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Game of June 2, 2011 at 04:58, 6 players
1. Bez -494
2. slebbarc -501
3. Faeythe -708

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeirrx   H3    92    92   expirer
 2. aeilnor   5H    64   156   pelorian
 3. ?aacdot   8A    83   239   autocade
 4. abdeesu   O4    33   272   unbased
 5. inrstuz   C8    50   322   tzuris
 6. cegoruv  12A    30   352   voicer
 7. adeghjv  11E    42   394   hadj
 8. adefmst  H11    45   439   james
 9. eilnory  I10    40   479   oily
10. aeeiptv   L3    78   557   perviate
11. ainostw   J8    45   602   nows
12. hilnopt   A3    64   666   oliphant
13. eiklnoq   B2    34   700   koine
14. aeflmuy   C1    40   740   lyme
15. aefntuw  10E    37   777   twa
16. adefggu   N9    38   815   fagged
17. eiinoqt   M2    30   845   qi
18. ginortu  15A    83   928   outgrins

Remaining tiles: befntu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5400 FileBez         2 20:39  -494  434     1.5400 Bez         2 20:39  -494  434 
  2.4940 Fileslebbarc    0 19:09  -501  427     2.5596 Faeythe     0 11:07  -708  220 
  3.5596 FileFaeythe     0 11:07  -708  220     3.5938 rn.roselle  1  3:51  -819  109 
  4.5938 Filern.roselle  1  3:51  -819  109            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filehulusian    0  2:35  -876   52     1.4940 slebbarc    0 19:09  -501  427 
  6.  -  Filesidhu       0  4:08  -908   20     2.  -  hulusian    0  2:35  -876   52 
                                             3.  -  sidhu       0  4:08  -908   20 

On 1st draw, EX(P)IRER H3 92 --- EXPIRER one that expires [n]
Other moves: EX(P)IRER H4 78, EX(P)IRER H6 78, EX(P)IRER H7 78, EX(P)IRER H8 78, EX(P)IRER H2 76
EX(P)IRER H3 42 slebbarc
EX(P)IRER H7 28 hulusian
REX H8 20 Bez

On 2nd draw, (P)ELORIAN 5H 64 --- PELORIA abnormal regularity of a flower form [adj] --- PELORIAN pertaining to a peloria [adj]
Other moves: AILERON G9 62, ALERION G9 62, ALIENOR G9 62, RELAXIN 4D 28, XENIAL 4H 26
RELAX 4D 24 hulusian
AXLE 4G 11 slebbarc
REX 4F 10 Bez
ROAR 9H 5 sidhu

On 3rd draw, A(U)TOCADE 8A 83 --- AUTOCADE a procession of automobiles [n]
Other tops: AD(V)OCATE 8A 83, AN(E)CDOTA O4 83
Other moves: CA(R)TROAD L1 80, A(N)ECDOTA 3F 76, A(U)TOCADE 3A 74, AD(V)OCATE 3A 72, CART(L)OAD L3 72
CO(S)TA 10F 27 slebbarc
COX 4F 12 Bez
COO(L) K4 5 sidhu

On 4th draw, UNBASED O4 33 --- BASE to found [adj] --- UNBASED not based [adj]
Other tops: ABUSED 10E 33
Other moves: BASED 10F 32, BUSED 10F 32, SUNBED O3 30, UNBEDS O4 30, DAUBES 10C 29
DAUBES 10C 29 slebbarc
AB N5 10 sidhu

On 5th draw, TZURIS C8 50 --- TZURIS a series of misfortunes [n]
Other moves: ZINCS E5 32, TZURIS 10C 31, ROZITS D7 30, TZURIS L2 30, TZURIS M1 30
SIZER 3E 25 Bez

On 6th draw, VOICER 12A 30 --- VOICER one that voices [n]
Other moves: VOICE 12A 28, COVER L1 26, CORVEE 3C 24, CRUIVE M2 24, VOGUIER M1 24
CURVE L3 20 Bez
GIVER 12B 18 slebbarc

On 7th draw, HADJ 11E 42 --- HADJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other tops: JAGER L1 42
Other moves: JEHAD N7 39, HAJ 11E 38, JAG 4K 38, HADJEE 3C 36, JADE N7 33
HADJ F7 31 Faeythe
JAR L3 20 slebbarc
HEAVED 3D 19 Bez

On 8th draw, JAMES H11 45 --- JAMES a short crowbar [n]
Other moves: JADES H11 42, JEATS H11 39, DEFAMES 3G 38, MAFTED N9 37, FAVEST A10 36
JAMES H11 45 Bez
JADES H11 42 Faeythe, slebbarc

On 9th draw, OILY I10 40 --- OILY covered or soaked with oil [adj]
Other tops: LINY I10 40
Other moves: LIVERY A10 36, LIVYER A10 36, IVORY A11 33, LINER I10 31, OILER I10 31
VERY A12 30 slebbarc
RYE I12 25 Faeythe
RELIE I1 18 Bez

On 10th draw, PERVIATE L3 78 --- PERVIATE to make a way through [v]
Other moves: PERVIATE 7F 77, PRIEVE L4 30, VITEX 4D 30, VIVA A12 30, VIVE A12 30
VIVA A12 30 Faeythe
VIVE A12 30 slebbarc

On 11th draw, NOWS J8 45 --- NOW the present time [n]
Other tops: TAWS J8 45, TOWS J8 45
Other moves: TWA 10E 37, TWO 10E 37, WAIST J8 34, AVOWS A11 33, WIST J9 33
AVOWS A11 33 Bez
TWO G2 28 slebbarc
WONTS M8 19 Faeythe

On 12th draw, OLIPHANT A3 64 --- OLIPHANT an ancient ivory hunting horn [n]
Other moves: PHLOX 4D 34, PHO G2 30, PONTIL N9 29, HIE I3 28, MYTHOI 13H 28
THO G2 28 slebbarc
HINT M10 19 Bez
CHIP D12 19 Faeythe

On 13th draw, KOINE B2 34 --- KOINE a type of dialect [n]
Other moves: VOLK A12 33, QI M2 30, EIKON N10 27, ENOKI N10 27, INKLE N10 27
VIOL A12 21 slebbarc
LINK M10 18 Bez
QI 6G 11 Faeythe

On 14th draw, LYME C1 40 --- LYME a leash [n]
Other moves: FAME C1 37, FLAMY M7 36, LYM C1 35, FLAME M7 33, FLAM M7 32
FLAMY M10 31 Bez
VALE A12 21 slebbarc
FAY N9 21 Faeythe

On 15th draw, TWA 10E 37 --- TWA two [n]
Other moves: FAW D4 32, FEW D4 32, FA 10F 30, FE 10F 30, WE 10F 30
FA 10F 30 rn.roselle
FA G3 27 Bez
WEFT N9 22 Faeythe
VANE A12 21 slebbarc

On 16th draw, FAGGED N9 38 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other moves: LAGGED 1C 30, LUGGED 1C 30, DEFI M2 29, FAGGED M10 29, FUGGED M10 29
FAGGED M10 29 Bez
FE G3 27 rn.roselle
FEUD M10 21 slebbarc

On 17th draw, QI M2 30 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ONIE O12 24, LINTIE 1C 21, LIONET 1C 21, VEIN A12 21, VENT A12 21
QI M2 30 Bez, rn.roselle
TINE 13K 8 slebbarc

On 18th draw, OUTGRINS 15A 83 --- OUTGRIN to surpass in grinning [v]
Other moves: OUTRINGS 15A 80, ROUTINGS 15A 80, TOURINGS 15A 80, ROUSTING 15E 61, RIG N1 36
TOURINGS 15A 30 Bez, slebbarc
QI 2M 22 rn.roselle

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