCY gaucie [adj]
Other moves: AITC(H)ES 11E 32, CAUDEX N1 32, CAUSE H11 32, SAICE H11 30, SAUCE H11 30
ACES 14F 19 johnny55
CRUST M7 11 Lucylulu

On 8th draw, Y(I)RR H12 40 --- YIRR to snarl [v]
Other tops: Y(A)RN H12 40, Y(A)RR H12 40, Y(O)NT H12 40, Y(U)RT H12 40
Other moves: CR(O)NY H11 37, Y(E)T 6J 32, R(A)CY H12 31, R(I)CY H12 31, CYST(S) 14J 30
CROW 7F 10 Lucylulu
N(U)TTY 15J 7 johnny55

On 9th draw, FRANKER 14B 48 --- FRANKER one that franks [n]
Other moves: KESAR 14J 38, JAK G5 36, FAKE G11 35, FANK G10 33, NERKA G10 33
TAKE 15L 24 johnny55
TANK 15L 24 Lucylulu

On 10th draw, BEER 15A 31 --- BEER an alcoholic beverage [n]
Other tops: BEES 15A 31
Other moves: BEES O1 29, BORS O1 29, BROS O1 29, OBES O1 29, ORBS O1 29
WOOD(H)ENS I7 26 johnny55
BEER C11 12 Lucylulu

On 11th draw, FAHS O1 41 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other moves: F(I)NITES 13G 35, AAHS O1 32, AHIS O1 32, FAAS O1 32, FAH M12 32
THAT 15L 21 johnny55, Lucylulu

On 12th draw, PODEX N2 43 --- PODEX the rump [n]
Other moves: WET 6J 34, JAW G5 32, J*W G5 32, WASTE 14J 32, WE 6J 30
TOWN 15L 21 johnny55, Lucylulu
OPAL 6E 21 monthree

On 13th draw, VESICA 14J 38 --- VESICA a bladder [n]
Other moves: ACTIVE 15J 33, OCTAVE 15J 33, ROTATIVE 15H 33, VESTA 14J 32, VISTA 14J 32
VOCAL 6D 25 monthree
VEST 14J 15 johnny55
COVES L1 13 Lucylulu

On 14th draw, WET 6J 34 --- WET covered or saturated with a liquid [adj] --- WET to impregnate with liquid [v]
Other moves: WEAN O12 33, WEAR O12 33, JAW G5 32, J*W G5 32, WE 6J 30
WEAN O12 33 johnny55
JAW G5 32 monthree
RAW O13 18 Lucylulu

On 15th draw, MULTIDAY O8 45 --- MULTIDAY lasting or usable for many days [adj]
Other moves: JAY G5 32, LITANY E10 28, AUDIAL O10 27, DYE G12 27, AYU 13C 26
JAY G5 32 monthree
DYE G12 27 Lucylulu
DIAL O12 21 johnny55

On 16th draw, TOPEE G11 25 --- TOPEE a sun-helmet [n]
Other tops: POI 13C 25
Other moves: OPE 13C 23, PEG 13K 22, TOPE G11 22, OPE G12 21, PE 13C 21
EGO 13C 20 monthree
POW 7G 11 Lucylulu
GEAR D12 10 johnny55

On 17th draw, DIGONAL 6B 24 --- DIGONAL having half-turn symmetry [adj]
Other moves: ANNOYED 12D 22, AGO 13C 20, DEG 13K 19, INDOL 6D 19, NIDAL 6D 19
AGO 13C 20 monthree
DIRE C12 10 johnny55
GORE C12 10 Lucylulu

On 18th draw, VIZARD B1 38 --- VIZARD a mask [n] --- VIZARD to mask or disguise [v]
Other moves: VIZIR C3 36, NAZI F8 35, RIZA F8 35, RAZING D1 34, TRIAZIN C1 34
ZA F10 33 monthree
ZIG D4 26 johnny55

On 19th draw, VAUNTIE 1B 33 --- VAUNTIE boastful [adj]
Other moves: NAE C2 32, NAT C2 32, TAE C2 32, TAI C2 32, TAN C2 32
AZINE 3A 28 monthree
ZIT 3B 24 johnny55

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