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Game of June 2, 2011 at 04:10, 3 players
1. kellybelly -395
2. slebbarc -682
3. hulusian -985

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??eforr   H8    74    74   rotifer
 2. aersstt  15H   101   175   staters
 3. adeiilv  10D    71   246   dilative
 4. celnosw   E5    36   282   conseil
 5. ehimrru   K4   102   384   rheumier
 6. bdeioop   8A    36   420   boeps
 7. abeenty   8K    39   459   maybe
 8. aaeiott  14H    20   479   ratite
 9. aclmort   J2    38   517   cloam
10. eglnopy   O1   104   621   polygene
11. aeghiuw   L1    34   655   whae
12. innortu  13C    22   677   nointer
13. afiioux   F6    52   729   xu
14. afggstu   N4    35   764   auf
15. adgiovz   9G    47   811   zoo
16. adegsvw  B10    42   853   vegas
17. dgiikno  D12    28   881   dook
18. adeinqu   C3    32   913   equine
19. addijtw   D1    49   962   wadi
20. dgiijnt   1D    30   992   witing

Remaining tiles: dj

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7030 Filekellybelly  3 18:12  -395  597     1.7030 kellybelly  3 18:12  -395  597 
  2.4900 Fileslebbarc    1 10:13  -682  310            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filehulusian    0  1:58  -985    7     1.4900 slebbarc    1 10:13  -682  310 
                                             2.  -  hulusian    0  1:58  -985    7 

On 1st draw, RO(T)(I)FER H8 74 --- ROTIFER a microscopic aquatic organism [n]
Other tops: FERRO(U)(S) H4 74, FERR(U)(G)O H4 74, FER(V)OR(S) H4 74, FER(V)O(U)R H4 74, FORER(A)(N) H4 74, FORER(U)(N) H4 74, FORE(A)R(M) H4 74, FORE(C)(A)R H4 74, FORE(V)(E)R H4 74, FOR(A)(G)ER H4 74, FOR(A)(Y)ER H4 74, FOR(B)E(A)R H4 74, FOR(B)(A)RE H4 74, FOR(B)(O)RE H4 74, FOR(C)ER(S) H4 74, FOR(E)(V)ER H4 74, FOR(G)ER(S) H4 74, FOR(G)ER(Y) H4 74, FOR(G)(O)ER H4 74, FOR(K)ER(S) H4 74, FOR(K)(I)ER H4 74, FOR(L)(O)RE H4 74, FOR(M)ER(S) H4 74, FRO(N)(T)ER H4 74, FRO(T)(H)ER H4 74, FRO(W)(I)ER H4 74, FRO(W)(N)ER H4 74, F(A)(V)ORER H4 74, F(L)OR(I)ER H4 74, F(L)O(O)RER H4 74, F(L)(O)ORER H4 74, F(O)R(B)ORE H4 74, F(O)R(G)OER H4 74, F(O)R(L)ORE H4 74, F(U)RORE(S) H4 74, OF(F)ER(E)R H3 74, OF(F)ER(O)R H3 74, OF(F)(E)RER H3 74, O(F)FER(E)R H2 74, O(F)FER(O)R H2 74, O(F)F(E)RER H2 74, O(V)ERF(A)R H8 74, REFOR(G)(E) H2 74, REFOR(M)(S) H2 74, REFRO(N)(T) H2 74, REFRO(Z)(E) H2 74, REO(F)F(E)R H8 74, RERO(O)F(S) H7 74, RER(O)OF(S) H7 74, RE(P)RO(O)F H6 74, RE(P)R(O)OF H6 74, R(E)FOR(G)E H2 74, R(E)FRO(Z)E H2 74, R(E)O(F)FER H8 74, (O)F(F)EROR H3 74, (O)(F)FEROR H2 74, (P)OR(I)FER H8 74, (P)RO(F)FER H8 74, (P)RO(O)FER H8 74, (P)R(O)OFER H8 74, (T)ORREF(Y) H7 74, (T)RO(F)FER H8 74
Other moves: FERRO(U)(S) H2 68, FERRO(U)(S) H3 68, FERRO(U)(S) H8 68, FERR(U)(G)O H2 68, FERR(U)(G)O H3 68
FRO(N)(T)ER H4 24 kellybelly

On 2nd draw, STATERS 15H 101 --- STATER one that states [n]
Other tops: ASTERTS 15B 101, ASTERTS 15G 101, STARETS 15B 101, STARETS 15H 101, STATERS 15B 101, TASTERS 15B 101, TASTERS 15F 101
Other moves: ARTS(I)EST 11D 78, ART(I)STES 11E 78, STR(I)ATES 11E 78, RESTARTS 8H 77, RESTARTS 14H 70
STATERS 15H 51 kellybelly

On 3rd draw, DILA(T)IVE 10D 71 --- DILATIVE tending to dilate [adj]
Other moves: LIVIDER 14B 30, VALIDER 14B 30, VALIDER M9 30, VIRED 14F 30, VIRID 14F 30
VALIDER M9 30 kellybelly

On 4th draw, CONSEIL E5 36 --- CONSEIL advice [n]
Other moves: CLOWNS N10 34, WINES I9 31, ALOWE G10 29, COWAL G7 29, CLONES N10 28
CLOWNED D4 28 kellybelly

On 5th draw, RHEUMIER K4 102 --- RHEUMY marked by rheum [adj]
Other moves: RHEUMIER 13F 86, RHEUMIER 13B 80, HERMS 8A 39, HIEMS 8A 39, HEM 14J 35
HEM 14J 35 kellybelly

On 6th draw, BOEPS 8A 36 --- BOEP a big belly (South African) [n]
Other moves: BIPEDS N10 34, BIPODS N10 34, PREBID 14G 34, DIEBS 8A 33, DOOBS 8A 33
DOOBS 8A 33 kellybelly

On 7th draw, MAYBE 8K 39 --- MAYBE an uncertainty [n]
Other tops: ABYE J5 39, BERAY 14F 39, EYNE J5 39
Other moves: BETRAY 14E 36, ABY J5 34, BAYE 14J 34, YATE 14J 34, YENTAS N10 34
MEANY 8K 33 kellybelly

On 8th draw, RATITE 14H 20 --- RATITE a flightless bird [n]
Other tops: ATTONE 7A 20
Other moves: TATIE G9 19, TEAT L3 19, TERATA 14F 18, EAT L4 17, RATIO 14H 17
TOTE L1 14 kellybelly
DATE D10 12 slebbarc

On 9th draw, CLOAM J2 38 --- CLOAM earthenware [n]
Other moves: CAROMEL 13C 34, CAROMEL C3 30, LOAM J3 29, ROAM J3 29, ACTORLY M2 26
MAR 7M 24 kellybelly
PODAL D8 20 slebbarc

On 10th draw, POLYGENE O1 104 --- POLYGENE a type of gene [n]
Other moves: POLYGENE 13C 91, POLYGENY M1 86, POLYGENE 13A 80, POLYGENE C1 80, PENOLOGY B3 74
POORLY 4H 28 kellybelly
ORGY 4J 16 slebbarc

On 11th draw, WHAE L1 34 --- WHAE (Scots) who [pron]
Other tops: WHAE 9B 34, WHEE 9B 34
Other moves: HABU N6 32, HUB N6 31, WAB N6 31, WEB N6 31, HAW 13M 30
WEB N6 31 kellybelly
WHORE 4H 30 slebbarc

On 12th draw, NOINTER 13C 22 --- NOINTER (Australian slang) a rascal [n]
Other tops: INTONER 13C 22, NOUNIER 13C 22
Other moves: INTONER C3 18, NOINTER C3 18, NOUNIER C3 18, NUN N4 17, NUR N4 17
ON M2 13 kellybelly

On 13th draw, XU F6 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: FOX 9G 51, AX M2 41, OX M2 41, FAUX 14A 39, FAX 13M 38
XU F6 52 kellybelly
FOX 9G 51 slebbarc

On 14th draw, AUF N4 35 --- AUF an elf's child [n]
Other moves: TUFAS 13K 34, AUFS 13K 32, FABS N6 32, FUBS N6 32, SAFT 13K 32
FOG 9G 27 slebbarc
SAFT 14B 23 kellybelly

On 15th draw, ZOO 9G 47 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other tops: ZOA 9G 47
Other moves: ZAG G9 46, ZA G9 42, ZO 9G 42, ZOOID B6 39, DIAZO B11 38
ZOO 9G 47 slebbarc
BIZ N8 34 kellybelly

On 16th draw, VEGAS B10 42 --- VEGA a low fertile plain [n]
Other moves: IDEAS 9K 35, DEVAS B10 34, DEAW 12A 32, DEGAS B10 30, VAW 12B 30
VAWS 14B 29 kellybelly
WAS 13K 27 slebbarc

On 17th draw, DOOK D12 28 --- DOOK to bathe [v]
Other tops: GONK D12 28, GOOK D12 28
Other moves: KIDGIE C3 26, NOOK D12 26, DINKIE C3 24, KINDIE C3 24, BIKING N8 23
KINDER M10 22 kellybelly, slebbarc

On 18th draw, EQUINE C3 32 --- EQUINE a horse [n]
Other moves: QUEER M11 28, EQUAL 3F 25, DAE I4 20, EAN M1 20, IDEA 9K 19
EQUINE C3 32 kellybelly
QUEER M11 28 slebbarc

On 19th draw, WADI D1 49 --- WADI the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other moves: JAI D2 44, WAI D2 36, DI D3 31, JAW B1 31, TAI D2 30
JAW B1 31 kellybelly
WAITER M10 18 slebbarc

On 20th draw, WITING 1D 30 --- WIT to know [v] --- WITE to blame [v]
Other moves: JIG B1 27, JIN B1 24, DIGOXIN 6B 20, JO 2N 18, GIO B6 17
WITING 1D 30 kellybelly
JEDI 3B 12 slebbarc
WIG 1D 7 hulusian

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